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Micro-structure of crushed coal with different metamorphic degrees and

The range is 0.180−0.224 mm for lignite and 0.125−0.224 mm for anthracite. After the coal is crushed to 0.180−0.224 mm, the crushing process begins to exert a weaker effect on the consumption of aliphatic hydrocarbon groups. ... For both raw coal and oxidized coal, coal crushing can induce the production of new free radicals. In the ...

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Experimental Study on Crushing Characteristics of Lignite …

enter a compaction crushing state [13– 16]. e crushing of coal is affected by its strength, local particle size, and impact energy [17–2 1]. e coal loading process …

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Use of biochar and oxidized lignite for reconstructing …

Bekele, A., Roy, J. L. and Young, M. A. 2015. Use of biochar and oxidized lignite for reconstructing functioning agronomic topsoil: Effects on soil properties in a greenhouse study. Can. J. Soil Sci. 95: 269–285. Interest in the use of biochar as soil amendment has grown recently. However, studies evaluating its potential use for …

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Gasification characteristics and thermodynamic analysis of …

DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2021.122796 Corpus ID: 244814689; Gasification characteristics and thermodynamic analysis of ultra-lean oxygen oxidized lignite residues @article{Chen2021GasificationCA, title={Gasification characteristics and thermodynamic analysis of ultra-lean oxygen oxidized lignite residues}, author={Liangzhou Chen and …

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Immobilization of Atrazine Using Oxidized Lignite …

Leonardite (LND), a low-grade coal, is an inexpensive material used to improve soil fertility in humic-deficient soils. Our objective was to quantify the ability of LND to immobilize atrazine (ATZ). To accomplish this, LND morphological properties, elemental composition, and spectroscopic properties were determined. We found that LND had a …

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Characterization of humic acids from original coal and its …

Five coal samples obtained from Chinese coal-producing areas were oxidized by hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), and humic acids (HAs) were derived from original coal and its oxidizition samples. HAs were

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Construction of a molecular structure model of mild-oxidized …

A molecular structure model of oxidized Shengli lignite was constructed using ultimate analysis, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (NMR), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).

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Oxidized Lignites and Extracts from Oxidized Lignites …

oxidized lignite treated trees showing the greatest increase. No treatments significantly increased dry mass for red maple. Foliar applications of humic substances and shoot growth: Sladky and Tichy (1959) sprayed tomato plants with a solution of 300 mg/ L …

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Study on Spontaneous Combustion Characteristics …

The spontaneous combustion parameters of lignite at different oxygen concentrations and temperatures were studied by temperature-programmed oxidation experiments. The characteristic parameters, tendency, …

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Biodegradation of photo-oxidized lignite and

Biodegradation of photo-oxidized Inner Mongolia lignite by pseudomonas aeruginosa was studied and the degradation percentage reached 56.27%, while the corresponding degradation percentage of the strain degrading raw Inner Mongolia lignite is only 23.16%. The degradation products were characterized. Proximate and ultimate …

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Extraction and purification of humic acids from lignite …

Humic acids (HAs) are high molecular weight biopolymers generally obtained from humic compounds of organic matter distributed in the soil, peats and sapropels, natural waters, low rank coals, leonardite and lignite coals (Savel'eva et al., 2015, 2017; Huculak-Mączka et al., 2018; Fuentes et al., 2018)mercial HAs are mainly extracted from …

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Reignition characteristics of lignite affected by pre-oxidation …

The dried samples to 40–80 mesh (0.18–0.38 mm) were sieved and sealed after crushing. The results of elemental and proximate analysis for raw coal are listed in Table 1. Two groups of 20 g coal samples, named O100 and O200, were pre-oxidized using a high-temperature tube furnace to reflect the initial oxidation of oxidized coal in fire zones.

