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Missoula Gulch Placer Mining Claim

Missoula Gulch Placer Mining ClaimBLM No. MTMMC 236742160 Acres - Non-patented - The claim follows the stream bed which includes over a mile of deep pools and cascading waterfalls.Southwest ¼ of Section 2 …

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C-IN-BLM-001-00-R United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Washington, D.C. 20240 May 23, 2001 AUDIT REPORT Memorandum To: Director, Bureau of Land Management Solicitor From: Roger La Rouche Assistant Inspector General for Audits Subject: Audit Report on Processing of Mineral Patent Applications …

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Difference Between Placer and Lode Claims

The Main Differences. Location: Placer minerals are found in loose form, often near water bodies, while lode minerals are encased in rock.; Extraction: Placer mining is typically surface-based, using …

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20 Acre Placer Gold Claim | Wickenburg, AZ

Discover the Riches of the 20 Acre Placer Gold Claim in Wickenburg, AZ. Unleash your inner prospector and make your dreams of striking it rich a reality with our exclusive 20 Acre Placer Gold Claim in Wickenburg, AZ. Nestled in the heart of Arizona's gold country, this claim is a golden opportunity for any seasoned miner or aspiring enthusiast.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

How to locate your own placer mining claim in Colorado

Also, one placer claim is limited to a maximum 20 acres. This is typically 1/2 of a quarter of a quarter section and would be 660 feet by 1320 feet…or it can be less of course. If there are pieces of private property or road easements, be sure to exclude those from your legal description in your COL and note them on your map.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Princeton BC Gold Claim For Sale

The Wolfe Gold placer claim sits on the Similkameen river just 15 minutes from Princeton, BC with ready access from Highway 3 that bisects the claim's South side. The claim's two cells encompass over 100 acres and provide extensive river frontage with over 500 meters of the Similkameen River flowing through the claim.

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Mineral and placer claims

The online MTO system allows clients to acquire and maintain (register work, payments, etc.) mineral and placer claims. You register a cell claim by selecting one or more …

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Placer Mining Claims for Sale | Gold & Precious …

Dive into the world of placer mining with our extensive range of claims. Traditionally unpatented, placer claims offer the thrill of discovery combined with the vast potential of mineral-rich deposits. From gold panning in …

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Tulameen Gold

We have for sale a 1 Cell, 51.7 Acre Placer Gold Claim on Lawless Creek near Tulameen, BC. Access is from the Lawless Creek Forest Service Road that goes along the side of the Creek that ends just at the claim. ... Section 60.2 of the Mineral Tenure Act requires that we post the following - Warning – This property is offered for mining ...

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California Placer Gold for Sale:

Jackson Creek 60-Acre Placer Claim: Type of Claim: Unpatented Placer Claim: Size of Claim 60 Acres: Commodities Gold. Past Production Yes. State, County California, Plumas: Accessibility: Good 4x4 Dirt Roads: …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Salmon Lake 40 Acre Gold Claim in California

Salmon Lake & Salmon Creek 40 Acre Gold Placer Claim for Sale. NEW! The Salmon Lake and Salmon Creek claims are a beautiful retreat high in the mountains of Sierra County, California, surrounded by gold-bearing lakes, creeks, and tributary inlet streams. This new gold discovery includes lakeside access, as well as hundreds of feet of the …

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Green River Gold Corp. to Commence Placer Gold Mining on the Wabi Claim

Green River Gold Corp. to Commence Placer Gold Mining on the Wabi Claim on the Swift River in May 2024. Apr 2, 2024. News Release Highlights: ... They are contiguous to Osisko Development Corp.'s mineral claim group containing a proposed mine location at its Cariboo Gold Project. The Kymar Silver Project (the Project or …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

'LYNX CREEK GOLD' | 20 acre Placer Claim in Yavapai, Ariz …

LYNX CREEK GOLD is a 20-acre active mining claim in Yavapai, Arizona owned by Mine Data LLC. Ownership and use of this claim is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management's Hassayampa Field Office under the serial number AMC443774. The last action for this claim occurred on August 12, 2020. Information on the claim was last …

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Features placer mining properties for sale in Northern California. Descriptions of patented and unpatented mining claims, what they are, and how to stake a placer mining claim. …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073


For Sale - Placer Gold and Platinum Claim located on the Tulameen River right at the historic town of Coalmont this claim is easily accessed with 2WD and provides a long working season in the beautiful Tulameen valley. The bench area has been noted historically as a potential buried channel of legendary Granite Creek.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Oregon Gold Claims for Sale

