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Potential uses of phosphogypsum: A review

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry that is produced during the phosphoric acid production process. Annual global PG production ranges between 100 to 300 Mt, with only 15% of that utilized while the rest is usually placed on large dumps with potential serious human and environmental impacts. …

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Phosphogypsum – An Industrial Byproduct with Value

Uses for Phosphogypsum. While use in the US is limited, other countries are already putting this industrial by-product to good use. Outside the borders of the US, phosphogypsum is widely used in a number of applications (in India, phosphogypsum has been redefined as a co-product, further encouraging its reuse).

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Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for …

The XRD of the raw phosphogypsum sample is shown in Fig. 2.The diffraction pattern indicates that the sample is composed mainly of gypsum (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O, Powder Diffraction File, PDF number: 99-101-0394), as expected [15].After the dispersion of this sample in water and the addition of NaOH, the resulting whitish …

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Radioactive Material From Fertilizer Production

Phosphogypsum, a waste product from manufacturing fertilizer, emits radon, a radioactive gas. It also contains the radioactive elements uranium, thorium and radium. Phosphate rock mining is the …

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EPA approves use of radioactive phosphogypsum in roads, …

"The approval of this request means that phosphogypsum, which already requires significant engineering and regulatory controls to be disposed of in stacks, can now be put to productive use ...

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Beneficial Use of Mosaic Phosphogypsum

phosphogypsum (PG) as a partial supplement in road base material through chemical and physical characterization. Past work included identifying several potential sources of PG and performing preliminary chemical characterization, including total and mobile constituent

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Florida needs more research on phosphogypsum's use in …

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed a bill that will allow the Florida Department of Transportation to study the use of phosphogypsum in road construction. This came after a longstanding federal-level prohibition on using phosphogypsum, which was repealed by then-President Donald Trump's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in October …

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Effective and innovative procedures to use phosphogypsum …

Phosphogypsum (PG) waste is a by-product generated from wet-process phosphoric acid (H3PO4) manufacturing during phosphate rock decomposition. Worldwide, the annual production of PG ranges between 100 and 300 million tons, with only a few quantities utilized in several application domains (about 15%), the unused PG is usually …

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Phosphogypsum | US EPA

Phosphogypsum is a solid waste byproduct from processing phosphate ore to make phosphoric acid that is later used in fertilizer. Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays to form radon gas. Both radium and radon are radioactive and can cause …

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Preparation of gypsum with high purity and whiteness from phosphogypsum …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a hazardous industrial solid waste product from the wet phosphate industry 1,2.The widespread deposition of that fine, light- to dark-grey, powder with a slight odor and ...

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Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – a …

The use of phosphogypsum in a dose of 1.5 t/ha contributed to the significant accumulation of organic carbon in the topsoil of the studied sod-podzolic soils – in comparison with the control. ...

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Application of phosphogypsum in soilization: a review

Phosphogypsum is the most significant industrial solid waste in the world. Phosphogypsum has a complex composition and its traditional storage methods occupy large areas of land and also damage the environment. Currently, phosphogypsum is mainly used for the direct preparation of construction materials and chemical auxiliary …

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Properties, Purification, and Applications of Phosphogypsum: …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product produced during the wet process of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) production from natural phosphate rocks. Approximately 4–6 …

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Phosphogypsum Factsheet

2. Regulate the safe treatment, storage and disposal of phosphogypsum as hazardous waste; 3. Designate phosphogypsum a high-priority substance for risk evaluation; 4. Require manufacturers to conduct testing on phosphogypsum and process wastewater; and 5. Determine that the use of phosphogypsum in road construction is a significant …

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"Radioactive" roads made of potentially cancer-causing …

The EPA has long banned the use of phosphogypsum, the waste left behind from mining phosphate rock., saying it contains "radioactive material." The EPA has long banned the use of phosphogypsum ...

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Approval of the Request for Other Use of Phosphogypsum …

The EPA determined that the use of phosphogypsum in limited agricultural and indoor research activities could be as protective of human health, in the short- and long-term, as stacking. These approved uses were incorporated into Subpart R at 40 CFR 61.204-205. The EPA also assessed the use of phosphogypsum in road construction.

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Phosphogypsum and the EPA Ban

The U.S. EPA prohibits the use of phosphogypsum because of the radioactivity. An exception is made for phosphogypsum with an average concentration of less than 10 pCi/g radium which can be used as an agricultural amendment, but for no other use. Phosphogypsum in north Florida has 10 pCi/g radium.

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E-DOCKET: EPA-HQ-OAR-2020-0442

2 Executive Summary: This document details the review performed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Radiation Protection Division, in response to the Radiological Risk Assessment in Support of Petition for Beneficial Use of Phosphogypsum prepared for The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) …

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Florida bill allowing radioactive roads made of potentially …

"Any request for a specific use of phosphogypsum in roads will need to be submitted to EPA," the spokesperson said, "as EPA's approval is legally required before the material can be used in road ...

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Phosphogypsum recycling: New horizons for a more …

To reach more significant embankment heights, the use of phosphogypsum-soil solidified material was also examined. Then, the sustainability and strength of pavement design mixes were investigated by mixing raw PG in combination with soil material (SM), natural calcareous material (CM), fly ash (FA), lime and a special hydraulic road binder …

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TENORM: Fertilizer and Fertilizer Production …

The greatest use of phosphogypsum is in agricultural applications. Researchers proposing new uses must file an application with EPA. Phosphogypsum has been used in agriculture as a source of …

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Phosphogypsum: Properties and Potential Use in …

Phosphogypsum: Properties and Potential Use in Agriculture. M. Barka Outbakat, Redouane Choukr-Allah, Moussa Bouray, Mohamed EL Gharous, and Khalil EL …

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Subpart R: National Emission Standards for Radon Emissions …

View applications for other use of phosphogypsum. Compliance. Phosphogypsum facilities must meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart R. The regulations require that phosphogypsum be managed in engineered stacks, which are designed to limit public exposure from emissions of radon and other radionuclides. …

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Florida lawmakers want to use radioactive …

The EPA says "phosphogypsum remains prohibited from use in road construction," as it has been almost continuously for more than 30 years. Under former President Donald Trump, the EPA briefly ...

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Potential uses of phosphogypsum: A review

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry that is produced during the phosphoric acid production process. Annual global PG production ranges between 100 to 300 Mt, with only 15% of that utilized while the rest is usually placed on large dumps with potential serious human and environmental impacts.

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(PDF) Research Perspectives on the Use of Phosphogypsum …

Sulfate, as a component of phosphogypsum, does not leach to groundwater such as in temperate climate soils, turning the use of phosphogypsum environmentally friendly. The phosphogypsum produced in ...

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Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for …

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.09.039 Corpus ID: 12455712; Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for mineral CO2 sequestration. @article{CrdenasEscudero2011ProcedureTU, title={Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for mineral CO2 sequestration.}, author={C C{'a}rdenas-Escudero and …

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EPA Approves Use of Phosphogypsum in Road Construction

By finding a new way to use phosphogypsum, EPA is helping create a sustainable path to improve the environment while allowing for responsible reuse and …

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Effective and innovative procedures to use phosphogypsum …

Phosphogypsum (PG) waste is a by-product generated from wet-process phosphoric acid (H3PO4) manufacturing during phosphate rock decomposition.

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A review on the environmental impact of phosphogypsum and …

Use of phosphogypsum around the word. Current mining of phosphate rock is concentrated to a limited number of countries, many of them located outside of the European Union (EU). Except for Finland, with a minor production of PG, the majority of the EU countries import PG (95% of total PG). The facts that EU's countries have very low …

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