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Electrical resistance of single-crystal magnetite (Fe3O4) …

The pressure dependence of electrical resistance of single-crystal magnetite (Fe3O4) was measured under quasi-hydrostatic conditions to 100 GPa using low-temperature, megabar diamond-anvil cell techniques in order to gain insight into the anomalous behavior of this material that has been reported over the years in different …

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Single crystalline magnetite, maghemite, and hematite nanoparticles

Request PDF | Single crystalline magnetite, maghemite, and hematite nanoparticles with rich coercivity | One-pot synthesis of amorphous iron oxide nanoparticles with two different dimensions ...

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Electrical resistance of single-crystal magnetite (Fe

The pressure dependence of electrical resistance of single-crystal magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) was measured under quasi-hydrostatic conditions to 100 GPa using low-temperature, megabar diamond-anvil cell techniques in order to gain insight into the anomalous behavior of this material that has been reported over the years in different …

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Magnetic properties of single and multi‐domain …

[1] Using novel experimental methods, we measured the acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization, direct field demagnetization, and alternating field demagnetization of multi-domain …

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Quantitative determination of magnetite and maghemite in …

Bulk magnetite is a multidomain ferrimagnet with a Curie temperature of 585 °C, while magnetite nanoparticles smaller than 100 nm consist of single-domain magnetic structure. Magnetic nanoparticles with size smaller than ~ 20 nm show superparamagnetic properties where the magnetization of nanoparticles is randomized …

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Imaging the Magnetization of Single Magnetite …

A single-crystalline magnetite particle of 400 nm diameter is expected to have multiple magnetic domains, and it will exhibit magnetic remanence. The particles …

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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain …

SCIEntIfIC REPORTS 444 D 10.103srep444 1 Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite nanoparticles Victoria Reichel1, András Kovács2, Monika ...

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From Nano to Micro: Evolution of Magnetic …

Single-vortex domain states extend to at least 1,000 nm for cuboctahedral and spherical magnetite grains; Single-vortex to multidomain transition seen as vortex core elongation along hard …

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The Effect of Stress on Paleomagnetic Signals: A …

Since the work of Néel, it has been assumed that on geological timescales the particles carrying the magnetic remanence are magnetically uniform, that is, so-called single domain (SD) particles which are ≲80 nm for magnetite (Muxworthy & Williams, 2006). Larger particles, which contain single vortex (SV) and multi-vortex magnetic …

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Magnetite nanoparticles: Synthesis methods – A …

Magnetite is the most common and utilized form of naturally occurring iron oxides, with the chemical formula Fe 3 O 4 [32].It is characterized by a crystalline cubic inverse spinel structure, in which ferrous ions occupy half of the octahedral lattice sites and ferric ions occupy the other half of the octahedral lattice sites and all the tetrahedral …

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Magnetotactic bacteria and single-domain magnetite in …

Using a novel extraction technique, transmission electron microscopy and SQUID magnetometry, it is shown that living magnetotactic bacteria and the magnetite they produce are the major source of stable remanent magnetism in these sediments. Remanent magnetism in marine sediments has been used extensively over the past twenty years …

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Formation of tabular single-domain magnetite induced by …

In the current study, we were able to produce a unique form of tabular, single-domain magnetite under nontraditional (low-CO(2)) culture conditions. This magnetite has a distinct crystal habit and ...

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Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite Nanoparticles …

In this work, we have imaged and studied individual single-domain magnetite nanoparticles 20 nm in diameter by purely optical means. This is an improvement of about 4 orders of magnitude compared to our previous study of single multidomain magnetite nanoparticulate clusters of 400 nm in diameter. The detection …

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Plasmonic Probing Single-Cell Bio-Current Waves with a …

Past studies focus on the external factors for boosting charge-extraction efficiency from bacteria. Here, we elucidate the intracellular factors that determine this output limit by monitoring the respiratory-driven shrinking kinetics of a single magnetite nanoprobe immobilized on a single Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 cell with plasmonic …

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(PDF) Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite …

Photothermal CD images of single magnetite nanoparticles, about 20 nm in diameter. A: Photothermal (PT) image; B: CD image without applied static magnetic field; C, D: MCD images with magnetic ...

