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Beyond coal: facilitating the transition in Europe

The European Union energy system is becoming greener and more efficient, but its most polluting component – coal – continues to provide a quarter of its electricity. This is bad for the climate, the …

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EURACOAL | the voice of coal in Europe

The European Association for Coal and Lignite - EURACOAL - is the umbrella organisation of the European coal industry. EURACOAL evolved in 2002 from the European Solid Fuels' Association - CECSO - after the expiry of the ECSC Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community. By integrating Members from Candidate and …

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Climate Change and Macro-Economic Cycles in Pre-Industrial Europe …

Climate change has been proven to be the ultimate cause of social crisis in pre-industrial Europe at a large scale. However, detailed analyses on climate change and macro-economic cycles in the pre-industrial era remain lacking, especially within different temporal scales. Therefore, fine-grained, paleo-climate, and economic data …

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A Closer Look: Causes & Effects of Global Coal Shortage

Coal prices surged this Fall, producing electric outages in multiple countries. As the international community deals with coal shortages, commodity prices continue to surge in the international market. The effects of the rising prices are felt most in the coal importing economies. China, for example, has struggled this year to cope with what has …

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Coal production and consumption statistics

The 2023 hard coal consumption of the EU is estimated to have reached 128 million tonnes, 42% less than 6 years ago. Production of hard coal in the EU has decreased …

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European economies in terms of energy dependence

Security of energy supply is closely related to micro- and macro-economic developments because imports and exports of energy may have an enormous impact on the balance of payments. ... In the case of coal and its derivatives, in the years of 2004–2013 there was an increase of the dependence of the member countries in terms …

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In parts of Europe and North America, coal production is in decline, yet in the developing world, energy strategies are recognising the value of using indigenous coal reserves. ...

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Bio-coal market study: Macro and micro-environment of the bio-coal

The heating value of bio-coal is 20.9 GJ t −1 (5.8 MWh t −1).The use of bio-coal will substantially increase the potential ratio of co-firing in standard coal-fired power plants (up to in comparison to about 10% based on wood pellets) and will allow co-feeding woody biomass in industrial-sized coal gasifiers. In Finland, co-firing bio ...

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European Coal And Steel Community

The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was an international organization founded in 1951 by six European countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. Its main goal was to regulate the industrial production of coal and steel, the two vital resources for the military and the …

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Stock prices and macroeconomic factors: Some European …

Just as the market value of a company depends heavily on its current economic situation and future perspectives, the value of all the companies listed on the stock market of a given country will depend on the global economic situation and future perspectives in that country. ... whose P-value is 1.7%; vi) these two macroeconomic …

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Macroeconomic impact of the German energy transition …

The regional distribution (see Fig. 1 for an illustration) differentiates between 38 regions 6 and 37 economic subsections, which is an aggregation of the 72 economic sectors of the macro economic core. Two approaches are applied to account for regional features and regional impacts: 1.

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The macroeconomic implications of the

The macroeconomic implications of the transition to a low-carbon economy. 1 Introduction; 2 Where we stand in the transition to net zero in the euro area; 3 Propagation channels of higher carbon emission prices; Box 1 Main features of the suite of models; 4 The carbon tax scenario; 5 The effects of the carbon tax scenario; Box 2 The global dimension of a …

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14 economic, social and technological determinants of hard coal market development in the 15 European Union from 1990 to 2030. 16 Design/methodology/approach : The research process was carried out ...

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In economic outcomes, t he coal value chain directly contributed 5,4% of the GDP in 2018, mostly from mining and electricity generation. Electricity generation made up 2,7% of

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Bio-coal market study: Macro and micro-environment of the bio-coal …

Unlike bio-coal, co-firing raw biomass with coal has drawbacks such as high transportation cost due to low energy density (Rautiainen et al., 2012), low heating value, high moisture content (Mody et al., 2014), and a lower co-firing rate (lower biomass to coal ratio) (Agar and Wihersaari, 2012).

