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The Supply Chain of the Mining Industry: The Case …

Purpose: The aim of this article is to identify processes and recognise determinants in the. copper mining industry supply chain creation and activity taking into account the influence. of COVID ...

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Innovation potential along the phosphorus supply chain: …

Our research focuses on the "mining" part of the phosphorus supply chain (PSC), comprising extraction and beneficiation (i.e., processing PR-Ore to marketable concentrate, PR-M). ... production processes, organizational structures, and industrial clusters, based on a combination of new technologies and social innovations (Steiner, …

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What are 5 working examples of process mining?

Process mining is rapidly establishing itself as a core enterprise technology.. Gartner® published its first Magic Quadrant™ for Process Mining Tools in 2023 and, according to The Process Optimization …

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How great supply-chain organizations work

The supply-chain function's organizational design interacts with its assets, technology, processes, and people to make strategy happen. When parts of this system are not aligned, execution …

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A comprehensive interdisciplinary review of mine supply …

There is an everlasting distance and interdependence between mines and end-users as it involves different types of equipment, infrastructure, and facilities, …

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The Supply Chain of the Mining Industry: The Case of Copper Mining

PDF | On Feb 1, 2021, Marta Wincewicz-Bosy and others published The Supply Chain of the Mining Industry: The Case of Copper Mining | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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Intangible supply chain complexity, organizational structure and …

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a large-sample empirical examination of how intangible supply chain complexity impacts firm performance in light of a firm's organizational structure.,The study uses panel data from 2,580 Indian manufacturing firms and constructs empirical proxy for intangible supply chain complexity, i.e. CHQ …

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Blockchain Structure

The users need to keep track of those transactions, and they do it with the help of a block structure. The block structure of the blockchain is mentioned in the very first diagram in this article. Chain: Chain is the concept where all the blocks are connected with the help of a chain in the whole blockchain structure in the world. And those ...

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Business environment-supply chain framework and benchmarking supply

The purpose of this paper is to develop a supply chain management framework covering different business environment levels, that is, macro, micro and supply chain levels, and also to evaluate Haiti vs China as apparel-sourcing partners by assessing macro-level, supply-chain-level and micro-level environments from the US apparel …

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What configurations of structures facilitate supply chain …

This study explores how factors arising from supply chain (SC) network and complexity work together in supply chain learning (SCL) behavior.,Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, which is an emerging configurational analysis method, was adopted to examine the complex combination of five influencing factors.

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Green supply chain practices and sustainable performance of mining …

Fig. 1 illustrates the model used for this study. The model was developed from the literature review. Green et al. (2012) developed a similar model of green supply chain management practices on performance and came out with variables such as internal environmental management, green information system, green purchasing, cooperation …

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Critical mineral sustainable supply: Challenges and governance

One is the challenge of a sustainable supply of critical minerals to support the construction of renewable energy and electrified transportation. Critical minerals …

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Navigating Quality and Effectiveness of Mining and …

Effectiveness of Mining and Supply Chain Standards The Mercedes-Benz Guidance for Suppliers: Navigating Quality and Effectiveness of Mining and Supply Chain Standards (the "Guidance") aims to support suppliers in identifying the appropriate standard for their purposes. The Guidance is based on an evaluation of Mercedes-Benz AG and is

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Organizational structures of mining companies: …

Organizational structures of mining companies: composition and development Sergei Yaschenko*, Vladimir Polyakov, and Tatiana Sabitova Volgograd State Technical University, 400074 Volgograd, Russia Abstract. The organizational structures of large companies from the same industry are typical. But the geographic, economic and …

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BUS606: Operations and Supply Chain Management

If we are predicting a continuous attribute (i.e., supply chain sales amount), a time series algorithm can be used. If we are predicting a sequence (i.e., analyzing the factors leading to delivery failure), a sequence clustering can be used. Using more than one data mining model over the same mining structure is a good practice, since the best ...