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Highly Flexible and Twistable Freestanding Single …

In this work, a high-quality single crystalline freestanding Fe 3 O 4 thin film with strong magnetism has been synthesized by pulsed laser deposition using a water-dissolvable Sr 3 Al 2 O 6 sacial layer, and …

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Origins of magnetite nanocrystals in Martian meteorite ALH84001

Alternatively, the origins of magnetite and carbonate may be unrelated; that is, from the perspective of the carbonate the magnetite is allochthonous. ... Some carbonates occur as single entities while others are spatially associated and occur in groups of 10s of carbonates (image at far right). The black rims typically range from …

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Searching for single domain magnetite in the 'pseudo-single …

Stable remanent magnetization of magnetofossils is carried by single-domain [12, 13] and exceptionally [14] pseudo-single-domain magnetite, which, due to the chemical composition and shape of ...

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(PDF) Imaging the Magnetization of Single Magnetite …

We also demonstrate enhancement of the magnetic circular dichroism signal of single magnetite nanoparticle clusters in supercritical CO2. We have performed COMSOL simulations to support and ...

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Single crystalline superstructured stable single domain magnetite …

This work synthesizes 40 nm particles of magnetite in the presence of polyarginine and shows that they are composed of 10‬nm building blocks, yet diffract like single crystals, fundamentally demonstrating the structure – property relationship in a magnetic mesoparticle. Magnetite nanoparticles exhibit magnetic properties that are …

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Solvothermal Synthesis of Single-Crystal Magnetite Hollow …

In this paper, single-crystal magnetite hollow sub-microspheres with a narrow diameter distribution are synthesized through a simple solvothermal process in ethylene glycol in the presence of urea and a small amount of water. The determining role of water in the solvothermal synthesis is studied. It is found that a small amount of water is crucial for …

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Y. Wang †, P. Spaeth, F. Scalerandi, W. Albrecht, J. Liu, …

orientation of each single nanoparticle according to the Stoner-Wohlfarth model.. A recent article23 has applied the Stoner-Wohlfarth model in similar way to determine the magnetic anisotropy constant and the easy-axis orientation of 15 single magnetite nanoparticles in a bacterium using XMCD.

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In Vivo Exposure Pathways of Ambient Magnetite …

Here, we report a label-free, machine learning-aided single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS) approach for tracing the exposure pathways of airborne magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs), including external emission sources, and distribution and translocation in vivo using a mouse model. Our results provide …

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Single-phase magnetite with high saturation magnetization …

Based on obtained results, it was shown that single-phase magnetite can be synthesized using glycine and citric acid only in an inert atmosphere. Deshpande suggested that interactions between ferric nitrate and fuel lead to the formation of magnetite which afterward reacts with atmospheric oxygen and converted to hematite. Ianoş et al. [5 ...

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[PDF] Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite …

DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c01850 Corpus ID: 250627470; Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite Nanoparticles Monitored Optically. @article{Adhikari2022MagnetizationSO, title={Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite Nanoparticles Monitored Optically.}, author={Subhasis Adhikari and Yonghui Wang and …

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Drive-Field Frequency Dependent MPI Performance of Single …

We have studied single-core magnetite nanoparticles that were optimized for MPI applications, utilizing magnetic particle spectrometers (MPS) with drive-field frequencies in the range from 1 to 100 kHz. The particles have core diameters of 25 nm and a hydrodynamic size of 77 nm. Measurements in the frequency range above 5 kHz were …

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Highly Flexible and Twistable Freestanding Single Crystalline Magnetite …

In this work, a high-quality single crystalline freestanding Fe 3 O 4 thin film with strong magnetism has been synthesized by pulsed laser deposition using a water-dissolvable Sr 3 Al 2 O 6 sacial layer, and the resulting freestanding film, with magnetism confirmed at multiple length scales, is highly flexible with a bending radius as ...

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Magnetization Switching of Single Magnetite Nanoparticles …

Magnetization switching of a single magnetite nanoparticle (particle P1 of Figure 1) and dependence of the occupation of the two states on magnetic field ( B) and …

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Formation of tabular single-domain magnetite induced by …

In the current study, we were able to produce a unique form of tabular, single-domain magnetite under nontraditional (low-CO(2)) culture conditions. This magnetite has a distinct crystal habit and magnetic properties. This magnetite could be used as a biosignature to recognize ancient biological activities in terrestrial and …

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'Magnetite' published in 'Encyclopedia of Neuroscience' Phase diagram for magnetic domain state in submicron-sized rectangular crystals of magnetite as a function of axial ratio (width/length) and long edge length calculated for room temperature (according to [3,4]).The upper two lines demarcate the stability of single domain (SD) …

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