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Petrographic Studies of a Part of East Coast Bauxite …

The East coast bauxite deposits of Odisha are well known in the mineral map of India. Some such deposits exposed at Nunapaimali, Sasubohumali and Baphlimali overlying khondalite of the Precambrian Eastern Ghats belt have been studied in respect of petrology, mineralogy and microstructure with a view to find out their genetic evolution. …

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Provenance and ore-forming process of Permian lithium-rich …

Mineral genesis and ore-forming process. Three stages of bauxite formation are recognized based on the mineralogy of studied samples: (1) weathering of regional …

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Genesis of the Danping bauxite deposit in northern …

In this contribution, we build on an existing study, and present new LA–ICP–MS data of elemental and sulfur isotopic compositions in pyrite from the Danping bauxite deposit to determine the ore-forming processes and constrain the ore genesis mechanisms, which will help in understanding other Permian bauxite deposit in the …

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Provenance and Tectonic Evolution of Bauxite …

A comprehensive understanding of the genesis and characteristics of bauxite deposits is hence essential. In this study, Machine learning methods (Random Forest and Logistic Regression) …

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Petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the Balaya bauxite

The Balaya bauxite plateau is located in the Kindia bauxite province; where the bauxite ores are found above Ordovician and Silurian formations in the southern part of the Guinean Paleozoic Bove Basin, West African Craton.In this study, petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical investigations were carried out on the different type of …

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Provenance and ore-forming process of Permian lithium-rich bauxite …

Mineral genesis and ore-forming process. Three stages of bauxite formation are recognized based on the mineralogy of studied samples: (1) weathering of regional sedimentary strata; (2) bauxite deposition; (3) second exposure of previously deposited bauxite caused by paleo-uplift.

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Bauxite: Geology, Mineralogy, Resources, Reserves and …

The boundary is determined by the cut off given for the bauxite ore. It also may occur that that the bauxite ore forms lenses: for example, in Kolhapur district (West Coast, India) there are lenses of sub grade laterite of 1–2 km long 300–400 m wide and 2–3 m thick. This type of bauxite ore is quasi floating inside the laterite capping.

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Review on research of bauxite geology and genesis in China

The preliminary conclusions are that: (1) The bauxite ore contains abundant anatase, which positively correlates with the whole-rock concentrations of TiO2 and Nb, indicating that the Nb is hosted ...

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Genesis of the Permian karstic Pingguo bauxite deposit

More than 0.5 billion tons of late Permian bauxite overlies the karstic topography of the Maokou Formation of western Guangxi in China. Here, we provide new mineralogical, geochemical, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic, and pyrite S isotope and trace element compositional data for the Pingguo bauxite deposit, aiming to further our understanding …

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Petrographic and geochemical features of the B3 bauxite …

1. Introduction. Bauxites are residual aluminum deposits, derived from lateritic weathering of pre-existing alumosilicate rocks under tropical and/or subtropical climatic conditions, characterized by annual precipitation rates of 1,200 mm and annual temperatures above 22 °C (Bárdossy, 1982).Bauxite is the main aluminum ore and also …

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Genesis of Carboniferous aluminous-bearing strata in the …

Compared to the bauxite ore, the genesis of the entire aluminous-bearing strata has received less attention. In this study, we conducted geological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses on core samples from the aluminous-bearing strata located in Xingxian area, situated within the northern NCC, aiming to elucidate the genetic process …

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(PDF) Mineralogical and geochemical evolution of the Bidgol bauxite …

The present study focuses on the Late Cretaceous Bidgol bauxite deposit in the Zagros Simply Fold Belt, SW Iran. The orebody is located in the eroded major NW–SE trending Koh-e-Hosseyn anticline and hosted as discontinuous stratified layers and lenses within the upper member of the Cenomanian–Turonian Sarvak Formation.

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Provenance and ore-forming process of Permian lithium-rich bauxite …

The karstic bauxite deposits in the Xiuwen ore belt of Central Guizhou Province are hosted by the Lower Carboniferous Jiujialu Formation and show parallel unconformity with the overlying and ...

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Geologic characteristics and potential of bauxite in China

A total of 33 bauxite deposits have been exploited in China, among which 6 are in Henan,4 in Shanxi,8 in Guizhou and 1in Guangxi. A significant amount of research has been undertaken on bauxite ore belts to guide future mineral exploration (e.g., Guo, 1987, Conclusions and discussion

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Genesis of karst bauxite-bearing sequences in Baofeng, …

The bauxite genesis is recorded in the bauxite geochemical composition as a unique signature of tectonostratigraphic evolution of the different parts of the Croatian Karst, including, for example ...

