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Effect of Phosphoric Acid on the Preparation of α-Hemihydrate Gypsum

The pure gypsum used in the experiment was taken from Tianjin kemio Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Tianjin, China), where the content of CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O was ≥99%. ... Therefore, the water consumption of standard consistency of α-HH also gradually increased with the increase in H 3 PO 4 content. After citric acid was added, …

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ASTM-C187 | Standard Test Method for Amount of Water …

It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Keywords. Cement-portland; Consistency; Hydraulic cement; normal consistency of hydraulic cement, test; ICS Number Code 91.100.10 (Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar)

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Standard Consistency of Cement Test

A = Amount of Water Needed for Standard Consistency (in percentage) W= Weight of Water Added ... Note that all the experiment should be performed away from vibrations and other disturbances. References. IS:4031(Part 4):1988-Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement (Determination of consistency of standard cement paste). ...

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Performance enhancement and mechanism of pregelatinized …

Fig. 2 is the effect of pregelatinized starch content on the setting time required for FGD gypsum to reach the standard consistency. In Fig. 2, when pregelatinized starch was below 1.0 %, its addition prolonged the initial and final setting times.Research shows that the amount of water required has a relatively large impact …

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Effects of different gypsum varieties on the hydration and …

The experiment was carried out under air atmosphere, the heating rate was 10 °C/min, and the temperature range was 30 °C-1400 °C. 2.3.2. Compressive strength. According to Chinese standard GB/T 20472–2006, the grade of fast - hardening SAC is determined by three - day compressive strength.

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C472 Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum, Gypsum

These test methods cover the physical testing of gypsum, gypsum plasters, and gypsum concrete. Test methods are detailed for the following: precautions for physical tests, reagents and materials, free water, fineness, normal consistency of gypsum plaster and gypsum concrete, setting time, setting time (temperature rise method), …

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A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Glass-Fiber …

As a waste derivative, glass fiber has drawn a lot of interest from the engineering community. The purpose of this study was to use glass fiber to improve the performance of defective gypsum boards. Single compression experiments, repeated loading experiments, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) testing were performed …

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Investigation of physical and mechanical properties of …

Given this, for a successful pour operation it is advisable to use a gypsum composition with a mass fraction of β-hemihydrate of not more than 40%. Fig. 3. Setting times and water …

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Preparation and Hardening Performance of Lightweight …

The water requirement for the standard consistency of gypsum is usually 60% to 80%, and there is a large amount of free water when gypsum is hydrated. …

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Consistency and setting time of standard Gypsum …

Consistency test: 200 gram of gypsum were used for the five trials. W-G ratio 50%, 48%, 46%, 44%, 42%. Start the stop watch and Mix the gypsum with measured quantity of water in less than 3 minutes …

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Molecules | Free Full-Text | Synthesis of Triblock …

The theoretical water consumption for gypsum hydration is 18.6% of gypsum quality. However, in order to maintain the plasticity of gypsum slurry in the actual application, the added water accounts for 60–80% of the mass of gypsum. ... The gypsum in the experiments was provided by Shandong Huize New Building Materials Co., Ltd …

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High value-added utilization of desulfurized building gypsum …

The utilization of desulfurized building gypsum as raw material for gypsum-based self-leveling mortar (GSL) is limited by its low strength and poor water resistance. The objective of this study is to enhance comprehensive properties of GSL and prepare qualified desulfurized building gypsum-based self-leveling mortar that can be effectively …

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Influence of crystal-transforming agent on the performance …

Its setting time and standard consistency should be tested by the "GB/T 9776-2008 Building Gypsum" standard. The gypsum hardness test is performed by the national standard "GB/T 17669.3–1999." And the specifics of are setting time as follows: Pour the water into the mixing pot after weighing it according to the normal consistency …

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The crystallization water of gypsum rocks is a relevant water …

Isotopic composition of soil and plant water. Free and crystallization water of gypsum soils had different isotopic compositions that varied seasonally (Supplementary Table 1).Free water extracted ...

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Gypsum as a Construction Material-A Review of Recent …

Table – 5 Physical properties of water resistant gypsum Properties Blended Gypsum Binder Plain Gypsum Plaster Fineness, cm2 g-1 3100 3000 Setting time, min Initial 70 25 Final 145 Bulk density, G cm-3 1-day 1.54 1.10 3-day 1.68 7-day 1.85 28-day 1.95 Compressive strength, 1-day 10.10 13.30 3-day 23.10 7-day 28.60 28-day 35.00 …

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The study on the effect of flotation purification on the performance …

The water requirement of the standard consistency of the prepared products was determined with reference to the standard of "Determination of the physical properties of net gypsum slurry for ...

