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Copper Electrorefining Technology

Copper Electrorefining Technology Outotec is the leading provider of copper refining technology, with the industry's widest range of solutions and a proven track record. Our …

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What is Electrorefining? Process and Uses

Also, electrorefining can be used for a wide range of metals, including copper, zinc, nickel, lead, and cobalt—making it a versatile method for simultaneously refining different types of metals. Finally, in addition to being effective for refining metals, electrorefining can also be used to separate two different types of metal from one ...

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Electrolytic Refining

This report discusses Electrorefining Copper research conducted to increase the rate, deposit purity, and overall efficiency in industrial processes used to …

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An Experimental Review of the Physicochemical Properties of Copper …

2.1 Reagents. The electrolytes used in this work were prepared from analytical reagent grade copper (II) sulphate (CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O, > 99%), concentrated sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4, 98%), and ferrous sulphate (FeSO 4 ·7H 2 O, > 99.5%), polyacrylamide additive (PAM) SENFLOC 3110, additive supplied by SENMIN, and deionised water. The choice to use …

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Effect of APMImBr ionic liquid on the migration of silver in copper …

Copper electrorefining typically involves the use of a fire-refined cast copper plate as the anode and a stainless-steel or titanium plate as the cathode. Copper in the anode dissolves in the electrolyte, whereas gold, silver, and other precious metals form anode slime that sinks to the bottom of the electrolytic cell. Cu ions are ...

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Statistical analysis of the distribution of impurities during copper …

Four series of copper electrorefining tests were performed using four different types of anodes, which have different inclusion types. Test results show that the high impurity anodes and the scrap ...

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Removal of Antimony and Bismuth from Copper Electrorefining …

During the electrorefining of copper, anodes of, typically, 98–99% copper are dissolved into an electrolyte consisting of 130–220-g/L H 2 SO 4 and then plated onto a cathode (either a copper starter sheet or some other nonreactive metal like stainless steel or titanium) as a 99.99 + % pure product. This cathode copper is typically used to …

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Electrorefining is a process in which impure copper anodes are electrolytically refined to produce pure copper cathodes by dissolving copper at the anodes and removing …

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Proven copper refining Electrorefining

The Electrorefining process Electrorefining is one of a collection of electrochemical processes which are primarily concerned with the refining metals from anodes to high purity cathodes. Today, more than 80% worlds copper is produced with electrorefining, which gives the highest-purity metal product as well as best recovery of valuable impurities.

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Electrorefining for copper tramp element removal from …

Electrorefining experiments were carried out using alumina-based electrochemical cells, as described in the Materials and Methods section. The molten Fe–Cu–C alloy, initially containing carbon and copper contaminations, was located inside the working electrode (WE) tube of the cell, while the Al 2 O 3 –CaO–MgO–FeS …

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Optimizing Electrolyte Conditions for the Elimination of …

The effect of surface growth-controlling additives, such as glue and thiourea, as well as the influencing parameters in the copper electrorefining process, such as electrolyte temperature, flow ...

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(PDF) Chapter 7. Copper Electrowinning and Electrorefining

The effect of some acids such as acetic acid, phenyl acetic acid and formic acid on the rate of electrowinning and electrorefining of copper were studied using copper anode and lead anode. It is ...

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Impact of 5-Amino-1H Tetrazole on Reducing Silver in Copper …

As the grade of the copper concentrate decreases and its composition becomes increasingly complex, the silver content in anode plates cast after fire refining increases, leading to a higher silver content in the copper cathode during electrorefining and a substantial loss of precious metals. This study investigates the impact of 5-amino …

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Modeling Natural Convection in Copper Electrorefining: …

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of copper electrorefining is discussed, where natural convection flow is driven by buoyancy forces caused by gradients in copper concentration at the electrodes. We provide experimental validation of the CFD model for several cases varying in size from a small laboratory scale to large industrial …

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17.5: Refining of Copper

1. Figure 17.5.1 17.5. 1: The electrolytic purification of copper. In such a cell a thin sheet of high-purity Cu serves as the cathode, and the anode is the impure Cu which is to be refined. The electrolyte is …

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Separation and recovery of copper in Cu−As-bearing copper

Such a Cuâˆ'As- bearing copper electrorefining black slime (Cuâˆ'As- bearing slime, for short) is characterized by high contents of copper and arsenic in the form of Cuâˆ'As compounds, such as Cu3As and Cu(HAsO4) [6,7]. Because of the toxic elemental arsenic and valuable elemental copper, the cleaning treatment of Cuâˆ'As ...

