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The ongoing exploitation of Africa | Revealing Histories

Other forms of exploitation are perhaps less obvious. Climate change, caused mainly by the west, is expected to have the greatest effect on sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. Food prices have risen. As a result, free school meals supplied by the World Food Programme are being cut, for example by 50% in Kenya.

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Sexual exploitation | UNICEF South Africa

Disrupting harm in South Africa Funded by the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, through its Safe Online initiative, ECPAT, INTERPOL, and UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti worked in partnership to design and implement Disrupting Harm – a research project focused on online child sexual exploitation and …

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Ending Exploitation in the DRC's Deadly Cobalt …

In the DRC's artisanal mining sector —which exists alongside the formal mining industry—children and adults toil underground for hours in dangerous tunnels, using sticks or makeshift tools to mine for the cobalt …

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Packaging Machines South Africa

Packaging machines in South Africa Welcome to Afropak Packaging Equipment – a leading South African packaging machine supplier. Afropak, established in 1986, is positioned to exceed the needs of our valued clients. Our mission statement is to provide cost-effective and timeous packaging machines with correct specifications and within …

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SOUTH AFRICA'S GDP VS AFRICA'S GDP 1. South African GDP is ± 25% of the GDP of Africa. 2. If South Africa's share is excluded, Africa's share of WGDP is just more than …

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Q&A: Uncovering the labor exploitation that …

None of that is trickling down to us," Paul, one of the workers, told them. As the Post wrote, "While AI is often thought of as human-free machine learning, the technology actually relies on the …

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Expected wastewater volumes associated with unconventional oil …

Unconventional oil and gas (UOG) exploitation may generate large volumes of wastewater, with dire environmental consequences if not properly managed. We systematically reviewed literature, reports, and fracking databases to determine possible volumes of wastewater that may be generated during UOG extraction. We then …

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South Africa: When Strong Institutions and …

The examples of South Africa's two largest SOEs, Transnet and Eskom, indicate how this process played out between 2010 and 2017. 93 To give a sense of scale, Transnet's procurement in 2010/2011 …

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One third of children in South Africa at risk of …

PRETORIA, 08 February 2021 – More than 95 per cent of children in South Africa have access to the Internet regularly, but their risky online behaviour can expose them to online violence, exploitation and abuse, according …

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Farm Workers' Living and Working Conditions in

Market Dynamics in South Africa (LMDSA) data sets for 2011-2013. According to the 2011 Census, 759 127 s with an aggregate population of 2 732 605 people (5.28% of South Africa [s population) lived in Farm areas1 of South Africa in 2011, of whom 592 298 s with a population of 2 078 723 people lived on farms. ...

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Violations of farm workers' labour rights in post …

1. Introduction. The relationship between commercial farmers and farm workers in South Africa has been complex and multi-layered since its origins in 'master-slave' relations at the Cape of Good Hope in …

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Copyright in the music industry: the protection of artists' …

Over the years, artists who were once the biggest selling artists in the South African music industry have been witnessed to have no financial or other resources upon their death; or when they left the record labels they were signed to, their careers faded and they had nothing to their name. There have been numerous allegations from artists about the …

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Arrests and attacks: African countries pursue China's illegal …

C hina's massive metals industry can only maintain its size using imported minerals, frequently from a limited number of suppliers. As part of its Belt and Road Initiative, the country has actively invested in mining assets in Africa and Latin America, and is beginning to engage in overseas refining and downstream facilities.. Many countries have …

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History of slavery and early colonisation in South Africa

With colonialism, which began in South Africa in 1652, came the Slavery and Forced Labour Model. This was the original model of colonialism brought by the Dutch in 1652, and subsequently exported from the Western Cape to the Afrikaner Republics of the Orange Free State and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. ... the exploitation of prostitution ...

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Challenges and new insights for exploitation of deep underground metal

At present, more than 20 countries worldwide have recorded rockburst events with a maximum burst magnitude of Ms 5.1 in deep mining, especially gold mines in South Africa and India. From 1900 to 1994, more than 69000 miners have died, and 1 million have been injured in mines of South Africa; the main cause of these casualties was …

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Stand Against Legal Exploitation

The UN Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, signed and ratified by South Africa, states in its preamble that "Prostitution and the accompanying evil of the Trafficking In Persons for the purpose of Prostitution, are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person".

