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Use of Steel Slag in Concrete as Fine Aggregate

Steel slag was used in conventional concrete to improve its mechanical, physical, and chemical ... calcium-magnesium iron oxides, some free lime and magnesia. Steel slag is mildly alkaline, with a solution pH generally in range of 8 to 10. ... Sieve analysis was carried out on both the natural sand and the fine slag according to ASTM C33 ...

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Physical Properties of Activated Slag Concrete Using …

a refiner machine. OPC and blast-furnace slag cement (BSC) were applied in order to compare their physical properties with that of NSC. Their chemical and physical properties are shown in Table 1. Crushed stone 20mm (specific gravity = 2.60g/cm3, F.M. = 6.68) was used as coarse aggregate, and river sand was used as

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Geotechnical Properties of Lime-Magnesium Slag Stabilized Clayey Sand

Over the past decades, quite a few investigations have been carried out to utilize slags as a cementing agent in landfills, road construction, concrete, and mortars. However, a limited number of research studies investigated the use of magnesium slag as a soil stabilizer in geotechnical engineering projects. The manufacturing process of …

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Ladle Furnace Slag: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

The size, shape, and cooling time slightly impact the strength development in the LF slag-based concrete 78. Altun and Yılmaz 79 studied the effect of adding LF slag to Portland cement and used it in concrete production to replace pure cement. The results showed that adding 30 % of LF slag as a replacement for cement retains some of the ...

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An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of …

Various wastes and by-product materials are generated in the Sultanate of Oman including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate, demolition concrete, cement by-pass dust (CBPD), copper slag ...

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Raysut Cement Company

It is widely used in all general and semi specialized construction works like plain and reinforced cement concrete works, brick and stone masonry, plastering and flooring. * …

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Use of Nickel Slag Waste as Coarse Aggregate in …

The composition of the concrete mixture used is a mixture of concrete with the ratio of cement : fine aggegate : coarse aggregate is 1: 2: 3 in a weight ratio with cement water ratio (fas) is set ...

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Various Uses of Blast Furnace Slag and Steel Slag in Concrete …

Some researchers used it as coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, and some used it as a cementitious material because it contains the same oxides as cement. The use of slag in concrete and mortar ...

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233R-17: Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …

GUIDE TO THE USE OF SLAG CEMENT IN CONCRETE AND MORTAR (ACI 233R-17) cement and granules are also being imported from various countries into the United …

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An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of …

Abstract. Various wastes and by-product materials are generated in the Sultanate of Oman including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate, demolition …

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Utilization of steel slag as partial replacement for coarse …

The utilization of steel slag for industrial and construction purposes has gained significant attention in recent years due to its abundant availability and potential environmental benefits. This study explores the feasibility of utilizing steel slag as a coarse aggregate in concrete, aiming to determine the optimal replacement percentages for …

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Oman Concrete Products EST.L.L.C | Crusher

The crusher produces two sizes of aggregate (3/4' & 3/8'). Washing of the products at the plant ensures elimination of impurities, which in turn provides top quality concreting. As …

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LIME: Everything you need to know to get started

COMPOSITION: Lime is primarily composed of calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime), while concrete is made from a mixture of cement, aggregates (such as sand and gravel), and water. The main component in cement that gives it the bonding properties is limestone but it has other ingredients like clay, shale, …

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Utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete

The use of copper slag as a pozzolanic material for a partial substitute for ordinary Portland cement and its effects on the hydration reactions and properties of mortar and concrete have been reported in several publications (Al-Jabri et al., 2006, Taha et al., 2007, Malhotra, 1993, Tixier et al., 1997, Ariño and Mobasher, 1999, Douglas and …

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2022/sbm wash used slag sand lime concrete.md at main

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Lime Concrete – Mix Proportions, Uses and Properties

Lime concrete mix ratio depends on the type of construction, but in general, it can be taken up to 1:2 ratio for lime, sand respectively and up to 1:3 ratio for lime, coarse aggregate respectively. Lime concrete had wide applications in construction before the trend of using cement as binding material.