Hidden Gulch is a past producing gold placer mining claim, measuring 40 acres, located in Southwest Oregon in the Applegate mining district! ... Hidden Gulch 40 Acre Placer Claim: Type of Claim: Unpatented Placer Claim: Size of Claim 40 Acres: Commodities Gold. Past Production Yes. ... Mineral Resource Data System ID#M062190

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eCFR :: 43 CFR Part 3832 Subpart B -- Types of Mining Claims

If there is a vein, lode, or ledge, each lode claim is limited to a maximum of 1,500 feet along the course of the vein, lode, or ledge and a maximum of 300 feet in width on each side …

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What is placer mining claim?

Rights and Limitations of a Placer Mining Claim Owner. Placer mining claims confer certain rights to individuals or entities to mine for valuable minerals in placer deposits. These rights, however, come with limitations that are governed by local, state, and federal laws. The primary right of a placer mining claim owner is the exclusive right ...

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Gold Mining Claims

Sierra County, California - Gold Past Producer. The High Moss II is a 20 acre placer mining claim in Sierra County, California, located next to the imposing Sierra Butte Mountains on the Salmon Creek!This gold-bearing river is a stones throw from both Gold and Salmon Lakes, great spots for fishing and camping and enjoying the beauty of the …

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Mineral and placer leases

A lease is the production tenure for mining. A claim allows the holder to explore and develop the mineral or placer mineral resource, and contains a production limit for mineral claims of 1,000 tonnes of ore in a year from each unit in a legacy claim or each cell in a cell claim, and for placer claims of 20,000 cubic metres of pay dirt from …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Wild Rose Placer Mining Claim 160 Acres

Wild Rose Placer Mining Claim 160 Acres.BLM No. MTMMC 236743.West ½ of Section 2 and Northeast ¼ Section 3, T16N, R27W, Mineral County, MontanaThe claim is located in the Cedar Creek Mining District of Mineral County, Montana. The claim is accessed by the Bonanza Gulch Trail and runs for approximately 1-mile, following the streambed.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

'VALLEY GOLD 3' | 20 acre Placer Claim in Powell, Mont. | Gold

VALLEY GOLD 3 is a 20-acre active mining claim in Powell, Montana owned by Gold Mineral Mines Of Montana LLC. Ownership and use of this claim is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management's Missoula Field Office under the serial number MMC240307. The last action for this claim occurred on November 4, 2020.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Gold Placer Mining Best Practices

Gold placer mining processing flow. Gold placer mining consists of three major operational steps: extraction, beneficiation and processing. Extraction is defined as removing ore material from a deposit and encompasses all activities prior to beneficiation. Beneficiation is the operation by which gold particles are separated from the associated ...

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Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands

The General Mining Law allows for the enactment of State laws governing location and recording of mining claims and sites that are consistent with Federal law. The Federal …

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Explanation of Location

The maximum size a placer claim may be is 20 acres. An association of two locators may locate 40 acres, and three may locate 60 acres, etc. The maximum area of an association placer claim permitted by law is 160 acres for eight or more persons. The maximum size of a placer claim for a corporation is 20 acres per claim.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Placer Mountain Gold Claims for Sale

Sierra County, California - Salmon Creek Gold Placer. The "Sierra Gold" is a past producing placer mountain mining claim, measuring 20 acres, found in the North Yuba …

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Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands Brochure 2021 …

gold or some other valuable mineral deposit 3. The two preceding elements, when taken together, must be such that as to warrant a prudent man in the expenditure of his time and money in the effort to develop a valuable mine." For traditional placer claims, in addition to proof of a discovery, each 10 acres must be shown to be mineral-

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

'ST. REGIS GOLD #2' | 20 acre Placer Claim in Mineral, Mont

ST. REGIS GOLD #2 is a 20-acre active mining claim in Mineral, Montana owned by Northwest Gold Silver Mines LLC, Jeremy Morigeau, and Craig Morigeau. Ownership and use of this claim is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management's Missoula Field Office under the serial number MMC239546. The last action for this claim occurred on August …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

43 CFR 3832.12 – When I record a mining claim or site, …

This is assuming none of the other acceptable reasons are present for describing a placer claim by metes & bounds description. 43 CFR 3832.12 (c)(1) …

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Mining Claim Packet

c. Type of claim/site (lode claim, placer claim, mill site, tunnel site) d. Location Date of the claim/site e. Names and current mailing addresses of all the locators of the claim/site …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073