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The effect of KOH activation on physicochemical properties of bentonite …

Alkali-activated materials offer a promising alternative for low-carbon building supplies. One of the phyllosilicate class of minerals, bentonite is crystalline and has a layered structure with 2:1 arrangement. The objective of the research is to understand how potassium hydroxide activation impacts the physicochemical properties of bentonite.

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Evaluation of Pozzolanic and Alkali-Activated …

Alkali-activated cement (AAC) is a sustainable building material with low carbon emissions, but it has a growing demand for raw materials. In this study, the potential of low-purity modified calcium …

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Thermal activation, characterization and performance …

The effects of activation parameters (time and temperature) on its physiochemical properties and its performance for the removal of sodium ions from water were investigated. Bentonite activated for 6 h at 300 °C showed a maximum specific surface area of 81.74 m 2 /g while the raw one showed 57.6 m 2 /g. However, the cation …

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The role of aluminium in alkali-activated bentonites

The third reaction raised the solution pH, which in turn hastened dehydroxylated bentonite dissolution, favouring its alkaline activation and the formation …

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Factors Affecting Kinetics and Gel Composition of Alkali…

Alkali activation of metallurgical slags produces low-carbon cementitious binders for sustainable concrete production. However, the potential deleterious reaction of internal alkalis in alkali-activated slag (AAS) with siliceous aggregates is a serious durability concern. In this work, the alkali–silica reaction (ASR) in alkali-activated ground …

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On the Characteristics of Alkali- and Acid- Activated Bentonite …

In this paper, it is proposed to modify the Bentonite clay of Kosovo (Goshica region) by acid and alkali activation to be used for oil recycling. Acid and alkali activation was performed in ratios (10, 30 and 50%) in order to see the effect of acid and alkali treatment on the properties of Goshica Bentonite.

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Preparation and characterization of acid-activated bentonite …

The effective viscosity of bentonite was measured after direct and indirect activation processes (Alkali activation, Heating activation and combined alkali and acid activation).

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Bentonite reactivity in alkaline solutions: interim results of …

Recently, therefore, there have been extensive efforts to understand better the interactions of alkaline fluids with bentonite (cf. Wilson et al., 2011), coupled with studies aimed at reducing the risk by development and testing (e.g. Alonso et al., 2009) of low-alkali cement formulations.The greatest challenge is bringing the information produced by laboratory …

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Synthesis of Zeolite of Type A from Bentonite by Alkali …

Optimization studies were carried out for the synthesis of zeolite A by a hydrothermal method using alkali-activated bentonite as raw material. The process of alkali fusion activation and optimization of the composition were studied by TG-DTA, XRD, and calcium ion exchange capacity. It was found that a mixture of additional alumina …

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Cosmetic and pharmaceutical qualifications of …

Alkali activation of bentonite was carried out through dispersion of 300 g of purified bentonite in 100 ml of 0.1 M NaCl solution under stirring for 12 h at room temperature for three runs. The clay fractions were then …

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Optimization of bleaching power by sulfuric acid activation of bentonite

Acid activation was carried out by heating muds prepared from Ca-rich bentonite (CaB), sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) and distilled water, yielding various bleaching earths (BEs).The roles of each of the process variables, namely mass fraction of H 2 SO 4 (x) in the dried CaB and pure H 2 SO 4 mixture, heating temperature (T) and contact time (t), in the …

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Simultaneous thermal analysis of different bentonite–sodium …

Alkali activation with sodium carbonates is a traditional method to improve bentonite properties for a variety of applications. In some applications, natural sodium-rich …

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Bentonite Powder | Oman CHEMICAL

We are reputed as one of the most overruling Bentonite Mineral Powder Manufacturers and Suppliers in India. The unmatched quality and efficacy of Bentonite Powder in various sectors like Drilling, Effluent Treatment, Electrical, Engineering, Fertilizer, Foundry, Iron ore Pelletization, Liquor & Food, Pesticides and Pharmaceutical has played a vital role in the …

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Preliminary Research on the Physical and …

There is growing interest in construction field issues related to environmental protection, energy saving and raw materials. Therefore, the interest in recycling waste materials to produce new construction …

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Reaction of bentonite in low-alkali cement leachates: An overview …

The hyperalkaline (pH~13) leachates from the cement are expected to cause alteration of the bentonite. Low alkali cements produce lower pH (around 10-11) leachates and it is expected that this ...

