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Towards Commercialization of Indium Recovery from …

Historically, LCD glass along with the roughly 200 mg/kg of indium have been landfilled or used as flux in lead or zinc smelters which may recover indium from the off-gas. Primary indium circuits are estimated to recover only about 35% of indium in the feed material [ 19 ].

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Recovery of indium from indium tin oxide by solvent …

1. Introduction. Indium is a rare and valuable metal, which is used mainly as indium tin oxide-films (84% in 2007) in liquid crystal displays (LCDs) (Tolcin, 2008).These indium tin oxide (ITO) films are composed of 90% of In 2 O 3 and 10% of SnO 2.New types of solar panels containing indium are being developed and they may become an …

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Efficient recovery of indium from waste indium tin oxide …

Since indium is far more reactive over the wide range of pH in solution compared to tin, indium can be successfully recovered with high purity, over 99.999% purity and high recovery by this method.

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Indium Metallurgy

Indium metal is extracted from the by-products of smelting of zinc, lead, and tin. The indium from these sources accounts for 90% of global total output of indium. ...

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The world's by-product and critical metal resources part III: A …

1. Introduction. Indium (In) is a soft, silvery-white metal that is extracted from Zn, Sn and Cu mineral deposits. Since its discovery in 1863 and first presentation to the …

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Recovery technologies for indium, gallium, and germanium …

In the EU, total indium consumption is estimated at 64 tonnes per year from 2012 to 2016, with 60% of the total indium used in FPDs, mainly in the form of indium tin oxide (ITO). In addition, 11% and 9% of the consumption is used in solders and PVs, respectively, while the remaining 20% is used in thermal interface materials, batteries, …

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Recovery Indium from Indium-Enriched Cementation and Co-precipitation

Indium is an important rare metal with several applications due to its excellent physical and chemical properties. It has been widely used in coating, electrical components and semiconductors, solders and alloys and other research [1,2,3].It is worth nothing that indium does not occur in the native state and it is a trace element in some …

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Development Of Indium Recovery Process Using Solvent …

Nippon Mining and Metals Company has an annual indium production capacity of 30 tons at its Saganoseki smelter and refinery. Lately, indium content in the. zinc smelting dust, one of the main sources, has been on the decrease while the amount of impurity in it on the increase. The present process at Saganoseki does not permit …

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Auby Indium Facility 20092012 FINAL

'groups' of concentrates: South American and North American / European China produces approximately 50% of the world's primary indium, from approximately 15 different plants Recycling facilities are mostly installed in Asia, Japan and South Korea, close to the customers of indium tin oxides Sources of indium and indium metal production 5 ...

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Indium in ore deposits and mine waste environments: …

Indium accumulates in waters and sediments through oxidative chemical weathering of indium-bearing minerals and by deposition of atmospheric fall-out from Zn …

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(PDF) GEMAS: Indium in agricultural and grazing land soil of …

Climate and vegetation: Possible 'long range transport anomaly' at the southern tip of Norway (just like Pb), most likely related to climate and vegetation. Mineralisation: Occurrences of small Zn deposits. Smelter: Tin Smelter run by Rio Tinto Zinc closed in 1991, which produced Sn, and Ag, Cd, Pb, Cu, Sb, Bi, In and Au.

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Selective extraction and recovery of tin from hazardous zinc …

Zinc-leaching residue (ZLR) with 0.46% Sn and 54% Pb brings potential threats to environment but is worthy to recover valuable metals. Reduction of Sn(IV) to Sn(II) is critical for tin extraction.

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Recovery of indium from etching waste by solvent …

Journal of Central South University. 2014; The recovery of indium from waste indium tin oxide (ITO) target has great significance for the economy and environment. ... This paper represents a brief review of the activities and the results obtained so far within the Smelters research center aiming to recover indium from …

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First Tin

Total resources are tin-only; by-product copper, tin, silver & indium excluded. (Mt = million tonnes). Tellerhäuser JORC Resource Estimate 2019 – at a 0.2% tin cut-off grade; Gottesberg: JORC Resource Estimate 2012 – at a 0.15% tin cut-off grade; Taronga: JORC Resources Estimate at a 0.2% tin cut-off grade

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Recovery of indium from extractants of waste indium tin …

Due to the wide applications, limited supply, and high demand, sustainable utilization of indium has become an important task. In this study, the recovery of indium from acidic extractant solutions of ITO scraps using aluminum (Al) powder was investigated. The cementation reaction of indium from HCl solution was completed within 10 min and …

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Rooiberg Tin Mine In Limpopo, South Africa | The Diggings™

Percent Recovery: 90; Capacity: 1200 mt ore/day; Production Unit Cost: 14.33 $/mt ore; Operating Days Per Year: 300; Operating Shifts Per Day: 2; ... THE ROOIBERG TIN …

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Recovery of Indium from Waste Liquid Crystal Display …

The effects of roasting parameters on indium recovery were studied utilizing thermodynamic analysis, XRD, and ICP. The results showed that the indium in waste LCD can be reduced to In 2 O (g) under the H 2-H 2 O atmosphere at 1100–1200 ℃, the recovery of indium was up to 96.53% with an enrichment ratio of 3700.

