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Prediction of sinter yield and strength in iron ore sintering …

Sinter yield and strength were predicted by the method of numerical simulation in this study. An unsteady two-dimensional mathematical model for the iron ore sintering process was developed by taking most of the significant physical phenomena and chemical reactions into consideration. By employing FLUENT software and C language …

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The application of a mathematical model of sustainability to …

The mathematical model of sustainability was developed in the PhD project of Phillips et al. [20], and was further enhanced in Phillips [23]. The model defines what sustainability is, the parameters and limitations of the key components, and the conditions under which sustainability or unsustainability can occur.

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3D Mineral Prospectivity Mapping from 3D Geological …

Three-dimensional Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (3DMPM) is an innovative approach to mineral exploration that combines multiple geological data sources to create …

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Metallogenic prediction based on geological-model driven …

@article{Fan2023MetallogenicPB, title={Metallogenic prediction based on geological-model driven and data-driven multisource information fusion: A case study of Gold deposits in Xiong'ershan area, Henan Province, China}, author={Mingjing Fan and Keyan Xiao and Li Sun and Yang Xu}, journal={Ore Geology Reviews}, year={2023}, …

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Evaluation of Factors Affecting Soil Cone Index and …

In this study, for measuring and determining the factors affecting soil cone index and to develop artificial neural network and multivariate linear regression models for prediction of soil cone ...

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Mathematical modelling of iron ore sintering process using genetic

A mathematical model of the iron ore sintering process in a fixed sinter bed and optimisation of the process parameters using real valued genetic algorithm is described. The mathematical model is formulated based on mass and energy balances in gas and solid phases, which are represented by simple partial differential equations. ...

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Quantitative prediction methods and applications of digital ore …

Various prediction methods and mathematical models are employed to assess their relationship with mineralization, thereby enabling ore prediction (Chen, 2012). ... 3D positional and quantitative prediction of the Xiaoqinling gold ore belt in Tongguan, Shaanxi, China. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 86 (3) (2012), pp. 653-660.

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Reduction energy prediction for layer-type cone crushers

A mathematical model is proposed for calculating the specific energy consumption during layer-type crushing, taking into account the distribution law, the probability function, and the energy-size ratio. ... ORE PREPARATION: ArticleName: Reduction energy prediction for layer-type cone crushers: DOI: 10.17580/or.2019.05.01: ArticleAuthor ...

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Quantitative prediction methods and applications of digital …

Various prediction methods and mathematical models are employed to assess their relationship with mineralization, thereby enabling ore prediction (Chen, …

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Optimization of open-pit mine design and production …

ple of forming a cone for each ore block. The apex of the cone formed is the center of the ore block. The sides of the cone are constructed parallel to the overall slope angle of …

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Mathematical modelling of iron ore sintering process using …

A mathematical model of the iron ore sintering process in a fixed sinter bed and optimisation of the process parameters using real valued genetic algorithm is described. The mathematical model is formulated based on mass and energy balances in gas and solid phases, which are represented by simple partial differential equations. The …

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Quantitative prediction of gold lodes in gold mineralization …

The ability to quantitatively predict Au lodes in Au mineralization series with data from large-scale mineralization information is greatly needed. This paper discusses how to (1) classify the oreforming information, (2) set up the mineralization information model, (3) divide the statistical units within the minimum area of the mineralization anomalies, (4) select the …

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Metallogenic prediction of Xiangxi gold deposit based on

The work provides a starting point for models of lateral variation and demonstrates the types of structural and textural features that may be sought to give clues to the prediction of gold ...

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A Novel Mathematical Study on the Predictions of Volatile Price of Gold

A Novel Mathematical Study on the Predictions of Volatile Price of Gold Using Grey Models ... Gold worth prediction has become a major investigation topic around the world in recent years, and the ...

