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produced or processed gypsum in the United States at 118 mines and plants in 17 States. Approximately 90% of domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 27 million tons, was accounted for by manufacturers of wallboard and plaster products. Approximately 1.6 million tons of gypsum used in cement production and agricultural

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Gypsum Powder Production Line Engineering …

After being heated and calcined with certain temperature, natural di-hydrate gypsum is dehydrated and decompounded, to get the product whose major component is semi-hydrated gypsum (CaSO 4 • 1 / 2 H 2 …

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2017 Minerals Yearbook

calcined gypsum products, the following percentages were based on reported calcined-gypsum board products. Type X ... Uncalcined gypsum consumption in the United States increased by 9% to 24.8 Mt in 2017 from 22.8 Mt in 2016. ... gypsum, a 6% decrease from that of 2016, and $30 per ton for calcined gypsum, unchanged from …

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Mineral Commodity Summaries 2022

Prepared by Robert D. Crangle, Jr. [(703) 648–6410, [email protected]] GYPSUM (Data in thousand metric tons unless otherwise noted) Domestic Production and Use: In 2021, …

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USGS Publications Warehouse

In 2018, the average U.S. unit values (free on board, mine or plant) were estimated to be $8.25 per metric ton for crude gypsum, a 10% increase from that in 2017, and $32 per metric ton for calcined gypsum, a 7% increase from that in 2017 (table 1).

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2014 Minerals Yearbook

for less than 1% of consumption. In 2014, 99% of calcined gypsum was used in the production of prefabricated products, most of which consisted of wallboard (tables 3, 4). Type X gypsum board, so named because of extra fire retardation qualities, consumed 41%, by weight, of calcined gypsum. Half-inch wallboard accounted for 37% of total

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2015 Minerals Yearbook

Calcined gypsum was produced domestically from mined crude and synthetic gypsum to manufacture wallboard and plaster products. uncalcined gypsum was used to produce portland cement and in agriculture. Miscellaneous uses, such as athletic field markings, accounted for less than 1% of consumption. In 2015, more than 99% of calcined …

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Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 11.16 …

The first six digits of the Source Classification Codes (SCC) identifying pollution sources in gypsum processing are 305015. 2.1 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INDUSTRY1 Between 1983 and 1989, sales of gypsum products increased between 5 and 10 percent annually. The total value of gypsum products sold in the United States during 1988 was $2.1 billion.

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Natural Gypsum Plaster of Paris/Stucco Calcining …

Home Manufacturing & Processing Machinery Building Material Making Machinery Gypsum Powder Machine Natural Gypsum Plaster of Paris/Stucco Calcining Plant US$300,000.00-1,000,000.00 / Set

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The country imported 23Mm 2 during the year, 20.9Mm 2 (91%) of it from Mexico and 1.84Mm 2 (8%) from Canada. Total calcined gypsum consumption was 4.66Mt in the US in the first quarter of 2023, up by 9.9% year-on-year from 4.24Mt in the first quarter of 2022.

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Gypsum Plaster Powder Manufacturing Plant 100 Thousand …

4. Quality Standard: Gypsum Powder Quality Standard: GB/T 9776-2008 Gypsum Powder: 80-200mesh Composition: Content of β-CaSO4·1/2H2O (mass fraction) in calcined gypsum should be not less than 75%.

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Hydration mechanism of limestone calcined clay cement …

The accumulation of coal gangue poses significant environmental challenges due to its massive volume and low reactivity. This study investigates the influence of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) and gypsum on the mechanical properties, hydration, and pore structure of low-carbon cementitious materials incorporating high volumes of …

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2013 Minerals Yearbook

Corp. with 6 mines, American Gypsum with 3 mines, and pABCO Gypsum with 1 mine. In 2013, these six companies produced 49% of u.s. crude gypsum. In 2013, domestic output of calcined gypsum increased by 14% to 14.6 mt valued at $402 million (table 1); 12.6 mt of calcined gypsum was used in the production of plasters and

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US Geological Survey reports declines in US gypsum …

US: Data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shows that national natural gypsum production was 20.5Mt in the US in 2020, down by 5% year-on-year from 21.5Mt in 2019. Synthetic gypsum production remained constant at 14.4Mt and calcined gypsum production fell by 2% to 17.2Mt from 17.5Mt. Crude gypsum exports …

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Improvement of strength and microstructure of low-carbon …

The accumulation of coal gangue poses significant environmental challenges due to its massive volume and low reactivity. This study investigates the influence of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) and gypsum on the mechanical properties, hydration, and pore structure of low-carbon cementitious materials incorporating high volumes of calcined …

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domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 22 million tons, was accounted for by manufacturers of wallboard ... Mexico, 31%; Spain, 8%; and other, 1%. Tariff: Item Number Normal Trade Relations 12–31–12. Gypsum; anhydrite 2520.10.0000 Free. Depletion Allowance: 14% (Domestic and foreign). ... coupled with new gypsum product plants ...

