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Confronting realities of hearing conservation programmes in South

The absence of audiologists in the management of ONIHL within the South African mining context has serious consequences for the mining industry, as audiologists are professionals knowledgeable in noise and its short- and long-term effects on employees with excessive occupational noise exposure (Khoza-Shangase & Moroe 2020b).

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Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the mining sector of South

Background Historically, occupational health concerns associated with mining, particularly occupational noise-induced hearing loss (ONIHL), were ignored by the mining sector, policy-makers and academic researchers. As such, there is a dearth of literature related to ONIHL, especially in low- and middle-income countries such as …

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Occupational noise and age: A longitudinal study of hearing …

In 2007, it was estimated that nearly half of the mining industry's workforce in South Africa was exposed to hazardous occupational noise, and of these individuals, more than 90% work in zones where noise level exceeds the 85 A-weighted decibels (dBA) time-weighted average, with 11% working in areas in which the noise levels are even …

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Noise-induced hearing loss: what South African …

Keywords: knowledge; mineworkers; noise-induced hearing loss; South Africa 1. Introduction The mining industry in South Africa remains one of the driving forces behind the development of the ...

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Occupational Hearing Loss for Platinum Miners in South Africa…

In South Africa, a LMIC, the mining industry reported a higher prevalence rate of ONIHL than this (30%) in 2016/2017 . Despite noise reduction and other measures (e.g., noise surveillance and audiometry medical surveillance) implemented in South African mines over the last 12 years, the industry continues to struggle to prevent …

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Profiles of noise exposure levels in South African Mining

SYNOPSIS. OBJECTIVES: A two-year study focused on current noise exposure levels in the South African mining industry, aimed at helping the Mine Health and Safety …

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Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in South African …

1 Background. In South Africa, hearing conservation programmes (HCPs) have been formally in existence for over two decades, since the declaration of the 1996 Mine Health and Safety Act [Citation 1].In 2003, the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC), comprising state, employer and labour representatives, circulated the 2003 …

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Noise attenuation

As you know, the mining industry in South Africa encompasses a range of activities, including drilling, blasting, crushing, and transporting materials, all of which can produce significant noise levels. At NASA Engineering SA, we have testing facilities that ensure you meet the updated noise regulations.

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Booklet for Noise and Vibration Control in the SA Mining …

Mine Health and Safety Council 145 Western Service Road Western Woods Office Park B7, Maple Place Woodmead Gauteng South Africa T: 011 070 4200 / 011 …

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Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the mining sector of South

Methods In order to study the influence of noise on miners in the mining industry, we built a coal mine noise simulation experiment system, and set the noise test level at 50 dB ~ 120 dB according ...

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Engineering noise control for mines: Lessons from the world

Objective: The main objective of this article was to present some of the engineering noise control methods that are currently being used across the world in the mining industry, while at the same time interrogating noise control measures that could be applied to effectively reduce noise emissions from the equipment utilised within South …

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SA mining outlook: Challenges exist but opportunities abound

Many say mining in South Africa is a sunset industry, however, Yandi Mini is an optimist and enthusiastic about what the future holds. "Yes, mining's contribution to the GDP has decreased, but it is exciting we live in a country where we are diversifying our economy. Mining still plays a key role in job creation and SLPs that enable ...

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Hearing conservation programmes in the context of …

Within the Southern African context, the death toll in the informal and formal sectors is reportedly very high in South Africa, as approximately 2.3 million deaths occur annually, with 650,000 of them attributed to hazardous substances in the workplace (Tshoose 2014).The South African Constitution states that all individuals have a right to an …

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Noise and vibration in the South African mining …

the South African mining industry was documented in the medical literature in 1987. 4 It remains a problem and, in 2004, 5629 cases of NIHL were each paid, on aver-

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Chemicals, noise and occupational hearing health in South Africa…

In response to the question, 'what is known about occupational ototoxic chemicals with/without noise exposure in South Africa?', this study has mapped the knowledge we are developing in this field in South Africa. ... Ototoxicity in the South African mining industry: A position paper. Retrieved from …

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Estimating miners at risk for occupational noise-induced …

Previously reported high incidences of ONIHL in the South African mining industry indicate the miners' hearing loss as a function of percentage loss of hearing …

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Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the mining sector of South

Background: The South African mining industry is frequently criticized for its poor health and safety record and high numbers of fatalities, thereby prompting researchers to conduct research on challenges faced by this industry. ... This raises a challenge in the training of workers on the dangers of noise. Furthermore, as Africa is a ...

