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Effect of Teetering Pulp Density in Floatex Density …

The floatex density separator works on hindered settling principle, wherein a rising current of water is introduced into the column so as to form a teeter column, an expanded …

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Performance evaluation of a laboratory floatex density separator …

The Floatex density separator is capable of providing metallurgical results better than spiral concentrators. Compared to the spiral concentrator, FDS provides a higher weight recovery (Spiral – 54.6%, FDS – 64.2%). In addition to the improved weight recovery of the Floatex product was 2–5% higher in Fe content.

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Assessing the performance of a Floatex density …

A Floatex density separator was used to reduce the silica and alumina contents of a low-grade iron ore plant reject sample from the Pilbara region in Western Australia to produce a high-quality ...

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(PDF) Study of separation features in floatex density separator …

The Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is one such counter-current, autogenous teetered bed separator. Particles are separated based on their differential specific gravity. Hence, FDS produces two products, an underflow enriched with heavier particles and an overflow rich in low density particles. High density particles settle against the rising ...

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Performance prediction of floatex density separator in …

Effective use of a Floatex density separator (FDS), a continuous teetered bed separator, in beneficiating iron ore fines in terms of alumina and silica removal has been investigated. Particle behaviour in an FDS is described using steady state force balance on the particle. A relative velocity approach coupled with the mass balance has …

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Full article: Application of a Floatex density separator for iron

The Floatex density separator (FDS) is a teeter-bed separator in which an up-current classification technique can be used to upgrade low-grade iron ore fines and …

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Simulation and pilot experiments on pyrite concentrate …

Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is an advanced hindered settling classifier and autogenous teetered bed separator, which utilize particle settling rates to segregate different particles according ...

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Hindered Bed Classifier Modelling

The specific hindered bed classifier that was modeled in this study is commercially known as the Floatex Density Separator. The portion of the Floatex above the teeter water addition point is 0.45 x 0.45 m² and is 1.5 m in height. The conical portion below the teeter water addition point is 0.75 m in height.

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Prediction of process input interactions of Floatex Density Separator

The Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is a concentrator that maximizes column separation efficiency via the use of fluidization and neutralization (fake liquid).

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(PDF) Floatex Density Separator · The Floatex Density Separator …

Capable classifier The fully automated Floatex Density Separator is a proven technology for classifying parcles based on size and/or density. Versale in operaon, the units can be sized to treat 1-600 tph. Performance of a tradional wet-gravity separaon circuit is greatly improved with the introducon of a Floatex unit and at less cost. All in all, Floatex …

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The feasibility of a slip velocity model for predicting the …

A Floatex density separator supplied by Outokumpu Technology Inc, USA, was used for producing chromite concentrate with Cr 2 O 3 varying from 50–58% from the ore containing 34–44% Cr 2 O 3. The FDS with a 30.5 cm × 30.5 cm side rectangular column and a conical bottom is shown in Fig. 1. The FDS can be divided into three main …

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In-plant testing of the floatex density separator for fine …

A recent study found the Floatex Density Separator to be very efficient at cleaning the coarse fraction (16x100 mesh) in a typical fine coal circuit feed while achieving a throughput capacity of 2-3 tph/ft{sup 2}. Additionally, total sulfur rejection was improved by 10% as compared to typical spiral performance on this same size fraction. Based on …

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Effect of Teetering Pulp Density in Floatex Density …

The floatex density separator works on hindered settling principle, wherein a rising current of water is introduced into the column so as to form a teeter column, an expanded mineral bed. During the process the particles fall until it reaches a point where the falling velocity equals to that of rising water

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(PDF) Characterisation and Pre-concentration of Chromite …

Floatex density separator About 20 tests were conducted with different combination of operating variables which is shown in table 1. Both the underflow and overflow products for each experiment were collected, dried, weighed and subjected to granulometry and chemical analysis. The experimental data were scrutinized and the performance of the ...

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Prediction of separation performance of Floatex Density Separator …

The Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is a teeter-bed based gravity separator which is used to separate different types of minerals based on their specific gravity. Both the size and density have substantial influence on the separation process. The ease and efficacy of separation in FDS has attracted considerable interest in the …

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(PDF) Preliminary studies on teeter bed separator for …

Conclusion Floatex density separator is an effective teeter bed separator which can substitute the conventional separators by impacting the density effect rather than the size effect. The manganese content in the underflow stream of FDS was upgraded up to 42.22%Mn and silica content reduced to 21.15% with Mn recovery of 75.13% at …

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Prediction of process input interactions of Floatex Density Separator

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Floatex Density Separator Products – Subsea Oil and Gas …

Floatex Density Separator products from Floatex Separations Ltd Metallurgical And Construction Sand Industries. Floatex Density Separator The Floatex Density Separator has been developed from experience gained in both the Metallurgical and Construction Sand Industries.

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Schematic diagram of Floatex Density Separator [25].

Download scientific diagram | Schematic diagram of Floatex Density Separator [25]. from publication: New Technology Gravity Separators in Mineral Processing | In mineral …

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Assessing the performance of a Floatex density separator …

The Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is a teeter bed separator, using an UCC technique that has the potential to upgrade lower grade iron ore fines and is a useful technique for rejection of clayey and/or silicate minerals. The ease and efficacy of separation in the FDS has attracted considerable interest in the mineral industry and academia.

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Prediction of process input interactions of Floatex Density …

Floatex Density Separator classifies the material based on their slip velocity. The slip velocity is the relative velocity between the particles and the raising …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

The feasibility of a slip velocity model for predicting the enrichment

A Floatex density separator supplied by Outokumpu Technology Inc, USA, was used for producing chromite concentrate with Cr 2 O 3 varying from 50–58% from the ore containing 34–44% Cr 2 O 3.The FDS with a 30.5 cm × 30.5 cm side rectangular column and a conical bottom is shown in Fig. 1.The FDS can be divided into three main …

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Laboratory Floatex Density Separator

Star Trace India - Offering Laboratory Floatex Density Separator,Density Separator Machine in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Also get Density Separator price list from verified companies | ID:

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Classification performance evaluation of floatex density …

Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is an advanced hindered settling classifier, also called as counter-current and autogenous teetered bed separator, which makes use of particle settling rates to segregate particles according to size, shape and density. FDS …

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The CFS Density Separator is a hydraulic classification device consisting of an upper paralleled-walled section of square or rectangular cross-section, and a lower section consisting of one or more pyramidal discharge units. …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Characterisation and Pre-concentration of Chromite …

Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is an advanced hindered settling classifier and autogenous teetered bed separator, which utilize particle settling rates to segregate different particles according ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Performance prediction of floatex density …

A Floatex density separator was used to reduce the silica and alumina contents of a low-grade iron ore plant reject sample from the Pilbara region in Western Australia to produce a high-quality ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Predicting the Chromite Mineral Upgradation in Floatex Density

Floatex Density Separator (FDS) A Floatex density separator, Model LPF-460, supplied by Outokumpu Technology Inc, USA, has been used for producing chromite concentrate. The chrome concentrates of different grades with Cr2O3 varying from 50–58% have been produced from the ore containing 34–44 % Cr2O3. The FDS with a 12⬙⫻12⬙ side ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Schematic diagram of Floatex Density Separator [25].

Download scientific diagram | Schematic diagram of Floatex Density Separator [25]. from publication: New Technology Gravity Separators in Mineral Processing | In mineral processing minerals ...

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

Study of separation features in floatex density separator for cleaning

Floatex Density Separator (FDS) is an advanced hindered settling classifier and autogenous teetered bed separator, which utilize particle settling rates to segregate different particles according ...

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