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Electricity generated from water: BlackLight Power announces validation

BlackLight Process: A novel chemical process invented by Dr. Mills that causes the latent energy stored in the hydrogen atom to be released as a new primary energy source.

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Blacklight Power: What on Earth?

Today, thanks to a story in the New York Times, we take up the unusual case of Blacklight Power.You may have heard of them before - I had, and I didn't realize that they were still around. Their founder, Randell Mills, has been telling people for years now that there is another energetic state of hydrogen, which he calls the "hydrino", and …

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Randell Mills, hydrinos, Blacklight Power

Randell Mills, hydrinos, Blacklight Power (too old to reply) Andrzej Kolowski 23:19:05 UTC. Permalink. I am curious about the attitudes of people here toward ... Randell Mills is a Harvard-trained MD. He does not have a degree in physics, but he had extensive coursework in physics and engineering at MIT in the 1980s. By all accounts

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57) Hydrinos: are they really predicted by Mills' theory?

What should one think about BLP (Black Light Power Inc.), a company headed by Randell Mills? Unlike cold fusion, which is still a purely empirical field of investigation, his claims seem to be based on theories. And unlike the secretive company, Genesis World Energy (see item 56 on my cold fusion list), Mills does provide information about his ...

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The grand unified theory of classical quantum mechanics

Now along comes Randell Mills. Without expending billions or even millions or even hundreds of thousands of US taxpayers' dollars, Dr. Mills has apparently completed Einstein's quest for a unified field theory. Dr. Mills' theory is presented in his book, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics (November 1995).

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New Book on Randell Mills/GUTCP Theory Published

Brett Holverstott, former Blacklight Power intern and academic co-author to Randell Mills', has just published a remarkable first-person account of his time at Randell Mills' research labs. His book, titled Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy,/em> follows Mills as he develops his hydrino theory, simultaneously describing it in ...

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The grand unified theory of classical quantum mechanics: Mills, Randell …

Randell L. Mills. Follow . Something went wrong. Please try your request again later. ... Blacklight Power Inc. Publication date. January 1, 1996. ISBN-10. 0963517120. ISBN-13. 978-0963517128 ... Dr Mills developed developed a new technique of Forster Resonance Energy Transfer by creating overlapping emission and absorption …

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BlackLight Power

BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills' assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known as the ground state.

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The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics by Randell L. Mills …

Dr. Randell Mills holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from Harvard University and a BA degree in Chemistry from Franklin and Marshall College. He began his research on the unified field theory while studying electrical engineering at MIT. He has published widely and filed patents in the areas of hydrogen energy technology; magnetic …

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The Brilliant Light Power Story

This lower energy state has been dubbed "Hydrino" by Dr. Randell L. Mills, who theoretically predicted the state and experimentally verified its existence. He then …

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Randell Mills—New Energy and the Cosmic Hydrino Sea

Conversation between Dr. Randell Mills (RM) and Art Rosenblum (AR) at BlackLight Power AR:Dr. Mills, this is Art Rosenblum, in Philadelphia. I'm with the Aquarian Research Foundation, we've been doing research on the future of the planet since 1970, a small, tax exempt nonprofit, and I'm extraordi-narily interested in your break-throughs ...

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Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics

Now along comes Randell Mills. Without expending billions or even millions or even hundreds of thousands of US taxpayers' dollars, Dr. Mills has apparently completed Einstein's quest for a unified field theory. ... Published by Blacklight Power Inc, 1999. ISBN 10: 0963517139 / ISBN 13: 9780963517135. Used / Hardcover. Seller: dsmbooks ...

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Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) electrochemical cell

Corresponding Author. Randell L Mills. BlackLight Power, Inc., 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ, 08512 USA. Correspondence: R. Mill, BlackLight Power, Inc., 493 Old ...

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Is Dr. Randell Mills' Alternative Energy Source the Future of …

In summary, Dr. Randell Mills has developed a process to create a new type of hydrogen that releases large amounts of energy, which has been confirmed by independent scientists. His company, Blacklight Power Inc., is expected to release a product utilizing this new energy source soon.

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Randell Mills: Blacklight Power WO Patent Abstracts

Blacklight Power . Patent Abstracts. WO 99/05735 -- Inorganic Hydrogen Compounds, Separation Methods, and Fuel Applications. Compounds are provided comprising at least one neutral, positive or negative hydrogen species having a greater binding energy than its corresponding ordinary hydrogen species, or greater than any hydrogen species for ...