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Rock Drills used in South African Mines: a Comparative Study of Noise

INTRODUCTION. Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is not confined to the South African mining industry (Nelson et al., 2005).It remains a problem in other countries and is a neglected area for published research in the English language (McBride, 2004).Almost two decades ago, NIHL in South African gold miners was reported in the …

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Occupational Hearing loss in Africa: An interdisciplinary view …

Evaluation of the current practices of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) awareness training in the South African mining industry. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 21 (1), 11–17. [Google Scholar] Edwards A.L., Dekker J.J., Franz R.M., Van Dyk T., & Banyini A (2011). Profiles of noise exposure levels in South African mining.

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Profiles of noise exposure levels in South African Mining

SYNOPSIS. OBJECTIVES: A two-year study focused on current noise exposure levels in the South African mining industry, aimed at helping the Mine Health and Safety Council of South Africa meet its milestones for eliminating noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). METHODS: A multi-task methodology was adapted from international baseline studies …

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Management of occupational noise induced hearing loss in the mining

Received February 15, 2018; Accepted May 22, 2018 Published online in J-STAGE July 6, 2018 Correspondence to: N. Moroe, Speech Pathology and Audiology Department, School of Human and Community Development, University of the Witwatersrand, Room U130 Umthombo Building East Campus, Wits University, 2001, South Africa (e-mail: …

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Mine Health and Safety Council 145 Western Service Road Western Woods Office Park B7, Maple Place Woodmead Gauteng South Africa T: 011 070 4200 / 011 656 1797

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Mine Health and Safety Act: Mandatory Codes of Practice Register

The Provision of Personal Protective Equipment for Women in the South African Mining Industry : DMR 16/3/2/5-A2: 31-Dec-15: 14. Management of Medical Incapacity : DMR 16/3/2/3 -A6: 31-May-16: 15. ... Would you kindly assist with the MCOP Guideline Occupational Health Programme for Noise. Reply. Patrick Warriker on …

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The Minerals Council South Africa established the Learning Hub in 2009 to encourage mining companies to learn from the pockets of excellence that exist in the i ... in the …

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Engineering noise control for mines: Lessons from the world

This article mainly focuses on the last pillar shown in Figure 1 (i.e. engineering controls), which entails the use of noise controls. The main objective of this article was to present some of the engineering noise control methods that are currently being used across the world in the mining industry and how these noise control …

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From manual to fully-automated systems and the impact of …

In South Africa, the mining sector dates as far back as the 19th century, with the first formal mining project having been recorded in 1852 (Kaplan 2011). The South Africa mining industry is reported to be one of the largest, most diversified and longest-established sectors in Africa and is also at the frontline globally (Kaplan 2011). This ...

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Contributors to Fatigue of Mine Workers in the South …

1. Introduction. The South African mining industry (SAMI) is a significant contributor to the economy of the country but faces sustainability, occupational health, and safety challenges [1], [2].The SAMI is traditionally labor intensive and takes place in difficult conditions [3], [4].In addition, the SAMI has residual problems faced by mine workers, …

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Occupational noise-induced hearing loss in the …

A literature sear ch into ONIHL in the mining sector in South Africa prior to 1994 r evealed only . ... Methods In order to study the influence of noise on miners in the mining industry, we built ...

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Management of occupational noise induced hearing loss in the mining

Objective: This study was conducted to explore the scope of practice for occupational audiologists in the mining industry and the audiologists' involvement in hearing conservation programmes in South African mines. Additionally, this study investigated the mining industry's role in the audiologists' involvement, and assessed …

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Occupational respiratory diseases in the South African mining industry

Crystalline silica and asbestos are common minerals that occur throughout South Africa, exposure to either causes respiratory disease. ... The first theme addresses trends in silicosis in the South African gold-mining industry over a period of 33 years, and the second explores the potential for occupational respiratory disease in the under ...

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