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Keene 3″ Dredge Power Sluice Highbanker Combo

This 3″ gold dredge and power sluice/highbanker combo offers ultimate flexibility for gold prospecting. It features a Honda GX200 motor with Keene P180 pump for extra high water volume and pumping distance. The system includes 50 feet of 1.5 inch collapsible pressure hose for highbanking.

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This is a serious piece of prospecting equipment that will always be a key weapon in your arsenal. The top classifier hopper is equipped with a new flood header that provides smooth clean water flow through the trough. …

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Keene Super Mini Max Power Sluice Concentrator

Product Description: The Super Mini Max Power Sluice Concentrator by Keene is the most versatile package that they have ever offered. This is a serious piece of prospecting equipment that will always be a key weapon in your arsenal.

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Sluice Boxes: Online

Since 1955, has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting equipment. Whatever you need, we're here to help!

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Gem Mining in North Carolina

Thermal City Gold Mine offers recreational Gem Mining NC and Gold Panning NC equipment for sale. We are an authorized dealer for . We carry high banker/dredge combination, prospecting supplies, a wide variety of prospecting books, sluice boxes, gold pans, pumps, and tons more! We provide you with everything needed …

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Keene's 24" Backpack Super Sucker is a must for any prospector working river banks and crevices. The Super Sucker is a hand operated gravel and... View full product details

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Cyclone Gold Pan, Bottle and Adapter: …

The 14 inch Cyclone Pan provides the ultimate in panning with the 5 large deep riffles for fast effective panning. It comes equipped with a blower tip that attaches to a foot pump transforming it into a dry-washing pan, allowing you to work in dry regions with ease.

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KEENE 140S HVS HI-VAC POWER DRY-WASHER - NEW: the Keene 140 hvs drywasher has been upgraded and is now known as the 140S HVS drywasher. ... (SEE ALL) > Gold Mining Equipment > DryWashers for Gold > KEENE 140S HVS HI-VAC POWER DRY-WASHER. KEENE 140S HVS HI-VAC POWER DRY-WASHER. Item #: …

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Gold DREDGES for Sale

Find a variety of suction dredges for gold mining from , the industry standard. Free shipping on all sizes of dredges, from portable backpack to commercial models, and accessories.

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Gold Pans: Online

Since 1955, has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting equipment. Whatever you need, we're here to help!

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Gold Hog | Modern Gold Prospecting Equipment

Gold Hog's high-tech gold prospecting equipment, devices, and tools have made it easy for modern-day prospectors to increase their chances of finding gold. ... WE DON'T MAKE TOYS… we make heavy mining and prospecting equipment for both the prospector and professional mining industry. Based out of Georgia, GoldHog® makes of its ...

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Dredges: Online

We have the right equipment at the right price for you! From the lightest, most portable back-pack dredge to a fullly equipped 8 inch production system, our experts can analyze your project and your needs to get you set up with the perfect package. ... Since 1955, has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting ...

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CLOSEOUT SALE Mining Equipment

OTHER USED EQUIPMENT-SOLD Keene 4 inch dredge; new frame and pontoons; 5.5 Briggs & Stratton engine; has air; comes with reserve tank hoses and respirator. $2000.00 ---SOLD--- to check on current used equipment 1-888-985-6463 ... Gold Mining Equipment: Search Gold Fever Prospecting for: Sign up for The "Gold-Fever …

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Super Concentrator! |

has developed the perfect concentrator riffle. Experience fine gold recovery never before achieved with a sluice box. This is a professional clean up tool, everything is constructed of quality parts and built to last. The first Hungarian riffle. Order Toll Free: 800-392-4653. Order Toll Free: 800-392-4653. HOME;

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Videos |

Keene RC812 Rock Crusher field test with the Mine Operator crew. Keene P180 Keyed pump manufacturing and assembly. 4" Gravel Pump 40 hp 4x4. DW212V Dry Washer in action. A52S & Conversions. Keene's Yuba Bash 2023-2. Keene's Yuba bash …

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MiniMax Power Sluice Concentrator: Online

Whether you are working river banks, desert placer's or just cleaning concentrates for larger dredges and equipment, the Mini Max is a prospecting tool that will always be part of your arsenal. This multi purpose package includes a removable mat for the lower sluice box, converting it to a professional clean up machine simly by sliding out the ...

