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Hardened Properties of Green Self-Consolidating Concrete Made …

In this research, natural aggregates in SCC are replaced, wholly or partly, by steel slag coarse aggregates (SSA) that were produced by crushing by-product boulders obtained from the steel industry. The fresh properties, (workability, stability, and bleeding), can all be attained when the suitable amount of SSA is used.

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Accelerated carbonation and performance of concrete made …

For the concrete made with natural limestone aggregates after only 1 d of CO 2 curing, in comparison to the concrete prior to the CO 2 exposure (namely after 7d of moist curing), the compressive strengths were increased by 2.7–3.5 times, while those of the concrete made with steel slag as fine and coarse aggregates were increased by ...

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Strength and durability studies on slag cement concrete made …

Various researchers have performed studies on concrete containing CS and have shown productive results. According to previous studies, the value for workability improved with an increase in the CS content [16], [17], [18], [19].Majority researchers have reported a systematic increment in compressive strength with an increase in CS content …

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Shrinkage of self-compacting concrete made with blast furnace slag …

Granulated slag is formed by small alveolar particles with sharp edges [1]. A number of studies have been published on the use of blast furnace slag as aggregate in concrete and some standards, such as ASTM C33, ASTM C989, EN-206 or EN-12620 also provide specifications for using this slag as aggregate.

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Properties of Pervious Concrete Made with Ferrochrome Slag …

Ferrochrome slag (FCS) is produced during the production of ferrochrome alloy, which is an essential component of stainless steel. FCS has favorable physical and chemical properties for use as an aggregate in place of natural aggregate in the production of conventional and pervious concrete. Previous studies reported that the mechanical …

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Non-destructive prediction of strength of concrete made …

Locally available natural sand, nickel slag sourced from New Caledonia and their combination were used as fine aggregate. The nickel slag, which is also known as ferronickel slag, was tested as per AS 2758.1 [25] and found suitable as a fine aggregate for concrete. Besides, crushed stone chips, recycled aggregate and their combination …

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Utilization of steel slag as partial replacement for coarse aggregate …

The utilization of steel slag for industrial and construction purposes has gained significant attention in recent years due to its abundant availability and potential environmental benefits. This study explores the feasibility of utilizing steel slag as a coarse aggregate in concrete, aiming to determine the optimal replacement percentages for …

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Research on Performance of Steel Slag and Porous Cement Concrete Made

New research on concrete mix M20 was carried out for 7, 28 days by 0 ( zero) percent, 10 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent replacement of fine aggregate by plastic powder, similarly steel slag was ...

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Multi-scale characterization and modeling of concrete …

1. Introduction. In recent years, concrete made with recycled materials has been widely used for civil infrastructure for promoting sustainability and circular economy [1], [2], [3], [4].As a solid waste from steel making, steel slag can be recycled to replace natural aggregates in concrete, making an environmentally friendly construction …

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Performance of concrete made with steel slag and waste …

For mix CSSC-1 made with coarse slag aggregate concrete, similar flexural strength was obtained compared with the contro l mix NC-1; but the flexural . st re n gt h o f m ix CS S C-2 w a s 1 9 ...

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Mass Concrete with EAF Steel Slag Aggregate: …

Numerous studies have shown the advantages of the use of EAF steel slag aggregate for concrete manufacturing in terms of the improved technical characteristics and reduced environmental impact. …

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Performance of high strength concrete made with copper slag …

This paper presents the results from an experimental testing program conducted to investigate the performance of high strength concrete made with copper slag as a fine aggregate at constant workability. The effect of admixture addition on the properties of concrete mixtures made with different proportions of copper slag is also …

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Slump monitoring and electrical resistivity comparison in concrete …

This study aims to investigate the effect of waste steel slag (SS) as partially replaced with cement and fine aggregate on concrete for different mixes in terms of compressive strength (CS) and electrical resistivity (ER). SS is a molten mixture of silicates and oxides that solidifies upon cooling, a byproduct of the steel-making process. Before …

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Slag Substitution as a Cementing Material in Concrete: …

The substitution of cement was made in each mix by types of slag from different factories in Spain. ... González J.J. Durability of concrete made with EAF slag as aggregate. Cem. Concr. Compos. 2006; 28:528–534. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2006.02.008. [Google Scholar] 2.