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Charles Kwarteng, MSc, BSc, HND, MCIPS

MCIPS experienced Supply Chain Management Professional with (14+) years' experience in developing and managing corporate procurement strategies with strategic vision. <br>• An accomplished Supply Chain visionary leader of large, complex multifaceted roles in public, private and multinational organizations.<br>• MCIPS …

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Identifying supply risks by mapping the cobalt supply chain

Compared to previous supply chain resilience research that explored the supply chain of rare earth elements (Sprecher et al., 2017a), our findings are that the cobalt supply chain of 2016 is significantly less concentrated than that of rare earths was in 2008. This is true for both mining (HHI of ∼3100 for cobalt compared to ∼9500 for …

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Operation decision of competitive mining supply chain …

strategies of mining supply chain are different under different supply chain structures. The optimal decisions of the mining supply chain members are the same in each case …

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A proprietary component manufacturer's global supply chain …

First, the PCM determines the supply chain structure to optimize her global after-tax profits. Second, the PCM decides the transfer price for the downstream manufacturing subsidiary and/or the. Centralized structure. Section 4 analyzes and compares different supply chain structures when the PCM adopts decentralized …

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The mining value chain: A hidden gem | McKinsey

Mining value chains are highly complicated and must account for all assets, including equipment (for example, trucks and shovels), processing plants, and railway and port operations (Exhibit 1). Further complicating matters, the wide range of related activities requires a series of …

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Innovation in mining: what are the challenges and …

The third section analyzes characteristics of innovation in the mining industry—in particular, how recent changes in the organization and supply chain structures are shaping innovation in this sector. The …

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Intellectual Structure in Supply Chain Risk Management …

from 2000 to 2022: A Review Based on Text Mining Approach Xiaoyang ... whole structure of supply chain risk management. Sustainability 2022, 14, 16245 3 of 25 ...

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Innovation potential along the phosphorus supply chain: A …

Our research focuses on the "mining" part of the phosphorus supply chain (PSC), comprising extraction and beneficiation (i.e., processing PR-Ore to marketable concentrate, PR-M). ... including mining sites, production processes, organizational structures, and industrial clusters, based on a combination of new technologies and …

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Mining industry risks, and future critical minerals and metals …

The mining industry supply chain is complex and resilience in this context represents a multidimensional phenomenon. What makes it more difficult to understand …

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Supply chain coopetition: A review of structures, …

This research performs a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) through the PRISMA framework of the existing works in Supply Chain Coopetition (SCC), conducts a content analysis on SCC, and examines the theory of coopetition and organizational relationships on intra-firm and inter-firm supply chains. The focus is on the collaboration …

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The impact of supply chain structure on the use of supplier …

Organizational distance, as measured by the total length of the supply chain (number of tiers in the supply chain), was related to increased use of multiple supplier socially responsible practices. Finally, as the plant was positioned further upstream in the supply chain, managers reported increased use of supplier codes of conduct.

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Process Mining in Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review

Primary research focuses on supply chain process mining literature ... (called a virtual organization structure model) [25] Sun, et al., 2011 . x . x . x . x .

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Top 10 Supply Chain Organizational Chart Templates with …

A supply chain organizational chart is a graphical representation of an organization's hierarchical structure and links within its supply chain. It defines the roles, duties, and reporting lines for persons and departments purchasing, manufacturing, distributing, and delivering products or services. Components of a Supply Chain …

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Evolving Financing Structures in the Energy Transition

Hear about the global developments of project finance in the energy transition space and listen to the panel examine the challenges of transitioning to clean energy, availability, supply chain issues and the deployment of financing.

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Organizational alignment and supply chain governance structure …

OA and SCGS may provide some insight into how to promote better internal supply chain integration within the firm, and may allow for an assessment of the governance structure of the firm's supply chain. In different industries and at different times, this knowledge may prove useful in supply chain design and supply base …

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