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Chrome ore beneficiation challenges & opportunities – A …

The research work of Bhima Rao et al., shows that tailings of chromite gravity plants of Sukinda region of India, which invariably contains 11.7% Cr 2 O 3, can be beneficiated to produce a chrome concentrate of 46% Cr 2 O 3 content with a recovery of 38%, by using a combination of Bartles Mozley (BM) table and cross belt separator.

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Chromium contamination and effect on environmental …

The occurrence of Cr(VI) pollution from the mining of chromites, dumping of chromium-bearing waste, leaching and mine-tailing infiltration, tannery effluent, and other expanding industrial activities are the significant source of water pollution and soil contamination in India.

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Chromite mining pollution, environmental impact, toxicity …

Sukinda is a major mining site of Odisha, India, polluted by chromium, which is highly toxic in its hexavalent form. The Sukinda valley is a rich source of chromites, amounting to almost 95% of Cr available in India, and is …

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India sets sights on home-mined minerals to boost its clean …

A mining engineer shows a chromium ore vain in a mine near Kaliapani village in Jajpur district, Odisha, India on Thursday, July 6, 2023. Chromium, used mostly as a coating to stop rust in steel and car parts, has been deemed necessary for India's transition to cleaner energy.

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A review of chromite mining in Sukinda Valley of India: …

Sukinda chromite mine valley is the largest chromite producer in India; almost 99% of the country's chromium is produced from this valley.

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Chromite ore beneficiation: prospects and challenges

Chromite underground mines in India are confined to Byrapur in Karnataka and Boula & Kathpal mines in Odisha (Table 3.5).

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CHROMITE Indian Minerals Yearbook 2020

CHROMITE MINING & TRANSPORT At present, mining operations for chromite are restricted in the Sukinda ultramafic belt, in the Baula Nausahi chromite belt in Odisha and in Hassan district of Karnataka. The method of exploitation of chromite in the areas includes both opencast and underground mining. Chromite outcrops generally are …

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Report on environmental issues of chromite mining in …

Orissa accounts for about 98% of the total proved chromite (chromium ore)reserves of the country, of which about 97% occur in the Sukinda Valley, over an area covering approximately 200 sq. km., in the Jajpur district. Presently there are 14 chromite mines operating in Sukinda.

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A review of chromite mining in Sukinda Valley of India: …

Chromium resistant and reducing bacteria, belonging to Arthrobacter, Pseudomonas, and Corynebacterium isolated from chromite mine overburden and seepage samples of Orissa, India, were found to tolerate 12–18 mM Cr(VI) during growth.

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A review of chromite mining in Sukinda Valley of India: …

Sukinda Valley, one of the highly polluted areas of the world is generating tons of mining waste and causing serious health and environmental issues in its surroundings. Several reports are available reporting the severity of hexavalent chromium, yet little efforts have been made to address the pollution and its remediation due to a …

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