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Hazards identified and the need for health risk assessment …

Utembe, Faustman, Matatiele, and Gulumian (2015) reveal that mine workers contract numerous diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), lung cancer, pulmonary silicosis, and other diseases. The effect of ...

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South Africa gold companies face massive lung disease suit

Hundreds of thousands of workers are suing 32 gold mining firms after ... And there are an estimated 50 0000 more cases of occupational lung disease." Last year an alliance of the gold miners ...

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Environmental and health risks posed to children by artisanal gold …

The process of gold mining. The process by which gold is mined and extracted involves four steps. First, gold ore is excavated from the soil, rock, and surrounding water tributaries either through direct excavation from the earth or through repurposing of old abandoned industrial gold mines and digging around mine shafts. 28 …

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Zoonoses and gold mining: A cross-sectional …

For example malaria strongly affects the gold mining population due to vector exposure (Anopheles) ... For example, we have described a new species of Anaplasma, A. sparouinense, in a gold …

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Venezuela Disease Outbreaks Reveal Criminal Migration to Illegal Gold …

The surprise came when one of the patients told me that he had caught it in the mining region in the state of Bolívar, where they went to work in gold mining", explained a doctor whose practice is in Charallave, the municipal seat in Cristóbal Rojas municipality in Miranda state. The doctor asked to remain anonymous for security reasons.

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Related health risk assessment of exposure to arsenic and …

In this study, the result of HI for all the gold mining sites ranged from 1.46 × 10 –2 to 5.66 × 10 –1 and all the miners in the study sites may not have any non …

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Risks to Human Health from Mercury in Gold …

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) plays a crucial role in global gold production. However, the adoption of poor mining practices or the use of mercury (Hg) in gold recovery processes has …

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'Dying for gold': the effects of mineral mining on HIV, …

Yet if such pay-outs happened, it would likely incentivise mining companies to take greater, pro-active action to prevent mining from amplifying disease. Mining companies' own reports document how social housing can prevent HIV and disease spread, but the approach has been one of financial management of "cutting and trading away the costs" .

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The association between gold mining and malaria in …

In the mining population, a 1-month delay between gold price increase and rise in cases of malaria was observed, which was consistent with the times required by mobility constraints and the vector and disease processes; 25 the longer delay of 2 months found in the non-mining population, together with a smaller correlation, suggested that ...

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Malaria in French Guiana Linked to Illegal Gold Mining

To the Editor: French Guiana, an overseas territory of France and part of the European Union, is located on the northeast coast of South America ().During 2008– 2014, the number of malaria cases reported in French Guiana drastically decreased ().The littoral area (≈30 km–wide Atlantic Ocean coastal band between the cities of Awala-Yalimapo …

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Estimating the Causal Impact of Proximity to Gold and …

In a town located in a desert area of Northern Chile, gold and copper open-pit mining is carried out involving explosive processes. These processes are associated with increased dust exposure, which might affect children's respiratory health. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the causal attributable risk of living close to the mines on asthma or allergic …

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Gold Miners Breathe The Dust, Fall Ill: 'They Did …

Silicosis is an incurable and degenerative lung disease caused by breathing in silica dust, which is created in gold mining during blasting. Now, thousands of current and former South African ...

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Health Risks of Gold Miners: A Synoptic Review

gold mining and asbestos-related lung disease (Lee et al., 1999). In Western Australia 2297 gold miners were examined in 1961, 1974, 1985, and 1993 for lung cancer and …

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Chemical hazards in the artisanal gold mining sector

The artisanal gold mining sector is currently the largest anthropogenic source for mercury releases as it is a deficient but simple and cheap method to extract gold from the ore. It is therefore a priority focus under the Minamata Convention. Exposure in artisanal gold mining Miners in artisanal gold mining are exposed to

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Gold and graphene now used in biosensors to detect diseases

A combined open-pit and underground mine could produce an average of 518,000 oz. gold a year over the first eight years. Northern Miner Staff | September 10, 2024 | 1:18 pm Net zero needs more ...

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Mining is bad for health: a voyage of discovery

And I learnt that small-scale artisanal mining has particular challenges that are not seen in large-scale mines, including the association of gold mining with health problems from psychosocial, cardiovascular, respiratory and sexual risks, nutritional, water and sanitation issues, and resulting in malaria, upper respiratory tract diseases ...

