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Preparation of Antimony Metal by Carbothermal Reduction of Antimony

Antimony is often used as a hardener for alloys. There are few studies on the preparation of antimony from Sb2O3 by microwave carbothermal reduction. In this study, Sb2O3 was used as the raw material, and the resonant cavity perturbation …

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Antimony Metallurgy

Antimony metallurgy is the technology that extracts antimony metal from antimony ores or produces antimony compounds. Antimony was discovered in the ancient time, and its name was derived from antimonite. In 1604, a process was invented to extract antimony and antimony sulfide as described by B. Valentine of Germany.

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Antimony is a chemical element; it has symbol Sb (from Latin stibium) and atomic number 51. A lustrous grey metal or metalloid, it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite (Sb 2 S 3).Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name kohl. [8] …

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Direct preparation of micro and nano antimony xide using antimony …

Antimony sulfide (Sb 2 S 3) concentrate is the main source for the production of antimony oxides and metallic antimony.Few researches have focused on preparing Sb 2 O 3 crystals and Sb 2 O 3 nanomaterials from minerals directly. In this research, a clean, short, direct preparation of Sb 2 O 3 crystals and nanomaterials via …

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Antimony-Doped Wide Bandgap Molybdenum …

Plasmonic metal oxides are promising photocatalysts for the artificial photosynthesis of green ammonia due to localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) enhanced photoconversion and rich surface oxygen …

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Recovery of Antimony: A Laboratory Study on the …

TG results indicate that during thermal decomposition of pure metal oxides, sublimated antimony oxide can be recovered at 650 °C, leaving Bi2O3 and ZnO unreacted. The addition of carbon caused …

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Production of two morphologically different antimony …

This report provides the first unequivocal evidence that a bacterium is capable of conserving energy for growth and reproduction from the reduction of antimonate, and may serve as a novel route for the production of antimony xide microcrystals of commercial significance to the nanotechnology industry. Expand

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Dissimilatory antimonate reduction and production of antimony xide …

Antimony (Sb) is a metalloid that has been exploited by humans since the beginning of modern civilization. The importance of Sb to such diverse industries as nanotechnology and health is underscored by the fact that it is currently the ninth-most mined metal worldwide. Although its toxicity mirrors …

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Kinetics of antimony xide reduction by hydrogen. Effect …

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - 1. The reduction ofβ-Sb 2 O 3 occurs through a diffusion mechanism at temperatures of up to 575°C and through a diffusion-kinetic mechanism at higher temperatures.. 2. Antimony in powder form can be conveniently produced by the reduction ofβSb 2 O 3 with a molecular and atomic hydrogen mixture.

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P1: Standard Reduction Potentials by Element

Solids, gases, and liquids are identified; all other species are aqueous. Reduction reactions in acidic solution are written using H + in place of H 3 O +. You may rewrite a reaction by replacing H + with H 3 O + and adding to the opposite side of the reaction one molecule of H 2 O per H +; thus (ce{H3AsO4 + 2H^{+} + 2e^{–} <=> …

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Antimony xide

Antimony xide is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals and supporting evidence from mechanistic studies. The data available from studies in humans are inadequate to evaluate the relationship between human cancer and exposure …

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The exposure to and health effects of antimony

INTRODUCTION. Antimony (Sb) (atomic number 51; atomic mass 121.75 g/mol; density 6.684 g/cm 3; melting point 631°C) occurs naturally as a sulphide ore, stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) and valentinite (Sb 2 0 3).The traditional method of treating the ore is to roast it with charcoal or coke and collect the volatile oxide fume (Sb 4 O 6) from which pure …

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The metallurgy of antimony

1. Background. Antimony is a silvery, white, brittle, crystalline solid that exhibits poor conductivity of electricity and heat. It has an atomic number of 51, an atomic weight of 122 and a density of 6.697 kg/m 3 at 26 °C. Antimony metal, also known as 'regulus', melts at 630 °C and boils at 1380 °C.Antimony and the natural sulfide of …

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Metallic antimony preparation by carbothermic reduction of …

This process relies on the volatility characteristics of antimony xide. In the process, high-grade stibnite is concentrated by blast furnace volatilization smelting to obtain high purity antimony xide, then the collected antimony oxide powder is placed in a …

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Antimony xide: Production, Uses and Toxicology

Antimony xide (Sb2O3) is a white crystalline powder with a molar mass of 291.52 g/mol and a melting point of 656°C. ... They are suitable for oxide-sulfide ores, reducing the Sb to the metal initially and subsequently oxidizing it to Sb 2 O 3, free of nonvolatile impurities and off-gases produced during reduction. Some rotary kilns use …

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Development of Secondary Antimony Oxides from Metallurgical …

Production of high-purity antimony xide from high-grade antimony metal is considered state of the art. Antimony is melted to around 1000 °C in a suitable furnace while air is blown above the surface. ... Experimental reduction behavior of antimony-rich dross under varying coke addition at 800 °C.

