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A review on pavement porous concrete using recycled waste materials

A review on pavement por ous concrete using recycled waste materials that the compressive strength has been fulfilled up to 30% ceramic waste powder replacement with no e ffect to the M

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A review on the utilization of ceramic waste in sustainable

Torkittikul et al. [26] conducted a study to get compressive strength of mortar mixes and concrete mixes with the use of ceramic waste as a fine aggregate …

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Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Waste Ceramic Tile in Concrete

b) Ceramic Scrap: The ceramic crumb was obtained from a local ceramic insulator industry. The ceramic insulators are initially broken into pieces with mallet into required size. The properties of Conventional aggregate and crushed insulator ceramic scrap are shown in Table 2. B.

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Ceramic waste as coarse aggregate in the production of concrete

This experimental investigation presents the feasibility of making concrete using ceramic waste as a coarse aggregate at 25, 50, 75, 100 per cent replacement of crushed stone in conventional concrete. ... properties it was concluded that the stone dust could be used as conventional fine aggregate and the 20 per cent of ceramic scrap could be ...

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Investigations in to the use of stone dust and ceramic scrap …

The study was conducted to investigate into the use of stone dust and ceramic scraps aggregate replacement in concrete.The methodology adapted was to compare 2 specimens of cube and beam.Three concrete cubes of 150mmx150mmx150mmsize were tested to determine compressive strength and …

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Enhancing high-performance concrete sustainability: …

The high-performance concrete (HPC) mixtures utilized Portland cement, drinkable water, crushed granite as coarse aggregate, river sand as fine aggregate, silica fume, Superplasticizer, and waste ...

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Properties of concrete manufactured with use of …

- Ceramic sanitary waste (scrap) from industry producer in Poços de Caldas city (Minas Gerais, Brazil), used as coarse aggregate. 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Ceramic scrap characterization To ceramic scrap characterization were realized X-Ray diffraction (DRX), chemical analysis by X-Ray fluo-

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An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of …

The Sultanate of Oman is an arid country located in the Arabian Peninsula. It has an area of 309,500 km 2 with a total population of 2,400,000. Oman's annual …

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Studies on Properties of Concrete Replacing Lathe …

The Lathe scrap is the waste collected from iron and steel industries. This paper is about reuse the industrial wastes in concrete. The purpose of use the waste materials to reduce the environmental hazards. In addition to …

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Al Sifa Trading LLC: Metal Scrap Dealers & Buyers in Muscat, Oman

Al-Sifa Trading in Muscat, Oman is a well-established Oman based Scrap Metal Buying, Recycling & Transportation company dealing in ferrous and non ferrous metals. P.O.Box: 481, Ghala Muscat, Oman +968 9944 0523 [email protected] Home About Services Sustainability. Products.

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(PDF) Concrete with ceramic waste aggregate

Use of hazardous industrial wastes in concrete-making will lead to greener environment. In ceramic industry about 30% production goes as waste, which is not recycled at present.

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An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of …

Various wastes and by-product materials are generated in the Sultanate of Oman including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate, demolition concrete, cement by-pass …

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3. Today Ceramic has become synonymous with flooring. In Ceramic Industry, About 30% Productions go as Waste. The use of waste products in concrete not only makes it economical but also solves some of the disposal problems. However, the ceramic waste is durable, hard and highly resistant to biological, chemical, and physical …

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Developing a Sustainable Concrete Using Ceramic Waste …

This research aims to use ceramic waste powder in concrete and to see its performance (compressive strength) at seven and 28 days. The concrete mix used in this research was M 25 (IS 456 2000) which was made with different percentage of ceramic waste (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%).The description of materials used in this work is …

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Investigation on concrete using steel scrap. Different proportion of steel scrap fibre by adding admixture of 0,1,2,3% by weight of cement, coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. Metal scrap was collected in lathe. Totally 46 cubes and cylinder 24 cylinders were casted Compressive strength

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Use of waste ceramics to produce sustainable concrete: A …

Huseien et al. (1201) studied the feasibility of fly ash & WC as a substitution of cement and CA. They prepared six mixes (M1 to M6) of concrete. In these mixes, cement was substituted by fly ash up to 30%, and CA was substituted by …

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Alternative Strengths to Concrete by Stone Dust and …

