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Nigerian Mining Sector Watch

Nigerian Mining Sector Watch Introduction of the Electronic Mining Cadastre System (eMC+) ... which was in use until December 2021. The System, which is the latest mining management automation technology, has the potential of creating a ... FGN's actual revenue from mineral and mining was ₦2.74Billion, representing over 40.7% of the …

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A Guide To Navigating The Legal Regime Of The Nigerian Mining …

The Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 (the 'NMMA' or the 'Act') Enacted by the National Assembly pursuant to its constitutional mandate, the NMMA is the principal law governing the mining sector. ... See section 1 of the NMMA and African Natural Resources & Mines Ltd v SS Minerals Resources Ltd & 3 ORs (2021) LPELR …

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The mining sector is governed by the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007. The sector is primarily regulated by the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development and the Mining Cadastre Office. ... In 2021, Nigeria became a participant in Opening Extractives, a global five-year programme that aims to improve the availability and use …

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Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007

Nigeria Minerals & Mining Act 2007; this Act concerns the rights in and management of mineral resources in Nigeria. It provides rules for exploration and exploitation of resources and for the protection of the environment. ... Nigeria Last Updated June 25, 2021. Publisher. Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (Nigeria) License. …

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A Guide To Navigating The Legal Regime Of The Nigerian …

The Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 (the 'NMMA' or the 'Act') Enacted by the National Assembly pursuant to its constitutional mandate, the NMMA is …

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Minerals Mines Regulations 2011

has been assigned in the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007 (hereinafter in these Regulations referred to as "the Act") shall have that meaning. (2) In these Regulations unless otherwise stated— "Act" means the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007 ; "active dump" means any dump where dumping operations are carried out and which …

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In brief: mining rights and title in Nigeria

Nigeria May 27 2021 ... and the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 (Chapter N162 Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 (the Mining Act), the federal government has title to all ...

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Nigerian Mining Progress, but still a long way to go.

review of the Minerals and Mining Act, 2007. The revision of the mining act is expected to introduce regulations which align with global best practices and create an enabling environment for much more involvement of both local and foreign investors. Global Mining trends: Several global trends, including

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Report on NEITI Solid Minerals Industry Audit – Impact …

Report on NEITI Solid Minerals Industry Audit –Impact built on blocking leakages to grow revenue Page | ii First Published September 2023 ISBN: 978-978-781-877-0 Published by NEITI Secretariat

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An Act to repeal the Minerals and Mining Act, No. 34 of 1999 and re-enact the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 for the purposes of regulating all aspects of the exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria; and for …

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The plant, machinery, equipment and accessories imported pursuant to subsec- tion (1) of this section may be disposed of by the holder of mineral title upon the full payment of customs and import duties in respect thereof. The Mines Inspectorate Department shall …

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Nigerian Mining Sector Watch

96 of the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act (NMMA), 2007. Mineral buying centers serve as standardisation centers to enable artisanal and small-scale miners' (ASM) cooperatives and operators receive fair premium for their labour as they concentrate on production. The FG had previously in 20164, ceded all its mineral buying

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Nigerian Mining Sector Brief

The Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act is the principal legislation that regulates the sector. The Act vests the control, regulation and ownership of all mineral resources in the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN). The Minerals and Mining Regulations and the National Minerals and Metals Policy also govern the sector.

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Funding, legal reforms, security, key for Nigeria's …

The Nigerian mining sector also witnessed growth in its contribution to the Nation's GDP," KPMG said. "The sector contributed 0.85 percent in 2022 and 0.63 percent in 2021, representing a 32 percent …

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The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill 2021

Background. The mining sector of India is regulated by the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 and mandates the requirement for granting leases for mining operations.. The allocation of mineral resources, prior to 2015 was through the 'first come first serve' method which was a discriminatory method, and …

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All you need to know about Nigeria's new mining law

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In brief: mining rights and title in Nigeria

Nigeria May 27 2021 ... and the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 (Chapter N162 Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 (the Mining Act), the federal …

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Nigeria: What to Know About Mineral Exploration Licencing

6 September 2021. Premium Times (Abuja) By Felicia Dairo. ... the Nigerian government in 2007 re-enacted the Nigerian Mineral and Mining Act.

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An overview of Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment

Introduction. The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act 2021 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 15th March 2021 and subsequently passed by the Rajya Sabha on 22nd March 2021. This Amendment modifies significant sections of The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, …

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» Legal and Regulatory Framework - Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 (NMMA), and Nigerian Minerals and Mining Regulations 2011 (NMMR) CHAPTER FOUR ... (2021) Figure 12: Gender Ratio on the Board of Directors of the Highest Grossing Mineral Producing Companies in Nigeria (2019) Figure 13: The Proportion of Transferred Titles …

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A 486 2007 No. 20 Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act Functions of the Minister. metres of a railway, or which isthe site of, or within fifty metres of, any government or public building, reservoir, dam or public road; (d) that is subject to the provisions of the National Commission for Museums and Monuments Act, Cap.

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13 Section 3(2) of the Mining Act. 14 Regulation 87 of the Mining Regulations. 15 Section 47 of the Mining Act. 16 Section 56(4) of the Mining Act; Regulation 91(3) of the Mining Regulations. 17 Regulation 92(1)(b) of the Mining Regulations. 18 Section 60(1) of the Mining Act. 19 Section 62 of the Mining Act. 20 Section 48 of the Mining Act.

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Review of Nigeria's Mining Act underway – Osinbajo

He said the mining sector features prominently in the National Development Plan 2021 to 2025, as approved by the Federal Executive Council about a week ago. ...

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Mining operations can be conducted in all areas within the land borders, territorial waters the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of Nigeria, except areas that are already under existing mineral titles or closed to mining operations by virtue of the Act, Regulations or any other law in force. • Small Scale Mining Lease

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Analysis of the Legal aspects of Mining in Nigeria

By: Sree Kuttan Introduction Nigeria is regarded as a country endowed with abundant natural mineral resources such as iron, lead-zinc, tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold, manganese, and nickel. In Nigeria, there are a number of laws applicable to the mining sector such as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), …

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NIGERIAN MINERALS AND MINING ACT An Act to repeal the Minerals and Mining Act, No. 34 of 1999 and re-enact the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 for the purposes of regulating all aspects of the exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria; and for related purposes. [2007 No. 50.] [29th March, 2007] [Commencement.]

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Mining reforms in Nigeria to drive sector growth

Nigeria's mining sector is entering a new phase following the Covid-19 pandemic, with greater government support and a growing role as an important generator of export earnings amid post-pandemic economic recovery. Many of Nigeria's mineral resources remain unexploited, with considerable potential in gold, precious and semi-precious …

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Mining 2021

The principal law is the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act 2007 (Chapter N162 Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 (the Mining Act) and the Minerals and …

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Nigerian Minerals and Mining Regulations 2011

The Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (the 'Ministry') recently issued new mining regulations titled the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Regulations 2011 (the 'Regulations') which is intended to establish a more coordinated and accountable solid minerals sector in the country and to stamp out the discretionary grant of mineral titles.

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The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) …

What is the Scenario of the Mining Sector in India? Backbone of Manufacturing: Mining industry plays a crucial role in the country's economy, serving as the backbone for manufacturing and infrastructure sectors.; According to the Ministry of Mines, the total value of mineral production (excluding atomic and fuel minerals) during 2021 …

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