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Keene MiniMax Power Sluice Concentrator – Gold …

Introducing the Keene MiniMax Power Sluice Concentrator, the latest innovation in portable prospecting equipment from , a name synonymous with quality and …

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Keene Hand Sluice Box (A52)

Keene Hand Sluice Model A52 - The Classic Stream Sluice box SUBJECT TO BACK ORDER. If sold out or long lead time (see availability next to add to cart button), you may also wish to consider the NEW Keene a52s sluice box. It is Keene's newest sluice box and has lots of neat innovations. The A52 Hand Sluice by Keene is the industry standard ...

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Since 1955, has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting equipment. Whatever you need, we're here to help! Categories. Dredges; …

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Gold Prospecting Equipment

dba: Gold Fever Prospecting. Henderson, NV 89074. Toll Free: 888-985-6463. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK. READ THE GOLD FEVER BLOG. Gold Prospecting Equipment / …

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Keene Gas Powered Vacuum

Product Description: Keene Gas Powered Vacuum - Hi Vac Wet/Dry Vacuum System. New Screw-On Lid Design and duel ports GAS POWERED VACUUM Powered by a quality blower, this powerful vacuum cleans out cracks and …

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Keene Power Sluices and Hibankers

Keene 3.5 HP Power Sluice Highbanker: Keene Super Black Sand Concentrator (kscr) Keene 6 HP Power Sluice Concentrator: Keene 3.5 HP Power Sluice & 2.5 Inch Dredge Combo: Keene Jet Flare Dredge Combination Kit (2 inch or 2.5 inch) Keene 1753H Honda Power Sluice & 3 Inch Dredge Combo: Keene Beach Box - Power Sluice Concentrator …

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Loss of a Legend: Jerry Keene Tribute

Keene Mining Equipment As a businessman, Jerry Keene not only knew how to expand his product line, but he quickly learned how to improve existing models of dredges, drywashers and other equipment. "The first dredge was a submersible dredging tube. It didn't have a platform. It was simply a hose, motor and compressor tied together, …

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8 Inch Diamond and Gold Dredges

One of the main jewels in Keene's crown. This 8 inch Diamond and Gold dredge is sure to impress. Order Toll Free: 800-392-4653. Order Toll Free: 800-392-4653. HOME; SHOP; NEWS; RESOURCES; ... Smaller engines means that they can be transported by hand without the need of larger equipment for transport. The 8246V and 8246VE are …

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Equipment | Classifieds | ICMJ Prospecting & Mining Journal

Find the moost comprehensive list of used gold mining equipment for sale, including shaker tables, suction gold dredges, wash plants, and much more. ... 4" Keene Dredge with air compress 8HP Briggs & Stranton motor $1,200.00 Call 1-707-994-5370 ... OTHER DRILL/BLAST EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. We also provide blaster training and ATF …

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KEENE 3 Inch Ultra Mini Dredges (FREE SHIPPING)

Product Description: FOR CURRENT PRICING AND AVAILABILITY ON KEENE GOLD DREDGES PLEASE CONTACT US toll free: 1-888-985-6463. The Ultra 3 Gold Dredge has set a new standard for smaller sized suction dredges.

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Power Sluices and Hibankers are available at the bottom of the page - scroll down. About Power Sluice / Highbankers: . A power sluice, sometimes called a highbanker or hibanker, is a piece of gold prospecting equipment that uses a pump to force water through a sluice box to mimic the natural flow of a river. Sometimes a hopper box with spray bars and a …

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, Inc. | Los Angeles CA

, Inc., Chatsworth. 6,731 likes · 5 talking about this. Dedicated to providing you with the finest Mining and Prospecting equipment for over 70 years! http

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Keene Super Mini Sluice Box A-51A

Keene Super Mini Sluice Box A-51A - The Keene A-51A Super Mini Sluice is the Lightest most compact sluice box in the Keene lineup. ... > Gold Mining Equipment > Black Sand Magnets (Gold Magnet) > Black Sand Gold Recovery - Part 2 > Black Sand Concentrates > Fine Gold Recovery Equipment > Sluice Boxes > Sluicing for Gold - Getting Started ...

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, manufacturer of mining, prospecting, …

The largest manufacturer and retailer of dredges, mining and prospecting equipment and so much more! Gold, silver, diamonds or clams, no matter what your digging up, we …

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