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Roasting and Leaching Behavior of Nickel Laterite Ore

Abstract. The article is devoted to the results of research into the process of sintering, roasting and leaching of oxidized nickel ores, with selection of optimal …

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Mechanism of sodium chloride in promoting reduction of …

The nickel and iron existed in roasted ore in the form of kamacite, indicating that the aggregation of nickel and iron occurred during the roasting reduction process. Furthermore, the SEM image (Fig. 14) shows that the roasted ores have a loose microstructure and the bright white particles, which analyzed by EDS, are Ni-Fe alloy. …

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Mechanism of sodium sulfate in promoting selective reduction of nickel

A high nickel grade ferronickel was produced from laterite ore using the selective reduction-wet magnetic separation process, with the addition of sodium sulfate (Na 2 SO 4).The ferronickel concentrate assaying 9.87% Ni, with a nickel recovery of 90.90% can be obtained, when laterite ore was reduced at 1200 °C for 50 min with the addition …

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Recovery of Rare Earth from Sedimentary Rare Earth Ore …

Rare earth from a newly discovered sedimentary rare earth ore (SREO) in Guizhou Province, China, was extracted through ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) activated roasting and leaching with sulfuric acid. The phase changes and reaction mechanism during the roasting process were explored through thermodynamic analysis, XRD, …

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(PDF) Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes and Some

nickel ore having nickel less than 1.7% to recommenc e [20]. Together with the start of low-grade ferro- Together with the start of low-grade ferro- nickel production in Indonesia, many Indonesian ...

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Efficient Extraction of Ni, Cu and Co from Mixed Oxide–Sulfide Nickel …

Abstract Facing the situation of nickel resource shortage and increasing nickel demand, it is an important task for the development of nickel industry to realize efficient utilization of low-grade nickel sulfide ore. In this work, the process of NaCl roasting-water leaching was proposed to simultaneously extract valuable metals from …

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Transformation and leaching kinetics of silicon from low-grade nickel …

The chemical reactions during pre-roasting can be written as follows: Mg3Si2O5(OH)4=Mg2SiO4+MgSiO3+2H2O (1) 2Mg3Si2O5(OH)4=3Mg2SiO4+SiO2+4H2O (2) Fig. 3 XRD patterns of nickel laterite ores pre-roasted at different temperatures 3.2 Pre-roasting of nickel laterite ores The laterite ore samples pre-roasted at different …

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Eco-friendly and selective separation of nickel and copper …

The process of magnesium carbonate roasting for sulfur fixation and sulfuric acid leaching was proposed to extract valuable metals from Jinchuan low-grade nickel-copper sulfide ore. The optimized roasting and leaching conditions were determined as follows: mass ratio of MgCO 3 to raw ore is 0.3:1, roasting temperature is 550 °C, …

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From Silica Leachate of Laterite Nickel Ore to Silicate …

performance were prepared from sodium silicate ltrate produced during the alkaline hydrothermal reaction of laterite nickel ore. Then, the optimum synthesis conditions of Li 2 ... · Laterite nickel ore · Two stage roasting method · Lithium-ion battery 1 Introduction Due to the world's carbon emissions, many countries have

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Effective extraction of nickel and cobalt from sintered nickel …

The laterite nickel ore is reduced in roasting-ammonia leaching process to obtain basic nickel carbonate, followed by calcining to obtain NiO, ... According to the thermodynamic results, it can be concluded that the carbothermic reduction reactions of nickel oxide, cobalt oxide and iron oxide can occur spontaneously in theory, …

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Extraction of Copper and Nickel from Low-Grade Nickel Sulfide Ore …

Low-temperature roasting, selective decomposition and water-leaching were used to extract nickel and copper from low-grade nickel sulfide ore with highly alkaline gangue. The effects of variable factors, such as the dosage of roasting additives, the ore particle size, roasting time and roasting temperature, selective decomposition …

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Eco-friendly and selective separation of nickel and copper …

The process of magnesium carbonate roasting for sulfur fixation and sulfuric acid leaching was proposed to extract valuable metals from Jinchuan low-grade nickel-copper sulfide ore. The optimized roasting and leaching conditions were determined as follows: mass ratio of MgCO 3 to raw ore is 0.3:1, roasting temperature is 550 °C, roasting time ...

