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A Life-Cycle Inventory of Sandstone Quarrying and …

Figure 2. Process flow diagram for processing operations. The first step in sandstone processing is a primary cutting or shaping of the material. This is often accomplished for sandstone using a circular blade saw, but a splitter or hand tools, such as axes and mauls, can also be implemented.

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Geological, Tectonic, and Lithological Evaluation

The lithologies of aquifers are mainly Ordovician limestone and Permo-Carboniferous sandstone. The aquitards are Jurassic clay and Permo-Carboniferous mudstone and siltstone. The Ordovician aquifer poses the greatest threat to coal mining, and it is considered a confined flow karstic aquifer.

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Mining - Quarrying, Extraction, Processing: Although seldom used to form entire structures, stone is greatly valued for its aesthetic appeal, durability, and ease of maintenance. The most popular types include granite, limestone, sandstone, marble, slate, gneiss, and serpentine.

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Life cycle impact assessment of artisanal sandstone mining …

Artisanal sandstone mining (ASAM) is generally characterised by the use of basic and simple tools (e.g. hammer and chisel) to extract stone from quarries. The stone is used in its natural state and does not require concentration and extraction from an ore (Ashmole and Motloung, 2008b).

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Life cycle impact assessment of artisanal sandstone mining …

This study used life cycle assessment (LCA) tool to evaluate the overall impact of artisanal sandstone mining (ASAM) on the environment and human health. The impact categories assessed in the study included: resource depletion, global warming, ozone layer depletion and acidification.

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Sandstone geomorphology – Recent advances

Subterranean processes are fundamental to many sandstone landscapes. •. New conceptual models of sandstone canyon, escarpment and tabular relief evolution. •. Opportunities for geomorphometry in sandstone terrains outlined. Abstract.

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Sandstone Quarrying and Processing: A Life-Cycle …

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock comprised of lithified sands. Most is primarily quartz sand or a mix of quartz and feldspar sands in conjunction with interstitial cementing materials including calcite, clay, iron oxides, and silica. The lithification process results in a hard, dense material that

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Sedimentary rock

There are three basic components of sandstones: (1) detrital grains, mainly transported, sand-size minerals such as quartz and feldspar, (2) a detrital matrix of clay or mud, which is absent in "clean" sandstones, and (3) a cement that is chemically precipitated in crystalline form from solution and that serves to fill up original pore spaces.

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Sandstone Quarrying For Building Construction

The process of sandstone quarrying hinges on two primary extraction methods: surface quarrying and underground mining. Surface quarrying, also known as open-pit mining, is the more common of the two methods.

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Impact of Sandstone Quarrying on the Health of Quarry

During sandstone processing, 50–90% of the excavated sandstone is wasted in the form of scrap stone, slurry and stone dust. After excavation and cutting, sandstone is sent to the city for further processing.

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