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Biomolecular Condensates and Cancer

Condensates are membrane-less bodies, often formed by liquid-liquid phase separation, that compartmentalize protein and RNA molecules with related functions. New insights from condensate studies portend a profound transformation in our understanding of cellular dysregulation in cancer.

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Pol II phosphorylation regulates a switch between

The synthesis of pre-mRNA by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) involves the formation of a transcription initiation complex, and a transition to an elongation complex1–4. The large subunit of Pol ;II ...

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Leading Edge Perspective

Leading Edge Perspective A Phase Separation Model for Transcriptional Control Denes Hnisz,1,10 Krishna Shrinivas,2,7,8,10 Richard A. Young,1,3,* Arup K. Chakraborty,2,4,5,6,7,8,* and Phillip A. Sharp3,9,* 1Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, 9 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA 2Department of Chemical …

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Young Lab :: Publications

Transcription Factors Activate Genes through Phase-Separation Capacity of their Activation Domains Boija, A., Klein, I.A., Sabari, B., Dall'Agnese, A., Coffey, E.L ...

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Volume 18 Issue 12, December 2022

Phase separation is an important mechanism for biomolecule condensate assembly and is involved in multiple biological activities. Understanding its molecular mechanism provides a unique ...

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2018621Richard Young ScienceCoactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase separation and gene control【9】,BRD4MED1 …

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Phase separation in RNA biology

The formation of biomolecular condensates via liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is an advantageous strategy for cells to organize subcellular compartments for diverse functions. ... Indeed, work from Richard Young's laboratory revealed that while the hypophosphorylated CTD of Pol II is incorporated into Mediator …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


Richard YoungCellTranscription Factors Activate Genes through the Phase-Separation Capacity of Their Activation Domains,Mediator(BioArt:Cell ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Biomolecular condensates and cancer

Phase separation drives heterochromatin domain formation. Nature 547, 241–245. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] Su X, Ditlev JA, Hui E, Xing W, Banjade S, Okrut J, King DS, Taunton J, Rosen MK, and Vale RD (2016). Phase separation of signaling molecules promotes T cell receptor signal transduction. Science 352, 595–599.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Richard Young | Dewpoint Therapeutics

Richard Young Rick Young is a pioneer in the systems biology of gene control and expression and has harnessed the emergent understanding of biomolecular condensates and phase separation for new insights in his field.

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Richard A. Young Lab, Whitehead Institute/MIT

Richard A. Young's lab is exploring gene regulation in health and disease. ... super-enhancers led to our proposal that the high-density assembly of biomolecules at active …

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‪Richard Young‬

Richard Young. Professor of ... RA Young. Cell 130 (1), 77-88, 2007. 2297: 2007: Mediator and cohesin connect gene expression and chromatin architecture. MH Kagey, JJ Newman, S Bilodeau, Y Zhan, DA Orlando, NL van Berkum, ... Nature 467 (7314), 430-435, 2010. 2244: 2010: Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

RNA and liquid-liquid phase separation

Phase separation plays an important regulatory role in the process of mRNA transcription regulation. Richard A. Young first proposed the hypothesis that …

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Intrinsically disordered regions that drive phase …

tification of IDRs that drive phase separation is important for testing the underlying mechanisms of phase separation, iden-tifying biological processes that rely on phase separation, and designing sequences that modulate phase separation. To identify IDRs that drive phase separation, we first curated datasets of folded, ID, and PS ID …

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Phase Separation in Biology and Disease

Methods to Study MLOs In Vitro and In Vivo. Finally, two articles address methodologies used in studies of biomolecules that undergo phase separation. Alberti et al. [] provide a practical "user's guide" for performing phase separation assays with purified proteins.Phase separation-prone proteins often non-specifically aggregate during …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

RNA and liquid-liquid phase separation

Phase separation plays an important regulatory role in the process of mRNA transcription regulation. Richard A. Young first proposed the hypothesis that phase separation regulated RNA transcription in 2017 [69].Nowadays, phase separation has become a new interpretation mechanism of transcription regulation.

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PHASE SEPARATION Partitioning of cancer …

Young Tae Chang19, Anthony A. Hyman11,20, Nathanael S. Gray4,5, Richard A.Young1,3† The nucleus contains diverse phase-separated condensates that compartmentalize and concentrate biomolecules with distinct physicochemical properties. Here, we investigated whether condensates

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Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase …

Abstract. Super-enhancers (SEs) are clusters of enhancers that cooperatively assemble a high density of the transcriptional apparatus to drive robust expression of genes with prominent roles in cell identity. Here we demonstrate that the SE-enriched …

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Mediator condensates localize signaling factors to key cell …

Signal-dependent incorporation of signaling factors into condensates at super-enhancers. Recent studies have shown that TFs and Mediator form phase-separated condensates at super-enhancers (Boija et al., 2018; Cho et al., 2018; Sabari et al., 2018) and the terminal signaling factors of the WNT, JAK/STAT and TGF-β pathways (β …

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Focus on phase separation

Phase separation is an important mechanism for biomolecule condensate assembly and is involved in multiple biological activities. Understanding its molecular mechanism provides a unique ...

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RNA-Mediated Feedback Control of Transcriptional Condensates

Regulation of biological processes typically incorporates mechanisms that initiate and terminate the process and, where understood, these mechanisms often involve feedback control. Regulation of transcription is a fundamental cellular process where the mechanisms involved in initiation have been stu …

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Superenhancers as master gene regulators and novel …

In 2013, Young et al. first proposed superenhancers: large clusters of transcriptional enhancers that drive the expression of cell-identity genes 10. ... Therefore, the phase separation model, ...

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A Phase Separation Model for Transcriptional Control

Abstract. Phase-separated multi-molecular assemblies provide a general regulatory mechanism to compartmentalize biochemical reactions within cells. We …

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MeCP2 links heterochromatin condensates and …

Methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) is a key component of constitutive heterochromatin, which is crucial for chromosome maintenance and transcriptional silencing 1-3.Mutations in the MECP2 gene cause the progressive neurodevelopmental disorder Rett syndrome 3-5, which is associated with severe mental disability and autism-like symptoms that affect …

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Transcription Factors Activate Genes through the …

Phase separation provides a mechanism by which such gene products result in aberrant gene expression programs; by recruiting a disordered protein to the chromatin, diverse coactivators may form …

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Partitioning of cancer therapeutics in nuclear condensates

The nucleus contains diverse phase-separated condensates that compartmentalize and concentrate biomolecules with distinct physicochemical properties. Here, we investigated whether condensates concentrate small-molecule cancer therapeutics such that their pharmacodynamic properties are altered. ... Richard A …

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Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links …

Phase separation of fluids is a physicochemical process by which molecules separate into a dense phase and a dilute phase. Phase-separated biomolecular condensates, which include the nucleolus, …

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Learning the chemical grammar of biomolecular condensates

A study exploring the roles of diverse amino acids in promoting phase separation and influencing the material properties of condensates formed by a class of …

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A Phase Separation Model for Transcriptional Control

Our phase separation model suggests that this is because stimulation by TNFα led to modifications that change the valency of interacting components, and for SEs, phase separation occurs sharply above a lower value of valency compared to typical enhancers, thus resulting in enhanced recruitment of interacting components such as …

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Coactivator condensation at super-enhancers links phase separation …

Phase separation of fluids is a physicochemical process by which molecules separate into a dense phase and a dilute phase. Phase-separated biomolecular condensates, which include the nucleolus, nuclear speckles, stress granules, and others, provide a mechanism to compartmentalize and concentrate biochemical reactions within …

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