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Effect of lime, cement and Sarooj (artificial pozzolan) on the swelling

DOI: 10.1016/J.BUILDENV.2004.08.028 Corpus ID: 110620395; Effect of lime, cement and Sarooj (artificial pozzolan) on the swelling potential of an expansive soil from Oman @article{AlRawas2005EffectOL, title={Effect of lime, cement and Sarooj (artificial pozzolan) on the swelling potential of an expansive soil from Oman}, …

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proportions of lime to sand, particularly when using hydraulic lime powder. This will invariably mean a higher proportion of lime to sand should be used – usually closer to 1:2 or 1:2½ depending on whether the mortar is for pointing or for rendering – to compensate for the volume of air in the dried powder.

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A Review of the Influence of Copper Slag on the Properties of Cement …

Global copper slag (CS) emissions reached 57.2 million tons in 2021. Despite the increasing reuse of CS, the treatment of CS is still dominated by landfill so far, which not only occupies land resources but also causes damage to the environment. The application of CS to cement-based materials (CBMs) is one of the main approaches to its …

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Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in concrete…

Offprint provided courtesy of Author copy for personal use, not for distribution NSC 31 0 .65 w/c 100 Song et al. 53 .7 (2003) NSC CS type 1 100 NSC 53 .7 CS type 2 100 Sudarvizhi 25 .2 and 100 Ilangovan (2012) NSC Wu et al. 99 (2010a) HSC 100 Average 100 Individual average Overall average 10 Magazine of Concrete ...

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Aggregates for Concrete

Hydraulic cement concrete is a cement and water paste in which aggregate particles are embedded. Aggregate is granular material such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, blast-furnace slag, and lightweight aggregates that usually occupies approxi-mately 60 to 75% of the volume of concrete. Aggregate properties significantly affect the workability of ...

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Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in …

1400214 1..15. Magazine of Concrete Research. Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in concrete: a state-of-the-art. Paper 1400214 Received 07/07/2014; …

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Environmental Sciences Proceedings | Free Full-Text

Manjunath et al. (2012) have studied ground granulated blast furnace slag (an industrial waste) along with hydrated lime is used to stabilize a typical black cotton soil. Detailed experimental investigations have been carried out to know the effectiveness of the addition of slag and lime to improve the geotechnical properties of soil . Harish ...

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(PDF) The Use of Hydrated Lime in Concrete as a Cement …

PDF | Description Celebrating 100 years of standards development, ASTM Committee C07 on Lime has published 16 peer-reviewed papers, ranging in topics... | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

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Study on properties of concrete using slag as partial …

The use of waste items like silica fume, fly ash and ground-granulated blast furnace slag as a partial replacement for cement used in concrete has been considered a sustainable approach in the construction industry [13]. The amount of carbon dioxide gas emitted will be significantly reduced when GGBS is used in place of Portland cement.

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The Reuse of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag as Concrete …

Basic oxygen furnace slag is considered a potential material for the replacement of natural aggregate in Portland cement concrete due to its similar physical characteristics. Therefore, in the present work, the slag was analyzed by Nitrogen sorption porosimetry, elemental analysis, mineralogical analysis, and volume stability. On the …

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Aggregate – MMC Materials, Inc.

Aggregates are a broad category of course to medium grained particulate material used in construction including sand, gravel, crushed stone and slag. MMC Materials provides aggregate solutions to your contractor for drainage, foundations, roads, railroads and hauling services. Aggregates are the most mined material in the world.

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Review Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete

Today, cement and concrete are some of the most consumed materials after water throughout the whole world. About 4.1 billion tons of cement are fabricated annually (half a ton per person) and half of this amount is produced by China [5].In addition, >1 m 3 of concrete per person is produced with Portland cement each year [6].Today, …

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Strength Studies on Slag Sand oncrete lended with Silica …

Slag sand is a type of artificial sand that is easily obtainable locally and is a by-product of the steel industry. Here, slag sand has totally taken the place of natural sand. In this project, we have used slag sand manufactured by JSW confining zone II and Referring to IS:383-2016. The specific gravity of slag sand, which we measured in a lab ...

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Mining & Quarrying

The Mining & Quarrying Division began supplying aggregates and washed sand to various concrete supply companies in Muscat and Sohar regions, in the early 1980's. as the Ar …

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