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Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Report For the …

mine action programmes continue to make progress in addressing risks associated with explosive ordnance, crises and conflicts increase the risk to individuals and communities and lead to higher civilians' casualty rates due to new contamination, destruction of infrastructure and population

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Guide for the establishment of a mine action programme

Mine action programmes may be UN-led mine action programmes established in the context of humanitarian emergencies or peace keeping operations, …

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30 years of impact: an evaluation of the Mine Action …

Funding for the mine action sector in Afghanistan has been decreasing steadily since 2011, dropping from $113 million to $32 million by 2020. The emergence of new threats, such as improvised ...

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Climate Change and Extreme Weather: How Can Mine Action Programs …

Using existing data on climate change–related hazards and their relationship with mine action programs is an important tool to raise awareness across affected communities and the mine action sector. An example of a simple measure is given in Figure 3, where open-source satellite data and detected surface water following the …

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CISR: HMA and CWD Projects

I had [the] opportunity to interact with experience[d] mine action individuals from around the world to learn more about different contexts, how programs are run, what challenges are faced and how they overcome these challenges …" – 2016 SMC Global participant. Learn more about training programs

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Setting the standard for safe, effective and efficient mine action. Welcome to the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) website, supporting mine action professionals and organizations worldwide. The purpose of IMAS is to promote and advance the safe and effective clearance of landmines and other explosive ordnance. They provide ...

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Victim assistance in mine action

Victim assistance in mine action Director United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) 1 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 USA E-mail: mineaction@un Telephone: +1 (212) 963 0691 Website: . IMAS 13.10 First edition Amendment 1, 17 January 2023 ii

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Humanitarian Mine Action

Plain Writing Program Partner with State Leadership. The Secretary of State Deputy Secretary of State ... Humanitarian Mine Action. 30 items. DipNote 'Putin will not outlast the coalition of countries committed to Ukraine's success' Antony J. Blinken September 12, 2024. Fact Sheet.

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The United Nations Mine Action Strategy 2019-2023

The United Nations System in Mine Action The United Nations Mine Action Strategy 2019-2023 constitutes an accountability framework for the UN system and participating UN entities. The Strategy reflects the collective engagement by the members of the United Nations Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action (IACG-MA). 1 Individual UN

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U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Program

Share. The U.S. Government humanitarian mine action program assists selected countries in relieving human suffering and in developing an indigenous mine …

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A Guide to Mine Action

A Guide to Mine Action, Fifth Edition, GICHD, Geneva, March 2014 ISBN 978-294 The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) is an international expert organisation based in Switzerland that works to eliminate mines, explosive remnants of war and other explosive hazards. Byundertaking research, developing

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Mine Action Program Manager Zimbabwe

Program/Project Management Consultancy in Zimbabwe about Mine Action, requiring 5-9 years of experience, from APOPO; closing on 6 Nov 2022

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Building Partnerships Through Capabilities

The Humanitarian Mine Action program serves to address the humanitarian needs of nations impacted by Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO) by executing "train-the-trainer" programs of instruction designed to build organic capabilities in conducting a wide range of HMA activities within …

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The United Nations Mine Action Strategy 2021 Progress …

47% of UN mine action programmes provided technical support to national authorities/ partners with reporting for relevant treaties on mine action (i.e., APMBC, CCW, CCM and CRPD). Cross-Cutting Strategic Outcome 1: Momentum …

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U.S. Humanitarian Mine Action Program

The U.S. Government humanitarian mine action program assists selected countries in relieving human suffering and in developing an indigenous mine action capability while promoting U.S. interests. The program provides increased humanitarian mine action assistance to countries suffering from the presence of persistent …

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Gender and Disability Equality in Mine Action Program …

Mine Action Program Management Women and persons with disabilities endure multiple challenges in mine action work. Thongvone Sosamphan and Mikael Bold provide insight into how such issues have been addressed in the pro-fessional sphere, what legislation frames them and how the mine action community can further re -

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Quality management in mine action

Mine action operators are encouraged to consider the adoption of formally certified systems such as ISO 9001 as part of their own management systems. Mine action programmes and authorities do not have to adopt ISO 9001, or other recognised QM models, in order to comply with this standard, but there are a number of advantages in …

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Libya should establish an interministerial national mine action authority and adopt a national mine action strategy. Libya should facilitate the granting of visas to international clearance operators. Download the full 2023 report for Libya Click here to ...

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E-MINE is the singular source of information related to the United Nations system engagement on mine action issues. Managed by UNMAS, this site collates mine action related information with the aim to raise public awareness of the impact mines, explosive remnants of war, and improvised explosive devices have on individuals and …

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5 Pillars of Mine Action

five_pillars.jpg Clearance Mine clearance is one of the five core components of mine action. In its broad sense, it includes surveys, mapping and minefield marking, as well as the actual clearance of …

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UN Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action …

Twelve United Nations Departments and Offices of the Secretariat, specialized agencies, funds and programmes play a role in mine action programs in 30 countries and three territories. A policy developed jointly by these institutions (Mine Action and Effective Coordination: the United Nations Inter-Agency Policy) guides the division of labor within …

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Chapter 12 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency

Humanitarian Mine Action Program. The DoD HMA Program provides assistance to PN civilian populations plagued by landmines, explosive remnants of war (ERW), and the hazardous effects of UXO by developing indigenous PN capacity for humanitarian demining, land-based and underwater explosive ordnance disposal, and physical security and …

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Information management for mine action

The minimum data requirements define the minimum data necessary for mine action programs to collect in order to fulfil its obligations resulting from relevant standards and conventions. 1 Scope. This standard establishes general principles and guidelines that when followed ensure quality management of information in mine action programmes. …

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Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) Program | Defense …

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THE UNITED NATIONS IN MINE ACTION The United Nations Mine Action Strategy 2019-2023 is an accountability framework for the UN system. The Strategy reflects the collective engagement of the United Nations Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action (IACG-MA). Members contribute to the objectives of the

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Humanitarian Demining Training Center

Courses. Humanitarian Mine Action Basic Courses: The courses intend to train U.S. military forces and U.S. government stakeholders in the preparation and delivery of instruction in landmine and battle area clearance (LMC/BAC) tasks, explosive ordnance disposal levels 1-3, physical security and stockpile conventional munitions assistance, …

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Mine Action Program Manager

Does leading a mine action program clearing densely laid minefields in a wildlife conservation area on the Zimbabwe/Mozambique border sound like an interesting challenge? Context. APOPO is an international mine action NGO with over 20 years of experience in humanitarian Mine Action. While best known for its mine detection rats …

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United Nations Mine Action Policies and Guidelines | UNMAS

UNMAS assists in the development of policy, guidelines and standards relating to mine action within the broader United Nations system. The latest policy documents and …

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Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Estimates

Humanitarian Mine Action Program $22,446 $15,000 $7,500 50.00% $22,500 $22,500 $15,000 Total $1,948,690 $110,051 $6,250,000 5,679.19% $6,360,051 $6,360,051 $112,800 *FY 2021 includes Division C, Title IX and Division J, Title IV of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260). *FY 2021 actuals include funds provided per …

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A Guide to Mine Action

A Guide to Mine Action, Fifth Edition, GICHD, Geneva, March 2014 ISBN 978-294 The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) is an …

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