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Aging and Curing Temperature Effects on Compressive Strength …

Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Aging and Curing Temperature Effects on Compressive Strength of Mortar Containing Lime Stone Quarry Dust and Industrial Granite Sludge. Sign in | ... the compressive strength of 10% GS45 decreased at later ages (28 and 91 days) under moderate curing …

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Rate-dependence of the compressive and tensile …

per we explore the impact of strain rate on the strength of a dense, medium-grained granite in both compression and ten-sion (unconfined uniaxial compressive …

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IS 1121-1 (1974): Methods of test for determination of …

Compressive strength [CED 6: Stones] IS : 1121 (PartI) - 1974 ( Reaffirmed 2008 ) Edition2.1 (2008-09) Indian Standard METHODS OF TEST FOR ... suitabilityof stone. 0.2.1 This standard is now being issued in four parts, each part coveringa specific propertyto facilitate the use of this standard. PartI

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Compressive strength of stone

The compression strength of the stone is carried out to determine the compressive strength of the stone. To perform this test take 6 test blocks of dimensions 10cmx10cmx10cm are taken. These …

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Determination of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Granite …

The uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, point load strength, Schmidt hammer value, P-wave velocity, density and porosity values of the samples were determined in the laboratory.

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Compression and Tension Strength of some common …

Compression and Tension Strength of common Materials; Material Compression Strength - σ - Tension Strength - σ - psi MPa psi MPa; Bricks, hard: 12000: 80: 400: 2.8: Bricks, light

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Uniaxial Compressive Behavior of Granite at High Strain …

Granite is a common construction material that is widely used in the various types of structures, but its dynamic behavior is not clearly understood. To investigate the uniaxial compressive behavior of the granite under high strain rates compression, three groups of specimens with the same aspect ratio (0.5) but different diameters were tested …

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Closed-Form Equation for Estimating Unconfined Compressive Strength …

13 A. D. Skentou et al. 13 Closed‑Form Equation for Estimating Unconfined Compressive Strength of Granite from Three… Fig. 12 a, b Training and testing performance curves of ANN-ICA 3-11-1 models for different random numbers (1:1:10) while the population is constant to optimum size 75 and the number of empires is constant to optimum size 12 ...

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Studying the compressive strength of concrete …

Chart -2: 14 days Compressive strength 4.2 Compressive strength test on cube: A cube compression test was performed on standard cubes of plain and granite mix concrete of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm at 7 days …

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Triaxial Compressive Strength, Failure, and Rockburst …

Deep underground rock tunnels and caverns in mountainous areas are often subjected to the coupling impacts of high geo-stresses and high-ground temperature that can threaten the stability of rock masses. This paper presents an experimental study of strength, deformation, and failure as well as energy evolution characteristics for rockburst …

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Concrete compressive strength: From material …

For this reason, when performing a structural analysis, strength reduction factors are usually considered in codes of practice modifying the uniaxial strength of material tests. In this paper, a detailed investigation of the influence of material brittleness and internal stress redistributions on the structural response of reinforced concrete ...

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Predicting the unconfined compressive strength of granite …

The use of three artificial neural network (ANN)-based models for the prediction of unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of granite using three non-destructive test indicators, namely pulse velocity, Schmidt hammer rebound number, and effective porosity, has been investigated in this study.

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Understanding Concrete Compressive Strength (What is PSI?)

The compressive strength of concrete refers to how many pounds per square inch (psi) it can handle when force is applied. It is a reliable indicator of how it will perform under heavy loads or internal pressures caused by freeze-thaw cycles. Understanding what the different psi ratings mean is essential for specifying the right …

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Uniaxial compressive strength ( c) and deformation …

Uniaxial compressive strength ( ... Granite 154 48 313 71 169 42 250 20 32.7 Granodiorite 160 51 319 2 171 20 118 2 30? Gabbro 228 106 466 5 248 76 306 1 25.8 …

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Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Granite and Its …

By utilizing ANASYS-APDL (ANSYS Parameter Design Language-APDL) [26, 27], the dynamic evolution equations of elastic modulus, Poisson ratio, uniaxial …

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Determination of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Granite …