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The Impacts of Temperature, Gas Composition and Reaction …

This research focuses on experimental investigation on the reduction of saprolite nickel ore under hydrogen-argon atmosphere. ... comprehensively studied the reduction roasting process of serpentine ore with 15 pct H 2 in H 2 –N 2 gas mixture at temperature between 400 °C and 800 °C and reaction time between 15 and 60 minutes …

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Direct Extraction of Nickel and Copper from Low-Grade Nickel …

A new extraction technology of chlorination roasting with a mixture of MgCl 2 ·6H 2 O and NaCl was investigated to co-extract nickel and copper from low-grade nickel ores. The effects of some key factors on the extraction of nickel, copper, and iron were studied, and the results show that,when the roasting temperature is 850°C, the …

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Chloridization and Reduction Roasting of High-Magnesium Low-Nickel

The chloridization and reduction roasting of high-magnesium, low-nickel oxide ore containing 0.82 pct Ni and 31.49 pct MgO were investigated in this study. Mineralogical investigation indicated that 84.6 pct of nickel was associated with silicates, and nickel was well distributed in mineral in the form of isomorphism. A series of chloridization tests with …

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Mechanism of the Chlorination Roasting of Nickel Sulphide …

Nickel resources are mainly in the form of sulphides in China, and chlorination roasting is one of the most important means of treating nickel sulphide ore. This paper reports the results of an investigation of the reaction mechanism of ammonium chloride roasting of flotation concentrate.

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Effective extraction of nickel and cobalt from sintered nickel …

The laterite nickel ore is reduced in roasting-ammonia leaching process to obtain basic nickel carbonate, followed by calcining to obtain NiO, ... According to the …

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Nickel and cobalt losses from laterite ore after the sulfation …

1. Introduction. Nickel laterite ore can be physically and chemically divided into two groups: saprolitic and limonitic. Saprolitic ores are mainly composed of silicates …

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Extraction Behavior of Nickel and Cobalt From Serpentine …

The demand for nickel has been steadily increasing in the 21st century, primarily driven by the rising demand for electric vehicle batteries. Nickel in laterite is …

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Extraction of nickel and cobalt from a laterite ore using the

The reactions may commonly written as shown in Eqs. (3)–(5) below. No significant change in XRD patterns after 120 min of roasting indicates the completion of reduction process, while the inert environment maintained for roasting prevents the occurrence of any type of oxidation reaction in the system. ... Reductive roasting of …

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Preparation of ammonium jarosite from clinker digestion solution …

To obtain the appropriate conditions for eliminating Fe 3+ from NiSO 4 solution, the digestion solution of the clinker was used as raw material, which was obtained from roasting the nickel oxide ore with (NH 4) 2 SO 4.The ammonium jarosite was successfully synthesized from the solution with analytic grade NH 4 HCO 3.The effects …

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Experimental and Kinetic Study of Magnesium Extraction and …

Based on the single-factor experiment results for roasting, an orthogonal test was adopted to further optimize the reaction conditions for roasting laterite-nickel ore. The L9(34) tabulation consisting of four factors and three levels is listed in Table 2.

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Chlorination roasting of laterite using salt chloride

A limonite laterite ore from Yunnan province in China were ground to passing 100 mesh, dried at 105 °C for 12 h and analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) which gave the results shown in Table 1.A mineralogical study was also performed comprehensively to determine the …

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Extraction of Copper and Nickel from Low-Grade Nickel …

The roasting process of low-grade nickel sulfide ore with ammonium sulfate and sodium sulfate contains liquid–solid and gas–solid reactions, which can be …

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Roasting of Nickel Concentrates | Metallurgical and Materials

The oxidation of three nickel concentrates from two Canadian smelters was studied by thermogravimetric analysis. Concentrate samples were heated to 1223 K …

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Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, …

Synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a mixed oxide–sulfide nickel ore in a low–temperature roasting system. Journal of cleaner production 177, 371–377 (2018). Article CAS Google ...

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Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, and …

Separation and recovery of iron and nickel from low‒grade laterite nickel ore using reduction roasting at rotary kiln followed by magnetic separation technique. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration ...

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Roasting and Leaching Behavior of Nickel Laterite Ore

The sulfation-roasting-leaching process has the potential to change this scenario once it can be applied to all kinds of nickel laterite ores and does not consume …

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Preparation of ammonium jarosite from clinker digestion …

To obtain the appropriate conditions for eliminating Fe 3+ from NiSO 4 solution, the digestion solution of the clinker was used as raw material, which was obtained from roasting the nickel oxide ore with (NH 4) 2 SO 4.The ammonium jarosite was successfully synthesized from the solution with analytic grade NH 4 HCO 3.The effects …

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Magnetic separation for recovering iron resources from acid …

1. Introduction. The acid-leaching tailings of laterite nickel ore are a hazardous waste generated by the laterite nickel ore industry [1], [2], [3].As global demand for nickel continues to rise and nickel sulfide resources decrease, the extraction of nickel resources from laterite nickel ores the main development trend of the global nickel …

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