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Exploration and production

The $24.7 billion Australia Pacific LNG project commenced production in late 2015, with the first cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipped on Saturday, 9 January 2016. The project converts coal seam gas (CSG) …

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(PDF) Quantifying methane emissions from Queensland's coal seam gas …

Quantifying methane emissions from Queensland's coal seam gas producing Surat Basin using inventory data and a regional Bayesian inversion ... (gas, oil, coal mining, and industry) at 31 % (Saunois et al., 2020). However, a study using measurements of carbon-14 in methane recently showed that nearly all methane from fossil sources is ...

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Surat Basin farmers call for moratorium on coal seam gas mining

Surat Basin farmers call for moratorium on coal seam gas mining. MORE than 500 farmers who attended a protest meeting at Cecil Plains have called for the government to place a moratorium on coal ...

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Groundwater impact mechanism from coal mining

This video presents how groundwater levels may be impacted by coal mining in the Surat Basin. ... Impact Assessment has developed a regional-scale groundwater flow model to predict impacts from current and planned coal seam gas development and coal mining. This is the first time that coal mining impacts are included in the cumulative assessment.

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Coal Seam Gas Mining: Potential to Induce Seismic and …

Surat Basin, with the Clarence-Moreton Basin covering the portion just west of Toowoomba. The coal seam gas (CSG) extraction industry in Australia is currently …

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Shell, PetroChina Launch Phase 2 of Australia's Surat Coal …

Phase 1 of the Surat Gas Project was approved in April 2020 and included drilling more than 600 wells to grow Arrow's operations between the existing Daandine …

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Biogenic methane potential for Surat Basin, Queensland coal seams

Surat Basin methane is produced from multiple seam groups across the Taroom and/or the Juandah Coal Measures. For the Dalby and Roma fields sampled in this study, the top of the Walloon Subgroup is less than 100 m and 100–400 m below ground level, respectively.An average Dalby CBM well contains 20–30 m of net coal, while an …

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Multi-temporal SAR observations of the Surat Basin in …

The regions undergoing downward motion are located above coal seam gas (CSG) mining sites with rates up to 28 mm/year. Three scenarios were identified: (1) extensive groundwater extraction from shallow aquifers due to CSG mining, (2) CSG mining without direct impact on groundwater resources and (3) patchy uplift over an …

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Revised geology and coal seam gas characteristics of the Walloon

Multi-seam co-production of CBM and coal series gas (CSG) has been widely carried out in many CBM basins across the world, such as the Alberta Basin in Canada, the Surat Basin in Australia, the ...

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Coal Seam Gas

Coal Seam Gas Coal Seam Gas is a naturally occurring methane gas found in most coal seams and is similar to conventional natural gas. ... In Australia the commercial production of CSG commenced in 1996 in the Bowen Basin, Queensland. Since then production has increased rapidly, particularly during the first decade of the …

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Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal Seam Gas Mining: The …

Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal Seam Gas Mining: The Risks to Our Health, Communities, Environment and Climate Prepared by: Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith and Dr Rye Senjen ... facility, which draws on CSG deposits.9 The plant will take coal seam gas from the Surat Basin and pipe it to Gladstone to be super-cooled to create Liquefied Natural Gas …

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Advice to decision maker on carbon capture and storage …

The Surat Basin Carbon Capture and Storage Project (the project) is located in the southern Surat Basin approximately 44 km west of Moonie in the Darling Downs of …

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Magnetotelluric monitoring of coal seam gas depressurization

ABSTRACT The depressurization of coal seam gas formations causes in situ fluids to migrate through pores and fractures in the earth. The removal or discharge of large volumes of water from coal measures reduces in situ fluid pressure allowing natural gas to be released from the coal matrix. This process results in a time-dependent resistivity …

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Arrow Energy makes FID on first phase of $7.1bn …

In December 2017, Arrow Energy entered into a 27-year deal with the Shell-operated Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG) joint venture to commercialise the majority of its gas reserves in the Surat Basin, …

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Arrow Energy to move ahead with Phase 2 expansion of …

Arrow Energy, a coal seam gas (CSG) joint venture (JV) between Shell and PetroChina, has announced the development of Phase 2 of its Surat Gas Project (SGP) …

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An overview of the coal seam gas developments in …

A number of health concerns have been raised in relation to coal seam gas (CSG) mining in Australia. Very few studies have been conducted to investigate the potential health risks related to CSG industry internationally and in Australia. ... (2009) 461-476. [21] D.J. Ryan, A. Hall, L. Erriah, P.B. Wilson, The Walloon Coal Seam Gas Play, Surat ...

