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Thermodynamic Promotion of Tetrahydrofuran on Methane Separation …

This paper proposed a new hydrate-based gas separation (HBGS) method especially for recovering methane from low-concentration coal mine methane (CMM). The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the thermodynamic promotion of tetrahydrofuran (THF) on methane recovery from low-concentration CMM. Temperature and pressure …

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Development of coal mine methane concentration …

The pilot-scale plant of a CMM concentration system was installed in a coal mine in Fuxin City in the northeastern China and a demonstration test was commenced in December 2008. As the result, the pilot-scale plant successfully concentrated the raw material gas with a methane concentration of 21% and a flow rate of 1000 Nm3/h to …

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Enhanced coarse coal slime separation in a gravity–flotation …

The optimal separation performance was achieved under the following conditions: slurry concentration = 100 g/L, feed flow rate = 4.411 m 3 /h, circulating rate …

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The impact of effective pore percentage on CH4/N2 separation in coal …

The efficient separation of CH4/N2 using activated carbon depends on the strict regulation of carbon pore structure. However, the relationship between pore structure and separation performance remains inadequately explored in the literature. This study employed a sample set comprising 38 coal-based granular activated carbons with …

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Pre-concentration of vanadium from stone coal by gravity separation

Extracting vanadium from stone coal by conventional methods such as flotation [8,12,13], magnetic separation [14] and gravity separation [15][16] [17], is extremely inefficient. In order to ...

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Minerals | Special Issue : Gravity Concentration

Its most primitive separation processes, which probably date back as far as 4000 BC, appeared as soon as selective mining and handpicking were no longer enough to produce the desired concentration quality. Gravity concentration is at present the main concentration process in the mineral industry in terms of tons processed.

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Model-data-based switching adaptive control for dense medium separation

In the ash content stability control simulation, the data of the varied coal feed rate were collected from an on-site coal separation plant. Conclusion. By combining advanced model-based control and data-based learning technology, this paper proposed a model-data-based switching adaptive control method for the coal DMS process.

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Performance Evaluation of Spiral Separator for Coal Cleaning …

With the increase in demands of coal fines recovery, spiral separators are widely deployed in the concentration process of 0.1–3 mm coal. ... which influence the …

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(PDF) Enhanced separation of high concentration coal …

In order to improve effect separation of high concentration coal slurrya jet flotation column (JFC) and a cyclonic micro-bubble flotation column (FCMC) was adopted to comprise a two stage ...

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Evaluating Pressure Swing Adsorption as a CO2 …

Evaluating Pressure Swing Adsorption as a CO 2 separation technique in coal-fired power plants Luca Riboldia, 1, Olav Bollanda aEnergy and Process Engineering Department, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491Trondheim, Norway Abstract The paper provides with a first assessment on the suitability of …

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Herein, the importance of physical separation methods of ores in mineral processing is widely acknowledged. Of interest is the magnetic separation, gravity concentration and sensor-based ...

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Gravity Concentration

Characteristics of gravity concentration: (1) The processable materials have expanded from lump/coarse to fine/slime grained materials, and the lower limit of fed ore …

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Influence of ballasted material properties in enhancing the separation …

1. Introduction. Coal, a primary energy source, accounts for approximately 70% of China's primary energy production and consumption (National Bureau of Statistics, 2018).In the coal mining process, approximately 2.1 tons of water is discharged for every ton of coal mined in China (Kevin et al., 2005).Moreover, the re-utilization rate of water …

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Hydrate-Based Gas Separation for Methane Recovery …

separation.[1] However, these methods have proven to be dif-ficult for increasing the CH 4 concentration from the coal mine emission gas in limited cycles to this point. The main

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Methane Separation from Coal Mine Methane Gas by

This work presents new data to further develop the hydrate-based process for the separation of CH4 from the low-concentration coal mine methane gas (30 mol % CH4/N2) through the formation of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) semiclathrate hydrate. The TBAB semiclathrate hydrate formed from the 30 mol % CH4/N2 gas …