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Genesis of the Guangou karstic bauxite deposit in

The Guangou bauxite deposit in western Henan, China, is located in the North China Block and to the north of the North Qinling orogenic belt. The orebody is hosted within the lower member of the ...

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Geologic characteristics and potential of bauxite in China

Chen et al. (2007) analyzed the bauxite ore belts in China and divided the country into different mineral provinces, zones/belts, sub-belts, and ore fields. A total of 15 bauxite belts are identified in China (Fig. 6). Four mineral provinces of China contain significant bauxite resources, namely the North China platform, Yangtze platform, South ...

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(PDF) Mineralogical and geochemical evolution of the Bidgol bauxite …

Bauxite ore is overlain by fine-grained Fe sulfidebearing and calcareous claystone and argillaceous limestone, which are in turn overlain by massive, compact limestone of Santonian age. ... Iran: Implications for ore genesis, rare earth elements fractionation and parental affinity Farhad Ahmadnejad a, Hassan Zamanian a,⇑, Batoul Taghipour b ...

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Mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of lateritic bauxite …

Initial investigations have provided a first insight into the geology and conditions of lateritic bauxite deposits formation in the WZD area (Jin et al., 2009, Liu, 2007, Wu et al., 2006, Wu et al., 2008, Liu et al., 2010a, Yin, 2009).However, the detailed ore-forming process is still ambiguous and the source rock of the WZD bauxite deposits …

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Mineralogical and geochemical studies of boron-rich bauxite ore

The Songqi region is topographically characterized by several hills with altitudes greater than 500 m and lowlands covered by Quaternary sediments.The bauxite ore deposits are generally situated at the foot of the hills (Fig. 3).Exposed rock units in this region range from Archaean to Quaternary in age (Fig. 2).Archaean and Proterozoic …

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Morphological, microstructural and mineralogical dataset of …

In this study, we present the main findings from microstructural and mineralogical studies and their implications for the genesis of bauxite/laterite in Mainpat …

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Combined tectonic and paleogeographic controls on the genesis …

The Pingguo bauxite contains three distinct layers: a lower layer dominated by ferric clay or weathered iron ore, a middle layer of cryptocrystalline and oolitic bauxite ore, and an upper layer ...

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Distribution, genetic types and current situation of …

Based on ore genesis, bauxite is divided into two types, lateritic type and karst type. The former is mainly distributed in western Africa, north South America, India, Southeast Asia, northern and southwestern Australia, while the latter primarily occurs in southern Europe, Caribbean region, western Asia and China.

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Interaction between karst terrain and bauxites: …

The genesis of the Quaternary bauxites is a unique process that involved not only the ... Orebody vertical structure and implications …

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Critical metal enrichment in Upper Carboniferous karst …

The genesis of ore minerals in karst bauxite has been well-studied (e.g., Bárdossy and Aleva 1990; Bogatyrev et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2013, …

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Genesis of karst bauxite-bearing sequences in Baofeng, …

DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103161 Corpus ID: 210318736; Genesis of karst bauxite-bearing sequences in Baofeng, Henan (China), and the distribution of critical metals …

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Distribution, genetic types and current situation of …

Based on ore genesis, bauxite is divided into two types, lateritic type and karst type. The former is mainly distributed in western Africa, north South America, India, Southeast Asia, northern and …

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Genesis of the Danping bauxite deposit in northern …

@article{Chen2022GenesisOT, title={Genesis of the Danping bauxite deposit in northern Guizhou, Southwest China: Constraints from in-situ elemental and sulfur isotope analyses in pyrite}, author={Peiwen Chen and Bing-Xu Liu and Tianshun Wang and Lingli Zhou and Yongbin Wang and Guotao Sun and Ke-jun Hou and Shenfu Weng and …

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Bauxite | Properties, Formation, Uses » geologyscience

Bauxite is a sedimentary rock mineral that is the primary source of aluminum. It is formed through the weathering of aluminum-rich rocks in tropical and subtropical regions. The name bauxite is derived from the French village of Les Baux, where it was first discovered in 1821 by geologist Pierre Berthier. Bauxite is typically found in layers …

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Morphological, microstructural and mineralogical dataset of bauxite

In this study, we present the main findings from microstructural and mineralogical studies and their implications for the genesis of bauxite/laterite in Mainpat plateau. Megascopic studies showed reddish laterite to off-white bauxite. Strong hydrolytic action formed small oolites and large pisolites with sizes of 1–2 cm in diameter. Pisolites …

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