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The Physical Characteristics of Electrorefined Copper Starter …

The interaction of anode and electrolyte chemistry in copper electrorefining is complex. This is especially true with regard to the behavior of Group 15 elements (As, Sb, and Bi). To better understand this system, laboratory electrorefining experiments were conducted using commercial anodes with As/(Sb + Bi) molar ratios of 0.54 and 3.8 and …

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copper electrorefining anodes and electrolyte is critically necessary to produce high quality cathode. Arsenic as well as antimony and bismuth concentrations vary depending on their relative concentration in the anode copper received from the smelter. This paper will discuss the behaviour and benefits of arsenic

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(PDF) Modeling the Effect of Composition and Temperature …

The physico-chemical properties of the copper electrolyte significantly affect the energy consumption of the electrorefining process and the quality of the cathode product.

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Electrorefining Chemistry Tutorial

Electrorefining Copper. During the electrorefining stage of copper production, a series of impure copper anodes and thin starter sheet cathodes (such as thin copper foil) are suspended in a tank. The electrolyte containing the copper ions flows through tank. The electrolyte is often copper dissolved in sulfuric acid which produces an aqueous ...

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Novel Additives in Copper Electrorefining—Small …

This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of new organic substances, including a novel ionic liquid based on polyhexamethylenebiguanidine, polyhexamethyleneguanidine, and safranin in the copper electrorefining process. Experiments were conducted on a small laboratory scale using industrial copper …

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Suppression of Silver Dissolution by Contacting Different Metals …

The lamination interface generated by a power outage during the electrorefining of copper using a wax-less permanent-cathode was investigated to elucidate the formation mechanism of the interface ...

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Novel Additives in Copper Electrorefining—Small …

The technological conditions of all conducted copper electrorefining trials were as follows: electrolyte temperature 60 °C, current density 250 A/m 2, current intensity 0.125 A, and electrorefining time 5 h. The electrodes were weighed before and after each trial to determine the cathodic and anodic efficiency.

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The mineralogy of copper electrorefining | JOM

The impurities in copper anodes occur both in solid solution in the copper metal matrix and in discrete inclusions at the copper grain boundaries. During electrorefining, all the impurities undergo extensive chemical and/or morphological changes. These changes impact significantly on anode passivation, cathode quality, electrolyte purification and, of …

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Copper Refining

Finally, electrorefining dissolves anodes into a copper sulfate-sulfuric acid electrolyte and electrodeposits high purity copper cathodes. The presence of excessive Se, Te, As, Sb …

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Optimization of Industrial Copper Electrowinning Solutions …

This powdered copper sludge form s due to the low throughput of sol ... T.G., (Eds), 2007, Copper Electrorefining and El ectrowinning, Cu2007, Proceedings of . the Si xth International Copper ...

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Proven copper refining Electrorefining

Proven copper refining. rorefiningThe Electrorefining processElectrorefining is one of a collection of electrochemical processes which are primarily concerned with the refining …

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Adsorption of antimony and arsenic from a copper electrorefining

In the electrorefining process, copper and metals less noble than copper are oxidized and go into solution where they form a variety of compounds. Arsenic and antimony are included among the most undesirable elements typically found in …

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Electrolytic Refining and Winning of Metals | SpringerLink

The electrorefining process was introduced about a hundred years ago to produce a substitute to fire-refined copper. Today, practically all of the world's copper production …

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Innovations: How Hydrometallurgy and the …

The electrowinning of copper requires considerably more electrical energy than does the electrorefining process - an average of about 8 MJ/kg for electrowinning vs about 1.5 MJ/kg for electrorefining. In electrowinning …

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