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Coal dense medium separation dynamic and steady-state …

Introduction. A coal dense medium separation (DMS) plant makes use of the principle of density separation to upgrade mined coal and produce metallurgical …

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Understanding coal quality and the critical importance

For example, the analytical methods employed by The ... Canada, Indonesia, China, France (offsetting lost imports from Russia), and Mexico and exported 20.186 …

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Modern Methods of Dry Mineral Separation

In the last 10 years beneficiation methods for coal and other minerals was changed. ... Vietnam, India, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, United States, Mexico, Brazil and Columbia. Nowadays in Poland is working 3 installations of FGX air-vibrating separators. ... Advanced separation technologies for pre-concentration of metal ores …

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A novel approach to the separation of macerals in inertinite-rich coal

The main objective of this study is to offer an effective flotation-based separation method for low-rank coal macerals that plant operators can use to achieve desired flotation performance. 2. Experimental2.1. ... each weighing 80 g. The sample at a concentration of 400 g/L was ground for 14 minutes using a laboratory rod mill (RK/PG 200×75 ...

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Principles of gravity concentration processes | 30 | Coal …

A theoretical analysis on the settling conditions and knowledge of the parameters that influence the motion of particles in a fluid is essential to analyse the gravity …

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Experimental Investigation of Methane Separation from Low-Concentration

In this work, tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) semiclathrate hydrate was employed in a batch operation to separate CH4 from low-concentration coal mine methane (CMM) gas with a mole ...

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Enhanced coarse coal slime separation in a gravity–flotation …

Enhanced coarse coal slime separation in a gravity–flotation coupled separator with up-flow feeding and dual-concentrate. ... The optimal separation performance was achieved under the following conditions: slurry concentration = 100 g/L, feed flow rate = 4.411 m 3 /h, ...

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Overview of coal sludge gravity concentration technologies

Novak V. I., Kozlov V. A. Review of modern coal sludge concentration methods. Gornyi informatsionnoanaliticheskii byulleten' (nauchno-tekhnicheskii zhurnal) = Mining informational and analytical ...

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Dry Coal Beneficiation Method-Effective Key to Reduce …

Air dense medium fluidized bed (ADMFB) coal separation as a dry beneficiation method is gaining more recognition compared to other dry separation methods such as: air jigs, magnetic separators ...

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Study of Hydrate-Based Methane Separation from Coal …

In this work, orthogonal-test are introduced in small apparatus SHD-I with stirring and amplification experiments are carried out using scale-up equipment SHW-II with bubbling for hydrate-based CH 4 separation from coal-bed methane gas. The optimal condition including 150 ml THF-SDS solution, 1.50 MPa and 277.15 K are determined …

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Shaking Table Separation

Shaking table separation (Fig. 1) has a history of over 100 years.In 1890, the first impact shaking table for coal preparation was manufactured in the United States. In 1896–1898, A. invented the modern shaking …

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Coal dense medium separation dynamic and steady-state …

A coal dense medium separation (DMS) plant makes use of the principle of density separation to upgrade mined coal and produce metallurgical coal or power station coal. The objective of the DMS plant operation is to produce coal product within a minimum quality specification and maximum possible yield (England et al., 2002).

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Safe Separation of the Low-Concentration and Oxygen …

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a suitable method to enrich the concentration of methane in coal mine methane (CMM) separation processes. …

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Effect of dry water on methane separation and recovery from coal …

The hydrate-based method can be used for the separation and recovery of methane from coal mine gas. To devise an economic and efficient method for the separation of mine gas using hydrates, dry water (DW) was used as the carrier for separation under conditions in which the initial pressure was fixed at 10 MPa and the …

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New Methodologies for the Characterization and Separation …

Coal from the Eagle seam, Fire Clay seam, and Fire Clay Rider were collected and tested during the concentration phase. Samples of a waste coal from the Pittsburgh seam and a coal combustion by prodcut were also provided by a third party. The separation methods investigated include multi-gravity separation, electrostatic separation, and ...

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