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EURACOAL Market Report 2021 no

EURACOAL Market Report 2021 noE. May 2021. DEVELOPMENTSGlobal Coal TradeGlobal hard coal production fell 4% to an estimated 6.9 Gt in 2020 as the SAR …

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Back to black? Macroeconomic analysis of hard coal sector in European …

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present the results of a PEST analysis of the legal, economic, social and technological determinants of hard coal market development in the European Union from 1990 to 2030. Design/methodology/approach: The research process was carried out with the use of four methods: analysis and synthesis (1) critical review of …

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The Economics of Coal

While coal's dominance for domestic electricity production is waning, global demand for U.S. coal is increasing; in fact, the U.S. is a net exporter of coal. According to the EIA, in 2018 15% of U.S. coal production was exported to other countries, with exports reaching their highest level in five years.

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Macroeconomic implications of switching to process …

Macroeconomic implications of switching to process-emission-free iron and steel production in Europe. November 2018; ... (macro)economic costs might not be the generation benefitting from it ...

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Bio-coal market study: Macro and micro-environment of the bio-coal

Unlike bio-coal, co-firing raw biomass with coal has drawbacks such as high transportation cost due to low energy density (Rautiainen et al., 2012), low heating value, high moisture content (Mody ...

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Macro-economic impacts of energy efficiency in Europe

Macro-economic Impacts of Energy Efficiency: The COMBI project's insights into the EU's energy efficiency benefits. ... The study was commissioned by the European Commission, Horizon 2020. Download. Author(s) ... Global perspectives on the value of renovation. Related links. COMBI website. COPENHAGEN. Langebrogade 3C DK-1411 …

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Macro-economic determinants of European stock and …

Macro-economic determinants of European stock and government bond correlations: A tale of two regions. Author links open overlay panel Erica R ... For both assets we used the reference value of the year 2002 to avoid having the weighting measures correlating with the return series. 18 For each category we plot this weighted …

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Coal decreased 6.90 USD/MT or 4.71% since the beginning of 2024, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity. Coal is expected to trade at 144.81 USD/MT by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations.

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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present the results of a PEST analysis of the legal, economic, social and technological determinants of hard coal market development in the European Union ...

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The future of coal in the global energy sector | Wood …

Challenges and opportunities for the steel value chain; Opinion 20 August 2024 The future of coal in the global energy sector ... The most aggressive Paris targets – Net zero or a 1.5-degree temperature rise – are faltering as the weak macro-economic environment exacerbates the sluggish investment into low carbon solutions, and political ...

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the voice of coal in Europe

Info. Coal industry across Europe. Foreword by Jerzy Buzek. Introduction. Socio-economic and global aspects of coal use as the EU phases out fossil fuels. The road …

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Quantifying the environmental impacts of a European …

To calculate the impact of a European citizen, we used the data of the EU27 countries. In the LCA-approach, LCI-data are multiplied with macro-economic consumption data of the EU27. These macro-economic consumption data have 2006 as reference year, but the LCI-data are based on different years and different countries of origin.

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Economics of CCS for coal plants: Impact of investment …

Highlights Model-based study of prospects of CCS for coal power plants in 19 European countries. Investment cost strongly affect deployment, while efficiency only has a modest impact. Lowest (highest) investment cost observed lead to total CCS share of 16% (2%) by 2025. Highest (lowest) conversion efficiency observed results in CCS …

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Influence of Macroeconomic Factors on Prices of Real Estate …

The basic set is represented by the data on the price of a square metre of residential real estate â€" apartments in the capitals of the selected economic, social and cultural environments in a defined period of time from 2003 to June 2012 (Trading 600 Bojan Grum and Darja Kobe Govekar / Procedia Economics and Finance 39 ( 2016 ) …

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Integrated assessment of a phase-out of coal-fired power …

In Europe, coal continues to play an important part in the electric supply generating 26% of total electricity in 2013. ... The direct and indirect impacts on employment of changes in the power plant stock as well as on value added and overall production can be assessed by using ... the macro-economic effects of an early phase-out of coal …

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