Alternative Strengths to Concrete by Stone Dust and Ceramic Scrap and Effective Utilisationof Solid Waste Kiran Niveditha Dept of Civil Engineering, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur, India Abstract-The compressive strengths of concrete using natural sand and quarry dust were measured in the laboratory. Compressive strength was found to increase with ages …

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Al Sifa Trading LLC: Metal Scrap Dealers & Buyers …

Al-Sifa Trading in Muscat, Oman is a well-established Oman based Scrap Metal Buying, Recycling & Transportation company dealing in ferrous and non ferrous metals. P.O.Box: 481, Ghala Muscat, Oman +968 9944 …

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Utilization of Steel Scrap Waste in Concrete Pavement

Use of lathe steel scrap fibre in concrete is the best way to implement it. In concrete pavement, we should use an optimum amount of lathe scrap fibre, so that its workability doesn't affect or we can use superplasticizer to increase workability. II. Literature Review

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An experimental study on use of rock flour and insulator ceramic scrap …

The mechanical analysis of waste ceramic concrete showed that ceramic waste material as a partial replacement for natural aggregate, cement, and fine aggregate provides better performance in terms ...

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(PDF) IRJET- Effective Utilization of Ceramic Scrap Waste …

BIS New Delhi 4. IS: 5161959, method of test for strength of concrete Bureau of Indian standards. New Delhi, India (9) M.V. Reddy, C.N.V.S. Reddy, "An experimental study on use of Rock flour and insulator ceramic scrap in concrete," Journal of theInstitution of Engineers, India, 88, pp 47-50, 2007.

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Bakolori Journal of General Studies Vol. 12 No. 2 …

aggregate. While the strength is reducing due to usage of ceramic scrap as coarse aggregate. Hence in concrete with ceramic scrap as coarse aggregate up to 20%, conventional fine aggregate can be replaced partially by stone dust up to 40%. The experimental test results show in table 4.1. Table 4.1 Experimental test results Mix …

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Use industrial waste products in concrete and use in …

Fly ash has become widely used in making concrete. Cement concrete does not reduce the strength of concrete despite the addition of fly ash up to about 40% of the weight of cement under different conditions. Up to about 25% fly ash is added to the RMC. Fly ash improves the workability of concrete and reduces the w/c ratio and …

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Industrial and commercial standards in Oman

Oman is also a member International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Classification of Standards OS Online Consultation of Standards The publication of national standards is entrusted to the Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements (DGSM), within the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Certification Organisations

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Developing a Sustainable Concrete Using Ceramic Waste …

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48465-1_27 Corpus ID: 214347668; Developing a Sustainable Concrete Using Ceramic Waste Powder @article{Umar2019DevelopingAS, title={Developing a Sustainable Concrete Using Ceramic Waste Powder}, author={Tariq Umar and Abdullah Mohd Tahir and Charles Egbu and Mohamed Shaik Honnurvali and …

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Building Materials Suppliers | Ceramic & Porcelain Tiles …

Most trusted building materials trading company and the leading supplier of ceramic and porcelain tiles in Oman. We supply renovated and enhanced products. [email protected] +968 93505853; ... slab tiles outdoor, outdoor porcelain tiles and slabs, concrete base for outdoor tiles, all at one place! Wood is the most intimate and warmer in the home. We ...

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Studying Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Recycled Concrete …

Ceramic aggregate has the characteristics of light weight, heat insulation, and low cost, and recycled aggregate is a type of green material that realizes the re-crushing of construction waste. This paper studied the impact of replacing natural coarse aggregate with ceramic aggregate and natural sand with recycled fine aggregate, on the …

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Utilization of Ceramic Waste Material as Cement Substitution in Concrete

Researchers and engineers have been exploring alternative materials to partially substitute for cement in concrete to decrease carbon emissions and promote sustainability. Industrial pozzolanic waste is one such material that has gained attention as a potential substitute for cement. This research paper investigates the use of industrial …

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Developing a Sustainable Concrete using Ceramic Waste …

11th International Conference (CITC-11) September 9-11, 2019, London, UK Developing a Sustainable Concrete using Ceramic Waste Powder Tariq Umar1, Abdullah Tahir2, Charles Egbu3 Mohamed Shaik Honnurvali4, Messaoud Saidani5, Ahmed Jalil Al-Bayati6 A'Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Oman University of South Wales, UK 3 University of East …

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An overview of waste materials recycling in the Sultanate of …

Abstract. Various wastes and by-product materials are generated in the Sultanate of Oman including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate, demolition …

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