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A review of the environmental chemical behavior, detection and

Similar to many elements, the virulence of antimony is closely related to its oxidation state (Shtangeeva et al., 2012).Under natural conditions, there are mainly two valence states: Sb(III) and Sb(V) (Guo et al., 2009).They existed in reduction and oxidation conditions, respectively (Rakshit et al., 2011).According to experiments and clinical trials …

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Reduction mechanism and optimization of prepare metallic …

In this work, a clean microwave carbothermal reduction of Sb 2 O 3 mineral to prepare metallic antimony ingot is proposed. Response surface methodology was used to optimize condition for microwave carbothermal reduction of Sb 2 O 3.The roasting …

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Toxicological Profile for Antimony and Compounds.

Antimony (Sb) is in the fourth row of group 5A (IUPAC group 15) in the periodic table, residing between arsenic and bismuth. Antimony displays four oxidation states: −3, 0, +3, and +5. The most common and stable oxidation states of antimony in aqueous solutions and biological fluids are Sb(III) and Sb(V). Antimony is sometimes referred to as a …

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RoC Profile: Antimony xide; 15th RoC 2021

Antimony xide also decreases the levels of antioxidants in cells, ... between oxidation and reduction (the redox system) (Mann et al. 2006, Lösler et al. 2009). Cells are partially protected from oxidative ... (a specific type of DNA repair pathway), by displacing zinc (a metal essential in stabilizing the protein structure) in the protein ...

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Antimony-Doped Wide Bandgap Molybdenum xide …

Plasmonic metal oxides are promising photocatalysts for the artificial photosynthesis of green ammonia due to localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) enhanced photoconversion and rich surface oxygen vacancies improved chemisorption and activation of dinitrogen molecules. However, these oxygen vac …

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Recovery of Antimony: A Laboratory Study on the …

Antimony is typically classified as a volatile heavy metal, and low-grade ores are commonly produced by pyrometallurgical methods [20]. Industrially, reduction of antimony oxide to metallic antimony is achieved by heat-ing and the addition of carbon in a reverberatory furnace. Volatilization of antimony can be reduced by the addition

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Availability, Toxicology and Medical Significance of Antimony

As a metal, antimony is not affected by humid air and pure water, but if melted by temperature, it ignites. ... The basic artificial industrial compounds are antimony xide (Sb 2 O 3), antimony pentoxide (Sb 2 O 5), ... The reduction of antimony from its pentavalent to its trivalent form is the principal mechanism behind the action of ...

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(PDF) Recovery of Antimony: A Laboratory Study on the …

Recovery of Antimony: A Laboratory Study on the Thermal Decomposition and Carbothermal Reduction of Sb(III), Bi(III), Zn(II) Oxides, and Antimony Compounds from Metal Oxide Varistors

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Antimony xide: Properties, Applications, and Safety …

The compound has a high melting point, low solubility in water, and exhibits flame-retardant properties. Antimony xide is often produced from the roasting of antimony ore or the oxidation of antimony metal. Applications of Antimony xide: Flame Retardant: One of the primary applications of antimony xide is as a flame …

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A Review on Pyrometallurgical Extraction of Antimony from …

Antimony is classified as a critical/strategic metal. Its primary production is predominated by China via pyrometallurgical routes such as volatilization roasting—reduction smelting or direct reduction smelting. The performance of most of the pyro-processes is very sensitive to concentrate type and grade. Therefore, technology …

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Evaporation of Antimony xide from Antimony Slag by …

The Sb recovery from industrial residues has attracted more and more attention in recent years due to the increasing scarcity and criticality of Sb [1, 2].Sb-containing industrial residues can be processed by carbothermic reduction to produce antimony metal or by evaporation to produce antimony xide (ATO) [3, 4].The latter …

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O2- from the calcium oxide to form antimony xide. The following step, reaction (2) is the reduction of the formed antimony xide with carbon. The overall reaction proposed by Igiehon et al. [15] for the Sb 2 S 3 reduction with carbon and CaO was as follows: Sb 2 S 3 (s) + 3CaO(s) + 3C(gr) →

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Vanadium catalyst based on a tungsten xide structure …

Vanadium catalyst based on a tungsten xide structure modified with antimony in NH 3-selective catalytic reduction for improved low-temperature activity. ... Understanding the high performance of an iron-antimony binary metal oxide catalyst in selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide with ammonia and its tolerance of …

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Review on oxides of antimony nanoparticles: synthesis, properties, and

In this article, synthesis methods, properties, and applications of antimony oxide nanoparticles are reviewed. Oxides of antimony exist in three phases, namely antimony xide, antimony tetroxide, and antimony pentoxide. Physical and optical properties of these nanoparticles are reviewed and compared with their bulk forms. …

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