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Oxide-reduction potentials obtained at the end of bioleaching experimentation Sample R20 R37.5 R50 I20 I37.5 I50 N20 N37.5 N50 …

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Chromium recovery from tannery sludge by bioleaching and …

1. Introduction. In the leather industry, chromium(III) salts are the most widely used tanning materials in tanning process because of the excellent properties, such as the particle size, the bond capacity and the penetration ability, etc, and Cr(III) is an important source of environmental pollutants since large quantities of tannery …

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Bioleaching of Gold from Sulfidic Gold Ore Concentrate and …

1. Introduction. Bioleaching refers to the solubilization of target metals by microorganisms from materials such as minerals and wastes [1,2,3,4].Considering the relatively low environmental and operating cost of bioleaching, numerous studies have explored the use of various microorganisms for biosolubilization [].Redoxolysis, …

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A review on sustainable approach of bioleaching of precious …

The bacteria used in the bioleaching process are typically aerobic. For metabolic functions and growth, the microorganisms require air, which facilitates metal leaching. Thus, oxygen is a crucial component in the development of microbes for the bioleaching process. For bacterial cultivation, a predetermined rotation rate of …

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Bioleaching Process for Copper Extraction from Waste in …

Method of the static and percolate bioleaching process of the waste sample with the replacement or collection leachates (R/C). Based on the chemical analyses of the leachates, the analyzed concentrations of the extracted elements were compared. The effects of bioleaching with alkaline media and bioleaching with different acidic media …

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Microbial leaching for valuable metals harvesting: versatility …

Challenges in the course of sustainable development, predominantly dearth of natural resources and waste management have suggested scientific community across …

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Biological methods of metal extraction

The solution is called a leachate and the process is called bioleaching close bioleaching Using bacteria to extract metals from their ores.. Bioleaching does not need high temperatures but it:

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Synergistic enhancement of metal extraction from spent Li …

The leaching parameters were analyzed to reveal the influence of AA on the leaching spent LIBs by the MCB process, as shown in Fig. 1.The pH in the MCB system reduced from an initial 2.5 to 1.05 in the logarithmic phase as bioacid was produced by the bacterial oxidation of S 0 (Naseri et al., 2019; Xiao et al., 2021).However, a noticeable …

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Benefits that bioleaching process can offer to …

The advantage of bioleaching compared to traditional methods of recovery, however, is that it has a much lower environmental impact, and as the world continues to drive the importance of …

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A Review of In Situ Leaching (ISL) for Uranium

3.4. Bioleaching. Bioleaching is regarded as a more environmentally sustainable and cost-effective method for uranium mining, positioning it as a superior alternative to other …

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Formation Process of the Passivating Products from …

Arsenopyrite is a common sulphide mineral occurring in deposits of gold ore that makes the extraction of gold difficult and, thus, pre-treatment is necessary prior to gold leaching. Bioleaching pre-treatment of arsenopyrite has drawn significant attention owing to its environmental friendliness, low cost and simple operation. A critical impedance of …

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Chromium recovery from tannery sludge by bioleaching and …

Bioleaching has been demonstrated as a feasible and effective technology for removing Cr(III) from tannery sludge, but the recovery of bioleachate derived from tannery sludge by bioleaching is rarely reported.The purpose of this study was therefore to figure out the components of bioleachate and develop a chromium-iron tanning agent …

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Bioleaching: A microbial process of metal recovery; A review

The present review describes the historical development and mechanisms of bioleaching, which has shown commercial application of the process and, concurrently, details pertaining to the key microorganisms involved in these processes have been described. The present review describes the historical development and mechanisms of …

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Bioleaching Process for Metal Recovery from Waste Materials

Effect of PH and Redox Potential. The effect of pH of each bioleaching sample was performed and is shown in Fig. 1.The results in Fig. 1 exhibited low pH at initial pH 1.80 and increase pH indicated in a lag phase. In this stage, the bio-oxidation of Fe 2+ consumes H + in the solution and the oxidation process increase pH. The presence of a …

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Prime Video

Getting started What is Amazon Prime Video? Prime Video is a streaming video service by Amazon. Prime Video benefits are included with an Amazon Prime membership and if Amazon Prime isn't available in your country/region, you can join Prime Video to watch. With your membership, you can watch hundreds of TV shows and movies on your …

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Progress in bioleaching: part B: applications of microbial processes by

