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Economic and Social Development

When we study the economic development of India, we need to grasp the complexities of India's economic evolution. ... access must be unrestricted by gender, caste, religion, or socio-economic background. When barriers are dismantled, a more diverse and skilled workforce emerges, propelling innovation and economic growth. …

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Natural Resources and Socio-Economic Development in North …

PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, Noklenyangla Ayangti Longkumer and others published Natural Resources and Socio-Economic Development in North East India. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

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Economic Issues in Mineral Based Economies

Nigeria's case is also consistent with Karl (1997); Mahon (1992); and Shafer (1994) cited by Davis (1998) who attribute mineral-based economies' failure to achieve substantial economic development to the entrenched socio-political rigidity and rent-seeking associated with an extended period of mineral extraction.

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Recommendations on Economic and Social Development

The Forum reiterates its recommendations on economic and social development made at its second session, in particular those contained in chapter I, section B, paragraphs 26-28, 33-34, 36, 39 and ...

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Sustainable mineral development: Case study from Kenya

Methods of exploitation, processing and beneficiation of these mineral resources can have diverse effects on the country's socio-economic position, its varied ecosystems and general environment.

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Mineral and bioresource exploitation for transformation and

By 2011, significant socio-economic progress was made, and Zambia achieved a middle-income status and the country's economic performance between 2000 and 2014 showed some growth.

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significant mineral development finds countries at both the top and the bottom of UNDP's Human Development Index.Mineral wealth is clearly not a sufficient condition for successful economic development.Nor is it even a necessary one:many of the world's most successful countries in recent decades, including the newly industrializing ...

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Mining and socio-ecological systems: A systematic

While mineral extraction promotes socio-economic development at local scale (Hilson, 2002a), it also contribute to environmental degradation that negatively affect the ecological system (Sinha et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2018) and social system (Kitula, …

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Is illegal mining socio-politically entrenched? An opinion …

Introduction. Gold mining follows two divisional lines in Ghana; the large-scale multi-national and the small-scale mining sectors (Wireko-Gyebi et al., 2020).Typically, the small scale mining aspect of gold extraction can be further divided into two classes (legal and illegal) depending on its legal approval and operational protocols (Boateng et al., …

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Mineral Extraction for Socio-Economic Transformation of …

Tanzania is endowed with vast quantities and types of resources whose extraction has been central to the country's economic growth. However, the challenge has been translating growth in extraction activities into inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development and transformation. Instead of being of benefit to all, mineral resource extraction has …

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Namibia Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank

Namibia's economic growth is projected to moderate to about 3-3.8% per year over 2024-26. Growth in the non-mineral economy is expected to gain traction, especially in sectors that have been severely set back by the pandemic, including tourism.

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Impact of water scarcity on socio-economic development

The study delves into the intricate relationships between water scarcity, socio-economic development, and key contributing factors. Through a quantitative analysis of data encompassing Crop Yields ...

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1988. 1991. 1994. 1997. 2000. 9921993 19941995 19961997 19981999 2000most successful mining countries has been Botswana, a major producer of gem diamonds …

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(PDF) Gold Mining and Its Effect on Natural and Socio-Economic …

An Action Plan for Implementing the AMV (2011) has set out strategies for developing mineral management systems and institutions through which Africa can benefit from its mineral resources, and it is now being implemented by the African Minerals Development Centre which has begun work in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, within the UN Economic …

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To fully exploit the gemstone resources and maximize their contribution to socio-economic development, increased involvement of Tanzanians in gemstone mining is vital and will be supported. ... 24 7.0 THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT The role of Government is to formulate policy, establish guidelines and regulate the mineral sector; promote and ...

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Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development ... national participation and revenue generation to contribute significantly to socio-economic transformation and poverty eradication. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development P.O. Box 7270, Kampala / Uganda; Tel: +256 414 344414, +256 414 234733 ... aligned with the …

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Botswana Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank

A new World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Botswana the period of FY24–FY29 is under preparation. The Botswana Systematic Country Diagnostics (SCD) Update was completed in 2023. The next CPF will be designed to support the National Transformational Strategy: Innovating for Economic Growth …

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The Contribution of the Mining Sector to Socioeconomic …

economic development and strong HDIs; in the latter two countries, the mining sector continues to play a leading role in economic growth more than a century after it rose to prominence. This paper does not aim to prove or disprove the resource curse but provides evidence that most low- and middle-income mineral-dependent

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Mineral security essential to achieving the Sustainable …

Mineral Economics (2024) Minerals are essential ingredients of the Sustainable Development Goals, but in contrast to other natural resources, they are …

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Leveraging Zimbabwe's mineral endowment for economic …

The Government of Botswana is highly regarded in efficient and transparent use of mineral resources revenues for socio-economic development. Since early days of its independence in the 1960s, the mineral policy of Botswana had been based on attracting FDI and technical experts into the mining industry.

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(PDF) Mineral Extraction for Socio-Economic

Strategies mentioned in the policy included: Encouraging and motivating foreign investors in mining to train Tanzanians in different skills; Encouraging and facilitating training in disciplines necessary for mineral …

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Anticipatory Governance of Critical Minerals in SADC: …

By adopting anticipatory governance, Southern Africa can make more informed decisions, promote sustainable development and ensure long-term socio-economic equality in the critical minerals sector. Transitioning to a Resource Balanced Economy (RBE) that optimises resource flow and considers energy constraints is crucial.

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percent (20%) of mineral royalties realised from the mineral sector. The Act establishes among others a Mining Community Development Scheme, a structure at the local level to facilitate the socio-economic development of communities in which mining activities are undertaken and those affected by mining operations. 2.0 Objectives of Study

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Lithium Mining and National Economic Development in …

Introduction. Until a few years ago, very few Zimbabweans knew about lithium and its use in the global automotive industry. It was only after newspaper reports of a Chinese mining company having paid nearly half a billion United States dollars to acquire a lithium mine (Reuters, 22 December 2022) that the so-called 'lithium fever' started to …

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Alternative Livelihood Development Programme. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources under the Mining Community Development Scheme of the Minerals Development Fund initiated the Alternative Livelihood Development Programme to ensure socio-economic development of people living in the Mining Communities especially, …

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MINERAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ... the production of toolkits, templates, guidelines, briefing notes and other instruments for use in the formulation or revision of mineral regimes in Africa. ... based sustainable growth and socio­economic development • A knowledge­ driven African mining sector that catalys es and contributes to the broad ...

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development has been faced with a myriad of obstacles. These concerns have been instrumental in the development of various mineral resource governance frameworks which include the continental broad based socio-economic Africa Mining Vision (AMV).This report notes the lack of strong legal and institutional

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Is illegal mining socio-politically entrenched? An opinion …

Gold mining has been the backbone of Ghana's development since pre-colonial times. It has been essential in revenue mobilisation and the provision of employment to many people. However, in recent times the sector has received severe public backlash due to its inability to effect appropriate socioeconomic change; and the …

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Current trends in addressing environmental and social risks …

Minerals and metals have always been a basis for the development of societies. Growing metal demand reflects population growth as well as economic …

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(PDF) Agribusiness and Supply Chain Development Policies …

A critical review of agriculture policies during different plan periods, aligned with political changes, has been conducted out to understand the shift in priorities, technology transfer,support ...

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