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An integrated optimal control model for the drying and …

The drying and preheating process plays a crucial role in the induration of iron ore pellets. It is conducted on a closed, moving bed in both the straight grate and grate-kiln processes. ... Fan XH, Chen XL. Mathematical models and expert system for grate-kiln process of iron ore oxide pellet production (part I): mathematical models of grate ...

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Modeling and Improving the Efficiency of …

Over the last few decades, the demand for energy-efficient mineral-processing methods has continued. The necessity to develop energy-efficient technologies for the mineral industry will increase in the …

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(PDF) Three Dimensional Mathematical Model of the Iron Ore …

A mathematical model was developed for the iron ore sintering process considering all the major thermochemical phenomena in the system, assuming both the static and moving bed configurations.

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The Art of Prediction: Exploring the Power of Mathematical …

Machine learning, a subset of AI that uses mathematical models to analyze data and make predictions based on this analysis, has completely transformed the way we interact with and use information.

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Application of Mathematical Modeling in Prediction of …

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 3 provides an account of the available mathematical models, Sect. 4 contains the application details of the mathematical models within the context of COVID-19, including the advantages and disadvantages of each model, Sect. 5 points out some key observable behavior for …

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Predictive Geometallurgy: An Interdisciplinary Key Challenge …

The generation of large scale 3D models of the ore bodies is the classical key contribution of Mathematical Geosciences to the mining business. Nowadays, point …

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Analysis of a compact iron ore sintering process based on …

The model predictions were confronted with industrial data showing good adherence. New scenarios for utilizing the combined technologies of granulated biomass and gas fuel injections are investigated. The model predictions indicated that the high performance of the process with suitable sinter quality could be achieved.

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Mineral Prospectivity Prediction via Convolutional Neural …

The analysis of 12 factors indicates that the 3D CNN model performs well in the 3D MPM, achieving a promising accuracy of up to and a loss value below 0.001. A …

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Chamber Optimization for Comprehensive Improvement of …

5.2. Ore Particle Model. In order to characterize the ore particle model well, bonded particle model (BPM) was selected. The BPM model was published by …

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Research and application of a Knelson concentrator: A review

The separation system of a KC is quite complex. It is difficult to accurately grasp the separation characteristics because mineral particles in the concentrate chamber are affected by various forces. In the last few decades, much work has been done by different researchers to explore the separation mechanism of KCs, including …

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Prediction and evaluation of concealed ore body in 3D …

The three-dimensional prediction of the ore body is to determine the favorable area of mineralization, thereby ... Mathematical Backgroundand Geoscience Applications[M].New York:Elsevier Scien-tific Publishing Company,1974:1-596. 2. Zhao P D.Theories,principles,and methods for ... information prospecting model for gold …

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Gold cyanide leaching recovery prediction model based on …

The complex interaction between key process parameters and their influence on gold cyanide leaching recovery is a challenging problem for mining companies. This paper proposes a gold cyanide leaching recovery prediction model based on the combination of neighbourhood component analysis (NCA) and the artificial intelligence …

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Power prediction for cone crushers

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Power prediction for cone crushers" by J. S. Andersen et al. ... The objective of this research was to develop a mathematical model for gyratory crushers to help in the prediction of ... (HPGR) technology is accepted as an energy-efficient and cost-effective alternative for treating specific mineral ore types ...

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Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Iron Ore …

The model predictions for dynamic sinter tempera- ture profiles at different bed heights are found to be in rea- sonable agreement with experimental data obtained from

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To know about the distribution rule of primary halo in Huachanggou gold deposit and improve the efficiency of prospecting and exploration, the paper makes the element correlation analysis, R-mode cluster analysis and factor analysis of the primary halo, combined with the field survey and previous research results, and obtains the ideal …

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A new nonlinear viscoelastic model and mathematical …

where ({E}_{infty }) is the modulus at infinite time, ({E}_{i}) is the elastic modulus of the spring, ({eta }_{i}) is viscosity of the linear dashpot in ...

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