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Effect on the oxidation characteristic at lignite of two types …

After crushing and grinding, the coal particles were sealed and stored at room temperature and isolated from oxygen, which a particle size of less than 160 …

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Development and prospect of lignite burning power …

Biodegradation of photo-oxidized lignite and characterization of the products Jiantao Li, Xiangrong Liu, Zilin Yue et al.- ... The fuel preparation system is …

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Study on the effects of oxidation temperature and ambient …

And the proximate analysis of lignite is presented in Table 1. After sampling, the fresh lignite was stored in vacuum-sealed bags and promptly transported to the laboratory for low-temperature crushing (below 50 °C). Pulverized lignite with a particle size below 75um was screened from crushed coal samples by a standard sieve and stored

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Gasification characteristics and thermodynamic analysis …

A possible explanation for this might be that the ignition point of the oxidized lignite is around 400 °C. Further, in order to compare the evolution law of oxidized lignite element components during the pre-oxidation, the absolute content of C, H, N, S, and O in each coke sample was calculated according to the ash balance.

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Sources of underground CO: Crushing and ambient

Therefore, the addition of water can inhibit the generation process of CO during the crushing process of coal. Lignite with low metamorphic grade can be oxidized to produce CO at ambient ...

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1.7 Lignite Combustion

1.7 Lignite Combustion. 1.7.1 General1-5. Coal is a complex combination of organic matter and inorganic ash formed over eons from successive layers of fallen vegetation. Coals …

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sbm grinding of lignite in south africa.md

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Physicochemical properties, combustion kinetics and …

Lignite oxidizes easily during storage and transportation. Furthermore, the surface characteristics of lignite change during oxidation, affecting its thermal conversion process. Herein, the surface functional groups and pore structures of lignite oxidized at temperatures below 190 °C were investigated. Moreover, the kinetics and …

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Experimental Study on Crushing Characteristics of Lignite …

The oxidation tests of coal samples by Küçük et al. showed that the particle size is an important factor affecting coal spontaneous combustion. The smaller the particle size is, the greater the tendency for coal spontaneous combustion becomes. ... After …

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Immobilization of Atrazine Using Oxidized Lignite …

Request PDF | Immobilization of Atrazine Using Oxidized Lignite Amendments in Agricultural Soils | Leonardite (LND), a low-grade coal, is an inexpensive material used to improve soil fertility in ...

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Insight into the effect of chemical structure for …

The chemical structure of lignite plays a fundamental role in microbial degradation, which can be altered to increase gas production. In this study, the structural changes in lignite were analyzed by conducting …

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Dynamic evolution of terahertz permittivity of lignite during …

Terahertz technology holds promise for monitoring coal fires and assessing associated risks, relying on the dielectric response of coal during the oxidation process.Besides, unraveling the response mechanism is crucial for enhancing the application's reliability. In light of these, this study focused on investigating the terahertz …

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Construction of a molecular structure model of mild-oxidized …

Great progress has been made in the detection of fractions from oxidized lignite, but no molecular structures are reported. A molecular structure model of oxidized Shengli lignite was constructed using ultimate analysis, 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (NMR), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Parameters are …

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An experimental study on binderless briquetting of Chinese lignite …

The oxidized samples were used to study the effect of hydrogen bonding on binderless briquetting of lignite. Hydrogen peroxide solution (30 vol.%) was used for oxidation of lignite. 10 g of HL lignite samples was added into 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution in a 250 ml round bottom flask.

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Review A short review of improvement in flotation of low rank/oxidized …

Low rank/oxidized coals are difficult to float with oily collectors. The presence of polar hydroxyl, carbonyl, phenol groups and some peroxide type oxygenated moieties on the surface of low rank/oxidized coals is the main factor which decreases the coal hydrophobicity. ... The lignite is difficult to float with common collectors due to these ...

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Use of biochar and oxidized lignite for reconstructing …

We studied the effects of amending clay, loam, and sand subsoil substrates with wood biochar pyrolized at 800°C, oxidized lignite (humalite), or labile organic mix (sawdust, wheat straw, and ...

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