Summary The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is one of the most important design parameters in a rock engineering projects and it should be determined as a prerequisite for geotechnical studies. Since direct determination of geomechanical properties of rocks are usually expensive, time consuming and only capable in local geomechanical properties …

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Empirical relations between rock strength and physical …

rock strength to parameters measurable with geophys-ical well logs. The use of such relations is often the only way to estimate strength in many situations due to the absence of cores for laboratory tests. The basis for these relations is the fact that many of the same factors that affect rock strength also affect other physical properties

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Prediction of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Granite Rock …

Table 1: Some UCS values of Granite from Selected Studies Researcher Stillborg (1986) Sundara (2009) Amadei (2000); Johnson and DeGraff (1988) ISRM (1978) Singh et al. (1983) Quane and Russell (2003) UCS value (MPa) 100-200 115.6 181.7 136.32 119.78 – 136.32 138.59 Table 2: Some RHN Values of Granite from Selected Studies …

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Strength and deformation properties of granite, basalt, …

The dynamic compressive strength factor for the granite was less than 1; for the basalt, 1.35; for the limestone, 1.52; and for the tuff, 1.7^-« The compressional wave velocity of rock is affected by increases in both the applied axial stress and confining pressure. Velocities recorded in the direction of applied

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Triaxial Compressive Strength, Failure, and …

Under real-time high-temperature conditions, the thermal crack effect has a significant influence on the uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus of granite, without the thermal hardening ...

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Compressive strength prediction and low-carbon …

Portland cement concrete (PCC) is a major contributor to human-made CO2 emissions. To address this environmental impact, fly ash geopolymer concrete (FAGC) has emerged as a promising low-carbon alternative. This study establishes a robust compressive strength prediction model for FAGC and develops an optimal mixture …

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Determination of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Granite

Summary The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is one of the most important design parameters in a rock engineering projects and it should be determined as a prerequisite …

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Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of …

10.1 Calculate the compressive strength of each specimen as follows: C 5 W/A (1) where: C 5 compressive strength of the specimen, psi (MPa) W 5 total load, lbf (N), on the specimen at failure, and A 5 calculated area of the bearing surface in in.2 (mm2). Round each individual result to the nearest 100 psi (1 MPa).

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Compressive strength parallel to the fiber of spruce with …

The research aimed to derive substantiated reduction factors for compressive strength and modulus of elasticity parallel to the fiber for structural sized spruce and fir (round) wood with moisture contents at and beyond fiber saturation. Such values, which at present are not given in Eurocodes 5 and 7, are essential in order to …

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Determination of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of …

These are the European standard EN 1926, and the methodology recommended b y ISRM ... [Natural stone test methods -Determination of uniaxial compressive strength. ... Uniaxial compressive strength ...

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Rate-dependence of the compressive and tensile …

Abstract. The strength and rupture of geomaterials are integral to subsurface engineering practices, such as those required to optimise geothermal energy extraction. Of particular importance is the …

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Dynamic properties of granite rock employed as coarse …

Granite rock is widely distributed throughout the world, and there are large variations in the mechanical properties of granite extracted from various places – for example, the granite from the Tarim area of Xinjiang Province, China, has a static uniaxial compressive strength slightly less than 100 MPa [9]; however, granite from the ...

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ASTM C170 Compressive Strength of Dimension Stone

ASTM C170 describes the test methods to determine the differences in compressive strength between various dimension stones including granite, limestone, marble and sandstone. The requirements of ASTM C170 for determining the compressive strength of dimension stone include the following machine specification & specimen preparations:

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Compressive Strength of Concrete & Concrete Cubes

Compressive strength as per American Codes. In case of American codes, compression strength is defined in terms of cylinder strength fc'. Here compressive strength of concrete at 28 days curing is obtained from a standard cylindrical specimen 150mm diameter and 300mm high loaded longitudinally to failure under uniaxial …

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Unconfined Compressive Strength Test – Properties and …

Unconfined compressive strength, q u = 71.5 kPa Undrained cohesion, c u = q u /2= 35.75 kPa. Figure 11.5: Axial stress vs axial strain graph Report. Use the template provided to prepare your lab report for this experiment. Your report should include the following: Objective of the test; Applications of the test; Apparatus used; Test procedures ...

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