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Blast Furnace Slag

Utilization and efficiency of ground granulated blast furnace slag on concrete properties – A review. Erdoğan Özbay, ... Halil İbrahim Durmuş, in Construction and Building Materials, 2016. 1 Introduction. Blast furnace slag is a byproduct acquired in the production of pig iron in the blast furnace and is involving essentially of silicates and alumino-silicates of …

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Steel Slag

Steel slag aggregates are fairly angular, roughly cubical pieces with a flat or elongated shape (as shown in Figure 2.13 [49]). ... Pervious concrete made with solid waste was studied by Shen et al. (2020) in which crushed steel slag was used as aggregates while carbonated ground steel slag and phosphogypsum were used as the binder. The ...

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Concrete Aggregate | Stronger Concrete | What Is Slag

Concrete made with recycled steel slag is 17 percent stronger than traditional concrete.; Disposing of slag is a millennia-old problem, but the "waste material" is highly sought in construction ...

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In this experimental study is made on the compression strength, split tensile strength and flexural of concrete on partial replacement of fine aggregate by copper slag .Copper slag is the waste material from industry that generates approximately 2.5% tons of copper slag possesses the problem of disposal of waste and is of environmental concern.

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What is Steel Slag Concrete?

Steel slag is a sustainable, high-strength alternative to natural aggregates found in traditional cement. ... steel slag concrete reduces the need for aggregate materials, preventing the ...

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Characterising mechanical properties and failure criteria of steel slag

As a follow-up study of Ref. [46], this investigation employed volumetrically stabilised steel slag alongside limestone gravel as coarse aggregates.A comprehensive description of the volume stability modification procedure for steel slag aggregates is provided in a preceding study [46]. Table 1 lists the physical properties of the coarse …

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Compression stress-strain curve of lithium slag recycled fine aggregate …

As one of the key materials used in the civil engineering industry, concrete has a global annual consumption of approximately 10 billion tons. Cement and fine aggregate are the main raw materials of concrete, and their production causes certain harm to the environment. As one of the countries with the largest production of industrial …

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Strength assessment of concrete with copper slag as fine aggregates

1. Introduction. Because of its flexibility and low cost, concrete is the most commonly used man-made construction material in the world [1].The amount of water in conventional concrete greatly impacts engineering properties like mechanical strength [2].Waste management has become a problem for the human community in recent years …

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Review Steel slag and its applications in cement and …

In concrete mixtures with steel slag aggregate, slag/total aggregate ratio was selected as 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60 and 0.65. In the concretes containing crushed …

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Application of Steel Slag as an Aggregate in Concrete …

Steel slag is a solid waste produced in crude steel smelting, and a typical management option is stockpiling in slag disposal yards. Over the years, the massive …

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Strength Properties of Concrete Made from Recycled Brick Concrete …

Concrete of three different target strength, i.e. 17.23, 20.68 and 24.13 MPa was prepared using recycled brick concrete (RBC) and electric arc furnace slag (EAFS) blended as coarse aggregate.

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Utilization of Steel Slag in Concrete as Coarse Aggregate

Concrete made with heavyweight slag aggregate gives more compressive strength than other aggregates. Relationships between compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete, compressive ...

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The favourable physico-mechanical characteristics of copper slag can be utilised to make the products like cement, fill, ballast, abrasive, aggregate, roofing granules, glass, tiles etc. apart ...

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Behavior of steel slag aggregate in mortar and concrete

1. Introduction. Generally, concrete containing around 65–85% of its volume by aggregate. Meaningful that the properties of concrete are mainly dependent on the quality and type of aggregate [1].It is completely known that aggregate is an inactive material, but it is actually inactive due to its physical and limited chemical properties that …

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Aggregates for Concrete

CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION. Hydraulic cement concrete is a cement and water paste in which aggregate particles are embedded. Aggregate is granular material such as …

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Green recycling of used motor oil and steel slag aggregate in …

The second method is to recycle steel slag aggregate (SSA) in concrete as coarse aggregate by replacing a certain proportion of natural coarse aggregate. The …

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