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Mastering the Art of Setting Time for Gypsum Plaster: Tips …

Maintain Consistency: Regularly check the consistency of the mixture during application. Adjust the water-to-plaster ratio if you notice any changes in setting time. 6.

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Highly efficient modified phosphogypsum building gypsum …

This outcome is attributed to the enhanced β-hemihydrate gypsum content in phosphogypsum, which elevates the water absorption and thus resulting in higher water consumption. After ball milling for 5 min and efficient modification at 165 °C, the standard consistency water consumption of phosphogypsum reaches its highest value at 67%.

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Research on the Performance of Phosphorus Building Gypsum …

3.1 Effect of Physical Properties of Phosphorus Building Gypsum-Based Lightweight Concrete Materials. Setting Time and Standard Consistency.The gypsum-based material setting time and standard consistency water consumption is an important indicator in measuring the physical properties of the material inspection, which not only …

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Complete Guide on Consistency of Cement | Procedure

The reading on the Vicat apparatus will indicate the depth of penetration from the top and when it reaches a range of 33 to 35 the standard consistency is obtained. The standard consistency test can also be used to test the initial and final setting time of cement as well as the soundness of cement.

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Research on the Performance of Phosphorus Building …

Of these, the performance is best when the high efficiency water reducing agent is 1.0%. The material density is 1.442 g/cm3 and the true porosity is 7.2%. Closed porosity is …

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Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of …

total amount of water required to bring the putty to standard consistency and the actual penetration. Proceed with the plasticity determination in accordance with 6.3. 5.4 Precision and Bias: 5.4.1 The precision and bias of this test method has not been determined. 6. Plasticity of Lime Putty 6.1 Significance and Use:

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Standard Test Method for Amount of Water Required for …

Standard Test Method for Amount of Water Required for Normal Consistency of Hydraulic Cement Paste active, Most Current Details. History. References Publication Date: 15 June 2023: Status: active: Page Count: 3: ICS Code (Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar): 91.100.10: ... Standard Test Method for Amount of Water …

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Effect of Phosphoric Acid on the Preparation of α …

The water consumption of the standard consistency of the prepared α-HH samples was tested according to Gypsum—Determination of physical properties of pure paste (GB/T …

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Consistency test on cement – Significance and Procedure

Then calculate the standard consistency. Calculation. The standard consistency is expressed in terms of the percentage of the quantity of added water to the weight of cement. The consistency of cement ranges from 26% to 33%. Standard consistency = ( Quantity of water added / Weight of cement) x 100. Precaution

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Gypsum hydration: a theoretical and experimental study

1. Ultrasonic results indicate gypsum hydration reaction consists of two stages: the dissolution of hemihydrate in the first stage and the nucleation and precipitation of …

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Water requirement of cement, W180 – A practical test …

known. In cement factory, the water requirement is normally checked in the setting time test (Vicat), but the method (Standard consistency) /1/ is rather insensitive. The Standard consistency test is primarily made to adjust the consistency of cement paste suitable for the setting test, not to analyse the water requirement of cement.

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Consistency test of cement | Standard or Normal consistency

The consistency of cement is determined by the amount of water required to produce a standard consistency. As per the IS code, the standard consistency of cement is said to be achieved when the plunger penetrates 5-7 mm from the top of the cement paste. The Vicat apparatus is also used to determine the initial and final setting time of cement.

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Experimental Study on the Properties and Hydration Mechanism of Gypsum

Test method refers to the Chinese standard GB/T 23451-2009, take three specimens as a group, dry the specimens to a constant weight and weigh them, soak them in water at (20 ± 5) °C, add water to 20 mm above the sample, take them out after 2 d, use a towel to wipe off the water on the surface of the specimen and weigh them.

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Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Gypsum, …

6. Free Water 6.1 Significance and Use—This test method determines the free water contained in gypsum, gypsum plasters, and gypsum concrete samples, and prepares the sample for subsequent testing. 6.2 Apparatus: 6.2.1 Balance, capable of weighing not less than 500 g at a precision of 0.1 g. 6.2.2 Drying Oven, set at 45 6 3 °C.

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