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Review of Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in …

History of Mining in Ghana. There is evidence of gold extraction activities in Ghana as far back as the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., as gold deposits attracted Arab traders into the country.7 These activities were strategically located along rivers where sediments believed to contain deposits of gold were washed constantly to separate the …

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Health Risks of Gold Miners: A Synoptic Review

Health problems of gold miners who worked underground include decreased life expectancy; increased frequency of cancer of the trachea, bronchus, lung, stomach, and …

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Health Risks of Gold Miners: A Synoptic Review

Health problems of gold miners who worked underground include decreased life expectancy; increased frequency of cancer of the trachea, bronchus, lung, stomach, and liver; increased frequency of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), silicosis, and pleural diseases; increased frequency of insect-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever; noise …

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Zoonoses and gold mining: A cross-sectional study to …

Type of gold mine: Pits: 5 (15.2) / ... For example, we have described a new species of Anaplasma, A. sparouinense, in a gold miner by looking for tick-borne diseases in forest workers . The high morbidity to these pathogens, as well as other health disorder (STIs, malnutrition…) among the marginalized population of gold miners is evidence of ...

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Assessing the effects of gold mining on environment: A case …

The gold mining as well as minerals left unfilled, which are not suitable for any other uses, results in wide breeding surfaces for malaria-infected mosquitoes that have a significant negative impact on human health (Figure 2). Moreover, the key informant's interview shows that, major river heads have dried due to extensive gully and sheet ...

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The association between gold mining and malaria in …

The proportion of P falciparum malaria cases in temporary residents, which was used as a proxy for circulating individuals involved in gold mining, was highest during the years of peak gold price (ie, between 2008 and 2014). Cases of malaria in all demographic groups showed a strong positive correlation with the gold price, but only in regions with mining …

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Mpox: This Congo gold mining town is the epicenter of the …

A gold mining town in Congo has become an mpox hot spot as a new strain spreads 1 of 9 | Emile Miango, 2, who has mpox, lies in the hospital, on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024, in Kamituga, South Kivu province, which is the epicenter of the world's latest …

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Asbestos-related pleural disease in Western Australian gold …

Three retired gold-mine workers from Western Australia (WA) were diagnose with asbestos-related pleural disease (two with pleural plaques and one with mesothelioma). Asbestos fibres have been found in air samples from WA gold-mines, and all three patients had worked in these mines (for five to 17 ye …

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On the relation between Pandemic Disease Outbreak News …

The unprecedented rise of the premium in the options market leads to an increase of the Gold mining volatility VXGDX; Gold mining has come across a fringe effect so far from the pandemic. Still, for the first time in history, the investors' panic peak was found to be about 190% on March 19, 2020.

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Occupational Respiratory Diseases of Miners from Two Gold …

Objective: This study investigated respiratory disorders among gold miners in Ghana, a sub-Saharan African country.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional exploratory design that employed quantitative methods was conducted among 1001 male workers from the Obuasi and Tarkwa mines from December 2015 to April 2016.A total of …

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A gold mining town in Congo has become an mpox hot …

A gold mining town in Congo has become an mpox hot spot as a new strain spreads – by Sam Mednick (Associated Press – September 19, 2024) ... Her daughter is one of more than 6,000 people officials suspect have contracted the disease in South Kivu province, the epicenter of the world's latest mpox outbreak, in what the World Health ...

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Mpox Outbreak: Gold Mining Town New Epicentre In …

Gold Mining Town New Epicentre In Congo: More than 6,000 people officials suspect have contracted the disease in the South Kivu province of Congo, the epicentre of the world's latest mpox outbreak ...

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A gold mining town in Congo has become an mpox hot …

A gold mining town in Congo has become an mpox hot spot as a new strain spreads ... South Kivu province, which is the epicenter of the world's latest outbreak of the disease in eastern Congo. ...

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The devastating impact of illegal mining on indigenous …

The Yanomami Indigenous people in Brazil are experiencing a severe humanitarian crisis, mainly due to illegal gold mining, unauthorized logging and land grabbing, and a lack of access to healthcare and basic preventive measures. ... This has led to several health issues, including infectious diseases, intestinal parasitosis, malnutrition ...

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