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Indium in mainland China: Insights into use, trade, and …

Loss of indium occurs at every stage of the life cycle. According to indium metallurgy (Wang, 2007), the total recovery rate of indium from slag produced during the zinc hydrometallurgy process is 75%, Thus it is assumed that the recovery rate of indium from lead and zinc smelting by-products is also 75%, and that the loss rate is 25%. …

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Selective extraction and recovery of tin from hazardous zinc …

Indium leaching from Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) by oxalic acid was studied, and almost of indium could be selectively leached by 0.5 mol/L oxalic acid (Li et al., 2020). In comparison, the indium leaching efficiency from ITO with 3 mol/L H 2 SO 4 leaching assisted with high-energy ball milling was only 96.9% (Qin et al., 2021).

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(PDF) The technology of tin smelting in the …

The technology of tin smelting in the Rooiberg Valley, Limpopo Province, South Africa, ca. 1650–1850 CE July 2010 Journal of Archaeological Science 37(7):1656-1669

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Nyrstar Auby (France) | Nyrstar

The Auby smelter produces SHG cathode and some extra pure quality cathodes, the latter sold as battery-grade zinc. The site also produces by-products of sulphuric acid, Auby Leach Product (a product containing both lead and silver), copper and indium. An indium refinery, producing 99,998% pure indium was commissioned in May 2012.

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Separation and recovery of indium from solution in a sulfite …

Recovery of indium from the sulfuric acid solution using HSO 3-/HSO 4-ligand.. Indium form anion complexes with HSO 3-/HSO 4-to improve the resin selectivity for In(Ⅲ) from ITO film leaching solution.. Column experiments show that In (III) recovery yield was about 99.6 % from ITO film.

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The technology of tin smelting in the Rooiberg Valley, …

Although iron and copper were used in southern Africa from 200 to 300 cal CE, there was apparently no tin or bronze until the thirteenth century CE, some four …

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Recovering indium with sulfating roasting from copper-smelting …

A technology for recovering indium from Jinchuan copper-smelting ash was developed. Indium in the ash was first enriched to the leaching-slag in leaching process, and then recovered by sulfating ...

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Rooiberg revisited

At present the Rooiberg area (including immediate environs) is the only location in southern Africa with evidence of prehistoric tin mining or smelting (Chirikure et al., 2007; Miller and Hall ...

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Efficient recovery of indium from waste indium tin oxide …

DOI: 10.1039/d3re00174a Corpus ID: 259462099; Efficient recovery of indium from waste indium tin oxide (ITO) targets by pressure leaching with sulfuric acid @article{Pu2023EfficientRO, title={Efficient recovery of indium from waste indium tin oxide (ITO) targets by pressure leaching with sulfuric acid}, author={Qianyou Pu and Ba …

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Recovery of platinum, tin and indium from spent catalysts …

This work describes a route for platinum recovery from spent commercial Pt and PtSnIn/Al 2 O 3 catalysts using strong basic mesoporous and macroporous anion exchange resins (Cl − form). The catalysts were leached with aqua regia (75 °C, 20–25 min).Platinum adsorption was influenced by the presence of other metals which form …

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The technology of tin smelting in the Rooiberg Valley, Limpopo Province

A substantial indigenous tin-smelting industry arose in the Rooiberg valley of northern South Africa in the second millennium CE. This study concentrates upon tin-smelting slags and refractory ceramics from two archaeological sites that date between ca. 1650 CE and ca. 1850 CE.

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Mapping the upstream journey of China's indium: A trade …

Because the recovery rate of indium in the electrolysis process from crude indium to refined indium was as high as 99%(Lin et al., 2019), this paper did not consider the loss of indium in this process, and the output of crude indium is equal to that of refined indium.The annual output of refined indium is known, and the balanced formula from …

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Consolidation: The fastest way to get South Africa's idled …

The recovery of the South African chrome industry over the last four months has been dramatic. Back in March, chrome ore prices were at a six-year low in nominal ZA rand terms; by July, they had rebounded to their …

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