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Carbon footprint analysis of calcined gypsum production …

The functional unit for carbon footprint evaluation was 1 ton of calcined gypsum. Download: Download high-res image (118KB) Download: Download full-size image; Fig. 3. Calcined gypsum production scheme for natural gypsum as raw material. Download: Download high-res image (116KB) Download: Download full-size image; Fig. 4.

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Overall, 46 companies produced gypsum in the United States at 51 mines in 29 States, and 9 companies calcined gypsum at 52 plants in 28 States. Approximately 85% of domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 23.8 million tons, was accounted for by manufacturers of wallboard and plaster products. Approximately 3 million tons for

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Detailed project report on calcined gypsum for plaster

CALCINED GYPSUM FOR PLASTER IN CONSTRUCTION SECTOR [CODE NO.3109] Gypsum (CaSO4. 2H2O) is available naturally and as a by-product from chemical and fertilizer industries. Its main uses, in the dihydrate form are in the cement industry and as soil conditioner. On heating, gyp

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companies calcined gypsum at 58 plants in 29 States. Almost 91% of domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 41.6 million tons, was accounted for by manufacturers of wallboard and plaster products. Approximately 3.0 million tons for cement production, 1.1 million tons for agricultural applications, and small amounts

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Mineral Commodity Summaries 2024

  • USGS Publications Warehousehttps://pubs.usgs.gov › periodicals[PDF]

    Gypsum Data Sheet

    WEBOverall, 47 companies produced or processed gypsum in the United States at 52 mines in 16 States. The majority of domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 42 …

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  • Background Report, AP-42, Vol. I, SECTION 11.16 …

    TABLE 2-3. GYPSUM PRODUCTS (MADE FROM DOMESTIC, IMPORTED, AND BYPRODUCT GYPSUM) SOLD OR USED IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1988a Use Quantity, Mg (tons) Value, $1,000 Uncalcined: Portland cement Agriculture and miscellaneous 3,625 1,262 (3,987) (1,388) 47,622 27,851 Total 4,886 (5,375) 75,473 …

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    Industrial Process Profiles for Environmental Use: Chapter 17

    Between 1 and 1.03 metric tons are required per metric ton of gypsum present in the wallboard product. Approximately 1 to 2 kg CaCl2 per metric ton of gypsum present in wallboard product is added to the charge. This is probably added as a 35% solution.

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    Life cycle assessment of limestone calcined clay concrete: …

    Pozzolanic and hydraulic co-products from coal, steel or silicon alloy industries (fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, ... The GWP differences between the scenarios in Table 4 are represented on the Fig. 10 for the supply of 1 ton of CC. This figure highlights the significant impact of CC sourcing as a decrease of 42 % in ClCh …

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    2011 Minerals Yearbook

    For 2011, gypsum-derived products, including agricultural products, cement, plasters, and wallboard totaled 11.4 Mt with a ... in coal consumption, and with it, a decrease in the production of synthetic gypsum. Shale gas production in 2010 (the most recent ... gypsum and $28.66 per ton for calcined gypsum (table 1).

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    calcined gypsum at 66 plants in 28 States. Almost 87% of domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 42.4 million tons, was accounted for by manufacturers of wallboard and plaster products. Approximately 3.5 million tons for cement production, 1.8 million tons for agricultural applications, and small amounts of high-purity gypsum for a wide

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    Calcined gypsum consumption rises in first half of 2018

    Production rose by 3.05% to 8.44Mt from 8.19Mt. However, consumption of all gypsum fell by 1.47% to 20.1Mt from 20.1Mt with a decrease in mined gypsum and an increase in imported gypsum. Calcined gypsum used for board products rose by 2.94% to 10.5Mt and the total supply of board products rose by 3.11% to 1.17Bnm 2.

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    calcined gypsum at 66 plants in 28 States. Almost 87% of domestic consumption, which totaled approximately 42.4 million tons, was accounted for by manufacturers of …

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    Average calcined, f.o.b. plant, dollars per metric ton 38.30 42.60 35.00 29.70 30.00 Employment, mine and calcining plant, number e 6,000 5,400 4,500 4,500 4,500 Net import reliance 5 as a percentage

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    Carbon footprint analysis of calcined gypsum production in …

    Table 5 shows the cumulative carbon footprint of calcined gypsum production from natural gypsum and FGD gypsum. Apparently, while the total …

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