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Randell Mills and the Search for Hydrino Energy

In 1991, when Randell Mills proposed a new way to extract energy from hydrogen, few believed it possible. It took 25 years of research to explore a new field of chemistry made possible by a new kind of the hydrino.

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Naturwissenschaft Die dunkle Seite des Wasserstoffs

BlackLight Power wurde 1991 von dem amerikanischen Mediziner und Elektroingenieur Dr. Randell Mills gegründet und zählt heute 17 fest an-gestellte Mitarbeiter (die meisten da-von Wissenschaftler) sowie acht Be-rater. Mills war schon früh in die Forschungen um die so genann-te Kalte Fusion (heute eher als „Low

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Randell L Mills living in Yardley, PA Contact Details

Search for Randell L Mills living in Yardley, PA, get started for free and find contact information, address and phone for anyone. ... limited liability corporations (LLC) for Randell. BLACKLIGHT POWER, INC 493 Old TrentonRd East Windsor NJ 08512. RANDELL MILLS (SECRETARY) - reported in December 1991 in DE (#2065333) …

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The Brilliant Light Power Story

This lower energy state has been dubbed "Hydrino" by Dr. Randell L. Mills, who theoretically predicted the state and experimentally verified its existence. He then founded Brilliant Light Power to commercialize Hydrino-based technology. The dominant paradigm of physics says Hydrino can't exist. The dominant paradigm is wrong.

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News & Updates

Dr. Mills presented: "Breakthrough Zero-CO2 Distributed Power Source" at The Green Summit - New York City on July 15th. AbstractBrilliant Light Power, Inc. (BLP) has developed a new, zero-pollution, primary energy source based on a proprietary hydrogen plasma...

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Hydrino Theory, Which Overturns Quantum Theory, Is In …

[Mills'] company, BlackLight Power Inc., formed in 1991, expects to receive in January patents on the energy and chemicals, which Mills says derive from the "shrinking" of the hydrogen atom's orbitsphere. ... That one man -- Randell Mills -- has initiated scientific revolutions in at least four separate fields is not surprising. According to Dr ...

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Director. Jim Hearty. Director. DR. RANDELL L. MILLS. Dr. Mills, Founder and principal stockholder of Brilliant Light Power, Inc., has served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer and President since …

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Randell L. Mills

Dr. Randell Mills holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from Harvard University and a BA degree in Chemistry from Franklin and Marshall College. He began his research on the unified field theory while studying electrical engineering at MIT. He has published widely and filed patents in the areas of hydrogen energy technology; magnetic resonance …

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R. L. Mills | IEEE Xplore Author Details

Randell L. Mills received the B.A. degree in chemistry (summa cum laude) from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, in 1982 and the M.D. degree with a concentration on technology from Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, in 1986. He also studied electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.

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About the Author

Dr. Randell L. Mills Dr. Mills, Founder and principal stockholder of Brilliant Light Power, Inc., has served as President, Director, and Chairman of the Board since 1991. The Company, located in the Princeton, NJ, area, …

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Randell Mills Brilliant Light Power BlackLight Power Energy …

Randell Mills Brilliant Light Power BlackLight Power Energy Source Science 2006. iart (12290) positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; ... BlackLight Power. The book tries to answer the question, why hasn't their work had a friendlier reception? One answer: the 1989 cold fusion fiasco, with which Mills' …

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BrilliantLightPower Wiki

Welcome to the Brilliant Light Power Wiki []. Brilliant Light Power (formerly Blacklight Power) is the privately held company founded by Dr. Randell Mills to commercialize inventions and intellectual property that are derived from his Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUTCP). The 2000 page theory claims to be the first to unify all …

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Randell Mills

Randell L. Mills, M.D. is a dairy farmer's son who purports to have invented "the new fire" by debunking quantum mechanics and, in the process producing the book, Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics.[1] Scientists say he's a kook if not a con artist who has been promising a Duke Nukem Forever energy revolution for …

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R. L. Mills | IEEE Xplore Author Details

Randell L. Mills received the B.A. degree in chemistry (summa cum laude) from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, in 1982 and the M.D. degree with a concentration …

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New form of hydrogen power provokes scepticism …

BlackLight has already attracted more than $20 million in private investment to back its proprietary chemical process. According to Mills, this process has generated energy far in excess of that ...

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