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Quantifying methane emissions from Queensland's coal …

Determination 2008, Section 3.70 (Clean Energy Regulator, 2016)): a gas wellhead through to the inlet of a gas processing plant, a gas wellhead through to the tie-in points on gas transmission systems (if processing of natural gas is not required), gas

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Coal Seam Gas – Australia Pacific LNG

Natural gas has been produced from these areas since the mid 1990s. Until recently, the bulk of supply has been derived from the Bowen Basin. However, production from the Surat Basin's Walloon Coal Measures is now growing rapidly – Australia Pacific LNG's gas fields draws coal seam gas (CSG) from these coal measures. Where we operate

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(PDF) Coal seam gas industry methane emissions …

Coal seam gas (CSG) accounts for about one-quarter of natural gas production in Australia and rapidly increasing amounts globally. This is the first study worldwide using airborne measurement ...

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Publications and reports | Office of Groundwater Impact …

Current Surat UWIR. The Underground Water Impact Report 2021 for the Surat Cumulative Management Area came into effect on 1 May 2022. It reports on the assessment and management of cumulative impacts from coal seam gas, coal mining and conventional oil and gas development in the Surat and southern Bowen basins.

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Queensland Coal Seam Gas

Queensland's coal seam gas industry has grown rapidly over the last fifteen years and as at the end of 2020, there were approximately 8,600 coal seam gas (CSG) wells across inland Queensland.. The Maranoa and Western Downs regions of the Surat Basin currently host the majority (approx 84%) of Queensland's CSG activities with the remainder in the …

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Geochemical influences on methanogenic groundwater from a low rank coal

This study uses a process-based approach to interpret a combination of tracer (36 Cl, 14 C, 87 Sr/ 86 Sr, 18 O/ 16 O) and hydrochemical data obtained from coal seam gas production wells to identify the main geochemical processes and thus controls on the groundwater composition in different coal seam producing areas of the Walloon …

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Researchers investigate the harmful effects of coal seam gas

A new study by CSIRO and The University of Queensland has examined the potential for coal seam gas (CSG) activity in Queensland to affect human health. A 2,150km² study site in the Surat Basin, Queensland, was selected with CSG infrastructure in the study area comprising over 2,400 wells, 5,000km of gathering lines, four water …

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Atmospheric methane isotopes identify inventory knowledge …

Atmospheric methane isotopes identify inventory knowledge gaps in the Surat Basin, Australia, coal seam gas and agricultural regions August 2022 DOI: 10.5194/acp-2022-552

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Bowen Basin

Basin Details and Geological Overview. The foreland, Early Permian to Middle Triassic Bowen Basin of eastern Queensland occupies about 160 000km 2, the southern half of which is covered by the Surat Basin.It has a maximum sediment thickness of about 10 000 metres concentrated in two north-trending depocentres, the Taroom …

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Managing groundwater impacts of coal seam …

The coal seam gas (CSG) industry is expanding rapidly in the Surat and Bowen Basins of Queensland. CSG production involves pumping water from the coal seams to release the gas adsorbed to coal particles. The …

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Coal petrology and coal seam gas contents of the Walloon …

The Surat Basin hosts significant coal and coal seam gas resources. New high-precision CA-TIMS U/Pb zircon ages from tuffs and Bayesian age stratigraphic models are combined with palynology from fine-grained sedimentary rocks and zircon trace elements to provide further chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic constrains on the …

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$10 billion Surat Gas Project set to pump gas into the market

In April 2020, Arrow Energy sanctioned the first phase of the $10 billion Surat Gas Project (SGP), a world-scale coal seam gas (CSG) project aimed at commercialising the majority of the company's gas reserves in the Surat Basin in Southern Queensland, approximately five trillion cubic feet (TCF). With the first phase of the …

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Government approves Senex Energy's Surat Basin …

The project was approved with 75 conditions, including a prohibition on the discharge of coal seam gas-produced water to surface water and a ban on clearing any koala foraging and breeding habitat.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073 Current coal seam gas exploration and testing

The most recent phase of CSG exploration in the Galilee Basin started around 2007, spurred by renewed interest in CSG due to production successes in the nearby Surat and Bowen basins. Recognition of extensive and laterally continuous coal seams across much of the Galilee Basin, commonly with multiple stacked seams of over 20 m cumulative …

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