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Second Century: Persecution and Faith

The second century Christian Community was severely attacked and persecuted. This proved to strengthen faith as well as require the church to defend the truth that was handed down to them by Christ and the Apostles. ... In the writings of the second century apologists, martyrs, and saints, it is seen that each local Christian Church was headed ...

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The Neglected History of Women in the Early Church

Though they leave much unsaid, still, both Christian and secular writers of the time attest many times to the significant involvement of women in the early growth of Christianity. Celsus, a 2nd-century detractor of the faith, once taunted that the church attracted only "the silly and the mean and the stupid, with women and children."

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Early Church Fathers

Early Church History 101 - second century heresies, gnosticism, montanism, marcion, church history for beginners, the New Testament Canon, RA Baker, Al Baker, Alan …

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The Rabbis and Their Rivals in the Second Century CE 57 Philip Alexander 4 Church and Synagogue vis-à-vis Roman Rule in the Second Century 71 William Horbury ... Use in Second-Century Christian Literature 188 Joseph Verheyden 12 Belief and Practice in Graeco-Roman Religiosity: Plutarch, De Iside and Osiride 379 c 200

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Apologist | Definition, History, Theology, Figures, Works,

Ask the Chatbot a Question Ask the Chatbot a Question Apologist, any of the Christian writers, primarily in the 2nd century, who attempted to provide a defense of Christianity and criticisms of paganism and other aspects of Greco-Roman culture.Many of their writings were addressed to Roman emperors, and it is probable that the writings …

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Early Church Heresies

Early Church History 101 - second century heresies, gnosticism, montanism, Montanus, Marcion, docetism, gnosis, Gospel of Thomas, New Testament Canon, Nag Hammadi, RA Baker, Al Baker, Alan Baker ... Early Church Heresies: Second Century Christian Apologists Irenaeus Tertullian Justin Martyr Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Clement of …

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Worship in the Early Church: Did You Know?

Apology, he left us this description of a typical worship service of the second century. Justin may not tell all, but where he can be checked by other second-century sources, those sources accord with his account. Justin was not a leader of the assembly, so he wrote his account as an active layperson.

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Jesus as God in the Second Century

These second-century works do not consistently use such theological terms as Trinity, person, essence, 40 substance, 41 or nature, 42 much less consubstantiality or hypostatic union; 43 nevertheless, the …

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Gnosticism: Origin, Meaning and Relation to Christianity

Gnosticism was a notable heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partially of pre-Christian origin. The gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge, and that Christ represented the remote supreme divine being. Also, that esoteric knowledge (gnosis) enabled the …

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Early Church History 101 - second century heresies, gnosticism, montanism, marcion, church history for beginners, the New Testament Canon, RA Baker, Al Baker, Alan …

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What Did Worship Look Like in the Early Church?

The early church was VERY structured and centered when it came to the Lord's Supper. As 1 Corinthians 10-11 and a great deal of content from the early …

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12 Theological Heresies Defined In Church History

It was a heresy that led to a schism in the Church of Carthage spanning from the fourth to sixth century A.D. Donatism had spread in the wake of persecution of Christians under Diocletian in the ...

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The Neglected History of Women in the Early Church

2nd-Century Church Women Just as the letters of Paul abound in references to his associates in ministry, the Apostolic Fathers also mention women as stalwarts in the faith.

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What Did Worship Look Like in the Early Church?

Though in the earliest days described in Acts such meetings took place daily (Acts 5:42; 6:1; 17:11), by the mid-second century they were typically done weekly on Sundays (again, see Justin Martyr, First Apology, 65-67). ... a non-negotiable essential of Christian worship. Contemporary churches would do well to make sure this is kept in …

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What Were Early Christians Like?

The early Christian church in the first three centuries after Jesus's resurrection brought about the most amazing transformation of diverse social and religious cultures ever achieved by peaceful means in the history of the world. ... It came from the second century. It was, like the New Testament, originally written in Greek. In this brief ...

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The Diversity Of Early Christianity | From Jesus To Christ

What is the account that we get from Acts about the early history of the Christian church? ... particularly in the second century, to establish a greater unity among the very diverse churches ...

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How the Christian Church Was First Organized: A Historical …

The history of the Christian church is long and complex, spanning two millennia and countless cultures. It is a story of faith, struggle, and transformation, ... By the 2nd century, the concept of a single bishop overseeing a particular geographic area had become firmly established, and this structure helped to provide greater stability and ...

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What Was a Church Service Like in the Second Century?

On pp. 66-75 he outlines a fairly typical church service in the second century (A.D. 101-200), based on descriptions and instructions found in the early …

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Christianity in the Second Century

Christianity in the Second Century shows how academic study on this critical period of Christian development has undergone substantial change over the last thirty years. The second century is often considered to be a time during which the Christian church moved relentlessly towards forms of institutionalisation and consolidated itself against ...

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Early Church History Timeline

As late as the second half of the second century, Tatian—a disciple of Justin Martyr—fell away to gnosticism, and Irenaeus had to rescue a Roman bishop from gnostic Valentinian influence. 44: Herod Agrippa dies, and Barnabas and …

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Christian Symbols on Ancient Objects

From the Catacombs of Domitilla (below) this early 2nd century Christian symbol of the dove from Noah's Ark returning to the Ark with an olive branch in its mouth symbolizes "that which was dead has returned to life …

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The Separation of Christianity from Judaism

In the mid-2nd century CE, Christianity began a gradual process of identity-formation that would lead to the creation of a separate, independent religion from …

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Christianity - Heretical Movements, Gnosticism, Arianism: Gnosticism, from the Greek gnōstikos (one who has gnōsis, or "secret knowledge"), was an important movement in the early Christian centuries—especially the 2nd—that offered an alternative to emerging orthodox Christian teaching. Gnostics taught that the world was created by a …

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Early Christianity

Emerging from a small sect of Judaism in the 1st century CE, early Christianity absorbed many of the shared religious, cultural, and intellectual traditions of the Greco-Roman world. In traditional histories …

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2nd Century

2nd Century Christian History. c. 100-150 AD: Apostolic Fathers. Writings of early Christian leaders like Clement of Rome and Ignatius of Antioch. c. 100-160 AD: …

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Worship in the Early Church: Did You Know?

The first part of an early Christian worship assembly was open to all, including strangers, who might be converted by the preaching. The second part of the service involved the Lord's Supper ...

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Persecution in the Early Church: Did You Know?

Most important, the church had recovered its missionary urge, which after St. Paul and his disciples seems to have diminished through much of the second century.

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Christianity in the Second Century

Christianity in the Second Century shows how academic study on this critical period of Christian development has undergone substantial change over the last thirty years. The …

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Early Christian art

The best explanation for the emergence of Christian art in the early church is due to the important role images played in Greco-Roman culture. ... Christian apologists like Justin Martyr writing in the second century understood Christ as the Logos or the Word of God who served as an intermediary between God and the World. Early representations ...

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How the Early Christians Worshipped

In his First Apology (155 a.d.), the second-century Christian philosopher and apologist Justin Martyr wrote a fascinating account of Christian worship and beliefs. Originally addressed to the ...

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