This review presents developments and applications in bioleaching and mineral biooxidation since publication of a previous mini review in 2003 (Olson et al. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 63:249–257, 2003). There have been discoveries of newly identified acidophilic microorganisms that have unique characteristics for effective bioleaching of …

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Oxide-reduction potentials obtained at the end of bioleaching experimentation Sample R20 R37.5 R50 I20 I37.5 I50 N20 N37.5 N50 …

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Progress in bioleaching: part B, applications of microbial …

Abstract This review provides an update to the last mini-review with the same title pertaining to recent developments in bioleaching and biooxidation published in 2013 (Brierley and …

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Research progress on bioleaching recovery technology of …

LIBs have a normal lifespan of 5–10 years and will thus become a major metal waste stream in the coming years (Yu et al., 2021a, 2021b).As shown in Fig. 2, the vast number of spent LIBs that are soon to emerge may cause serious social problems if they are not well-placed.On the one hand, when LIBs are piled up or landfilled, toxic …

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Bioleaching: A Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategy for

Bioleaching is a biological metal recovery process from solid waste and is similar to hydrometallurgy in all aspects except the use of microorganisms for metal extraction. As a bio-hydrometallurgical process, bioleaching is simple, manageable, eco-friendly, highly effective and low operation cost and low energy demanding process.

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Progress in bioleaching: fundamentals and mechanisms of …

Introduction The application of bioleaching of metal sulfides (MS) and its understanding have evolved over the last decades. The mobilization of metal cations …

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The advanced design of bioleaching process for metal …

3.2.1. Resources. Bioleaching recovery of valuable metals is carried out with either primary or secondary resources. Fig. 1 a shows the frequency distribution of resources, demonstrating that most bioleaching studies to date utilised secondary resources. Most primary resources contain a low percentage of target metal and high …

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Mechanisms of bioleaching: iron and sulfur oxidation by …

As sulfuric acid is generated during the process, bioleaching organisms are typically acidophiles, and indeed the technique is based on natural processes that occur at acid mine drainage sites. While the overall concept of bioleaching appears straightforward, a series of enzymes is required to mediate the complex sulfur oxidation …

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Bioleaching Process Microbes Questions and Answers

Explanation: Bioaccumulation is a process of fungal bioleaching in which the mycelium of the fungi accumulates the heavy ions. Bacillus is a genus of bacteria and not fungi and among the other three options the genera of Aspergillus have high ability to accumulate heavy metal from the external environment.

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The role of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus …

Bioleaching of As from the soil in an abandoned Ag–Au mine was carried out using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. A. ferrooxidans is an iron oxidizer and A. thiooxidans is a sulfur oxidizer. These two microbes are acidophilic and chemoautotrophic microbes. Soil samples were collected from the …

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Bioleaching review part A: | Applied Microbiology and …

Bioleaching of metal sulfides is caused by astonishingly diverse groups of bacteria. Today, at least 11 putative prokaryotic divisions can be related to this phenomenon. In contrast, the dissolution (bio)chemistry of metal sulfides follows only two pathways, which are determined by the acid-solubility of the sulfides: the thiosulfate and …

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Gallium recovery from aluminum smelting slag via a novel …

1. Introduction. Gallium is a rare metal with a low melting point that blends easily with most elements to form low-melting alloys (Moskalyk, 2003).Due to this property, gallium and gallium compounds are commonly used in the industry and medical fields (Gupta et al., 2007), for example, radioactive gallium (Ga) is used in nuclear medicine to …

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Recent trends and challenges in bioleaching technologies

The bioleaching process has the following advantages over chemical leaching: this process involves microbes, which means the process is safe, eco-friendly, does not cause contamination, and is cost-effective; it is easy to maintain, and capital cost is low compared to chemical leaching; and it is a flexible process for treatment of a wide …

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Bioleaching: A microbial process of metal recovery; A …

Bioleaching: A Microbial Process of Metal Recovery; A Review Debaraj Mishra 1,2, Dong-Jin Kim 1, Jong-Gwan Ahn 1, * and Young-Ha Rhee 2 1 Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources,

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From understanding the rate limitations of bioleaching …

1. Introduction. Bioleaching has become an established technology route for the leaching of refractory gold concentrates in terms of the BIOX® process and in the heap leaching of secondary copper sulfide (covellite, chalcocite) minerals, after the first operations emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s (Roberto and Schippers, …

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