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Recycling of Aluminosilicate-Based Solid Wastes through Alkali …

Recycling aluminosilicate-based solid wastes is imperative to realize the sustainable development of constructions. By using alkali activation technology, aluminosilicate-based solid wastes, such as furnace slag, fly ash, red mud, and most of the bio-ashes, can be turned into alternative binder materials to Portland cement to reduce …

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Advances in alkali-activation of clay minerals

The primary reaction products of alkali-activation of low-Ca precursors, such as clay minerals, are alkali aluminosilicates – these are classified as either crystalline zeolitic phases, or sodium aluminosilicate hydrates (N-A-S-H) gel frameworks. ... The …

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Using alkali-activated dredge sludge ash-bentonite for low …

Request PDF | On Feb 1, 2023, Xinminnan Hui and others published Using alkali-activated dredge sludge ash-bentonite for low permeability cutoff walls: The engineering properties and micromechanism ...

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Effect of alkaline solutions on bentonite properties

The influence of alkaline aqueous solutions on the properties of bentonite was investigated to evaluate the performance of bentonitic engineered barriers when …

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The role of aluminium in alkali-activated bentonites

activation. The use bentonite as a possible source of alumino-silicates for alkaline cement manufacture is a new line of action, scantly documented in the literature. In one study conducted by Mingyu et al. [21] to determine the effect of adding bentonite during the alkali activation of fly ash, the clay was found to act as a mere filler,

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Analysis of bentonite specific surface area by kinetic …

Activation of bentonite by alkali and acid solutions is almost. important step in industrial scale. This process is carried out in a. continuous stirred tank reactor at low temperature 50–120 ...

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Sodium salt-assisted low temperature activation of bentonite …

The sodium salt-assisted low temperature activation of bentonite (BB) was attempted. The unique features of the raw bentonite and BB were characterized with respect to the morphological ...

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Bentonite reactivity in alkaline solutions: interim results of …

However, bentonite is unstable under alkaline conditions and this has driven interest in low-alkali cements (leachate pH of 10–11). To build a robust safety case, it is important to …

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Role of Natural Stone Wastes and Minerals in the Alkali Activation

This review aims to provide a comprehensive assessment concerning alkali activation of natural stone wastes and minerals. In particular, the structure of the review is divided into two main sections in which the works dealing with alumino-silicate and carbonatic stones are discussed, respectively. Alumino-silicate stones are generally …

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Alkali-hydrothermal activation of tailings with red mud as a

The quartz phase in the bentonite was decomposed after alkali fusion activation at 700–1000 °C for 3 h . High-temperature calcination is required during the alkali fusion process, which higher the manufacturing costs of geopolymer samples. ... Provis JL (2016) Phase evolution of C-(N)-A-S-H/N-A-S-H gel blends investigated via …

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Effects of alkali on one-part alkali-activated cement synthesized …

DOI: 10.1016/J.CLAY.2017.01.020 Corpus ID: 100586745; Effects of alkali on one-part alkali-activated cement synthesized by calcining bentonite with dolomite and Na2CO3 @article{Peng2017EffectsOA, title={Effects of alkali on one-part alkali-activated cement synthesized by calcining bentonite with dolomite and Na2CO3}, author={Mei Xun …

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Using alkali-activated dredge sludge ash-bentonite for low …

Although vertical cutoff walls can effectively contain groundwater pollution, vertical barriers constructed using conventional cement–bentonite-soil (CBS) mixtures exhibit poor permeability and produce considerable CO 2 during cement production. The dredged sludge ash (DSA) has potential to be used as an eco-friendly source for vertical …

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Acid activated clays: Materials in continuous demand

1. Introduction. One application of calcium bentonite with a significant market is the decolourization of vegetable, animal and mineral oils. Most of the calcium bentonite used for filtering and decolourizing oils is acid activated (Odom, 1984).Acid treatment with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid removes the calcium cations from the surfaces and edges …

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Alkali activation of natural clay using a Ca (OH)

The alkali activation of natural clay with the Ca(OH) 2 /Na 2 CO 3 alkaline mixture produced a binding agent identified as hydroxysodalite phase ... D. & Emmerich, K. (2013) Simultaneous thermal analysis of different bentonite-sodium carbonate systems: an attempt to distinguish alkali-activated bentonites from raw materials.

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Bentonite Clays from Southeastern Spain as Sustainable …

The effects of global climate change are becoming more evident and accelerating at an unprecedented pace. For this reason, human activities urgently need a paradigm shift to stop this entropic process before the consequences become irreversible. In this sense, the use of highly eco-efficient materials aimed at conveniently neutralizing …

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