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Mining in South Africa: radical resistance

People and machines. At Malahleni, Mpumalanga of South Africa.In the short-term, communities need to address some of the most pressing issues they face.

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Why does South Africa encourage the exploitation of workers?

Just as they were exploited in Apartheid South Africa, they must just accept that their cheap black labour is good for the employers. But maybe there is hope for exploited workers. Deputy President Ramaphosa suggests that the National Economic Development and Labour Council has accepted that South Africa needs a minimum wage.

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Unfree: When Work Becomes Exploitation In Sub-Saharan Africa …

BY NEIL THOMPSON -- Alongside the twisting of traditional practices such as the exploitation of the Talibé, other forms of slavery and discrimination also exist across West Africa.

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The exploitation of Migrant Labour in the …

Despite having the second-largest economy in Africa and the largest gross domestic product in SADC, South Africa still faces challenges of unemployment, poverty, and low international ...

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Arrests and attacks: tracking China's illegal mining in African

China's massive metals industry can only maintain its size using imported minerals, frequently from limited suppliers. As part of its Belt and Road Initiative, the country has actively invested in mining assets in Africa and Latin America, and is beginning to engage in overseas refining and downstream facilities.. Many countries have welcomed …

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Groundwater levels forecasting using machine learning …

According to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in South Africa, about 10.3 km 3 /a is the total Utilisable Groundwater Exploitation Potential (UGEP) under non-drought conditions, while under drought conditions is about 7.5 km 3 /a [19]. In 1999 approximately 3.3 km 3 /a to 3.5 km 3 /a of groundwater

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SPLUMA promotes optimal exploitation of South Africa' …

This is in line with the state's policy to facilitate optimal exploitation of South Africa's mineral resources, which is of crucial importance to the country's economy. ... Until April 2012, it was accepted that holders of mining rights in South Africa were entitled to commence mining activities, without obtaining further municipal ...

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Africa, extractivism and the crisis this time

The crisis this time. September's ROAPE editorial (Lawrence Citation 2020a) anticipated that the global recession would hit African economies hard, with a shrinking global demand for primary …

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A Minerals and Mining Policy for South Africa

Many mining projects in South Africa have tended to be unusually large and long term, requiring massive capital and entailing a high degree of risk. iii. South Africa has an exceptional minerals endowment, and in several major commodities has the potential to supply far more than the world markets can consume. iv.

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Neocolonialism: The Remnants of Foreign Exploitation in Africa

Instances like South Africa, where the top 10% owns 90% of the entire country's wealth, ... African Union headquarters which they had built and completely funded – a testament to the fact Chinese ambitions in Africa are centered around exploitation, not establishing diplomatic relations. China's rapidly expanding economy requires the ...

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Migrant Workers, Artisanal Gold Mining, and "More-Than …

In South Africa, criminal gold diggers, young men who migrate to Johannesburg for work and the excitement urban life affords, climb and crawl through abandoned gold mines that rank among the world's deepest hard rock diggings (World Bank, 2019).Remaining underground for days, and sometimes weeks or months on end, …

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Restoration of Lake St Lucia, the largest estuary in South Africa

Restoration of estuarine function to the Lake St Lucia system, the largest estuary in South Africa, was initiated in 2010. Significant change began with the reversal of a mouth management policy ...

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Violations of farm workers' labour rights in post-apartheid South Africa

1. Introduction. The relationship between commercial farmers and farm workers in South Africa has been complex and multi-layered since its origins in 'master-slave' relations at the Cape of Good Hope in the seventeenth century (Waldman Citation 1996; Williams Citation 2016), but has always been characterised by power …

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Protection of Children's Rights to Privacy and Freedom …

and Freedom from Online Exploitation and Abuse in Southern Africa. A Case Study of South Africa and Zimbabwe, Supervisors: Zahara Nampewo, Makerere University (Uganda) and Marystella Simiyu, University of Pretoria. Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (HRDA), coordinated by Centre for Human Rights, …

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