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Social impact assessment in the mining sector: Review and …

The Better Regulation guidelines provide a list of social impacts to be screened during the impact assessment, which includes a wide set of aspects. 7 Horizontal impacts (concerning the economic, social and environmental spheres) …

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Democratisation versus engagement? Social and economic impact …

A review of economic impact assessment (EcIA), social impact assessment (SIA), and community participation practice in the rapidly growing coal industry of Australia's Bowen Basin suggests significant shortcomings in scope and reporting with neither EcIA nor SIA giving adequate attention to the measurement and …

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Social impact assessment in the mining sector Review …

Section 3.1 presents the results of the literature review in terms of impacts and key issues regarding the social sustainability of the mining sectors. Section 3.2 discusses the …

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Social impact assessment in the mining industry

The mining industry plays a significant role in economic growth and development. Coal is a viable renewable energy source with 185.175 billion deposits in Thar, which has not been deeply explored.

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2022/sbm social impact assessment in coal mining …

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Using human epidemiological analyses to support the assessment …

The potential impacts of coal mining on health have been addressed by the application of impact assessment methodologies that use the results of qualitative and quantitative analyses to support ...

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Assessing social impacts of mine closure

Assessing social impacts of mine closure Jo-Anne Everingham1 2and Sarah Mackenzie Abstract: In Australia, mine closures are looming especially in coal mining regions as energy priorities change. What does that mean for the positive socio-economic impacts of mining championed in social impact assessments for mine approvals?

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Social impact assessment in the mining industry

The present paper aims to develop a framework for assessing the social dimension for the mining industry. The methodology used for the development of this research consists in …

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The economic and social benefit of coal mining: …

This paper examines economic impacts of coal mining across local government areas (LGAs) in Australia. Three main distinguishing features of this research are a) the analysis through the …

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Assessing social and economic impacts associated with changes …

To formulate the best policies regarding mining regulation in the future, it is important to identify the social impact of mining and to assess the level of social sustainability of the impacted ...

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Social Impact and Sustainability Assessment of Coal Mining …

To formulate the best policies regarding mining regulation in the future, it is important to identify the social impact of mining and to assess the level of social sustainability of the impacted ...

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Untangling the complex web of environmental, social, and …

Social impacts in mining projects are influenced by a range of factors, including environmental and economic aspects, and cannot be solely attributed to the most influential group. ... Including health impacts in environmental impact assessments for three Australian coal-mining projects: a documentary analysis. Health Promot. Int. …

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Untangling the complex web of environmental, social, and …

Xu et al. (2023b) analyzed the impacts of coal mining on hydrological processes in the Yangquan River Basin, China, to examine changes in hydrological …

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Environmental impact assessment of coal mining at Enugu, …

Introduction. Nigerian Coal Corporation started mining in 1916 at Onyeama Coalfield, Enugu (Onwukeme Citation 1995), and in October 1977, their operations became mechanized (Asogwa Citation 1988).A literature search was unable to find any work carried out on environmental impact of mineral exploitation at a coal mined site in south …

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(PDF) Social impact assessment in the mining …

The aim of this paper is to review and analyse indicators used in. di fferent contexts for assessing the social impacts of the mining sector. It aims at exploring the most relevant social aspects ...

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Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Assessment …

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Assessment Report for the Washpool Coal Mine Project: 2 2 Project details Washpool Coal Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aquila Resources Limited, is the proponent for the Washpool Coal Mine project. The project would involve the development of an open cut pit, mining up to 7.2

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Social impact assessment: the state of the art

Abstract. Social impact assessment (SIA) is now conceived as being the process of managing the social issues of development. There is consensus on what 'good' SIA practice is – it is participatory; it supports affected peoples, proponents and regulatory agencies; it increases understanding of change and capacities to respond to change; it …

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Social Impact Assessment in the Mining Industry: …

This review of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and its use in the mining industry has been prepared as a background document for the MMSD Project. The intent is to …

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The Social Impact of the Steel Industry in Belgium, China, …

This paper compares the social impact of the steel industry in Belgium, China, and the United States as well as the effects of substituting fossil coal with waste wood following the social Lifecycle Assessment (s-LCA) principles defined by the UNEP/SETAC guidelines. It also aims to be beneficial for practitioners by introducing the …

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SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT . 2 . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . This Social Impact Assessment has been prepared for the Central Queensland Coal Project, a proposed semi soft coking coal and high grade thermal coal mine to be located near Ogmore in Livingstone Shire, approximately 130 km north-west of Rockhampton. It has been …

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Assessing environmental health impacts of coal mining …

1.1. Environmental impacts associated with coal mining methods. Coal mining can be done by two methods, open-pit and underground, where each one has a list of environmental impacts. First, open-pit mining involves digging for coal near the ground surface. Open-pit mining destroys trees, plants, soil, forests, and wildlife habitats.

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Democratisation versus engagement? Social and …

Social impact assessment Social impact assessment is concerned with all is-sues that affect people, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of developmen t or other planned inter-ventions (Vanclay, 2003). There are two broad schools of thought on the basic purpose of SIA (Craig, 1990). The first focuses on using SIA to

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Legal frameworks need improving for environmental, social impact …

Guidance for Governments: Improving Legal Frameworks for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management provides IGF member states with a summary of good international practice in legal ...

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Coal mining and the resource community cycle: A longitudinal assessment

Two social impact assessment (SIA) studies of Central Queensland's Coppabella coal mine were undertaken in 2002–2003 and 2006–2007. As ex post studies of actual change, these provide a reference point for predictive assessments of proposed resource extraction projects at other sites, while the longitudinal element added by the …

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Social Impact and Sustainability Assessment of Coal Mining …

The social impact was analyzed by Social Impact Assessment (SIA) method while the social sustainability was assessed by Community Sustainability Assessment (CSA) method. The result shows that mining activities operated by KPC has created positive impacts on 3 social dimensions: social-institutional, social-economic, …

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Environmental Impact Assessment of Coal Mining: Indian …

In this review, the impact of mining has been conceptualized into economic, environmental, and social impacts. While it is clear that mining has transformed many economies, it has also impacted ...

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Coal mining, social injustice and health: A universal conflict …

Highlights Coal mining and combustion are associated with social injustices in local communities. These include environmental harms and health impacts on both minor and major scales. Mining industry and authorities' agenda undermines communities' institutional power. The tension between place and health vs wealth generated by …

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Social and Economic Impact Assessment of Coal Power …

With the rollout of the carbon peak and neutrality targets, conventional coal-fired power plants will gradually be phased down in China's power system in an orderly manner. The economic and social impact of the energy transition is a vital topic that requires scientific measurements and evaluation. In this paper, we establish a …

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Assessing the Social and Economic Impacts of Coal Mining on Communities in the Bowen Basin: Summary and Recommendations RESEARCH REPORT No. 11 John Rolfe, Galina Ivanova and Stewart Lockie

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Project Name: Coal Mining at Okobo, Kogi State. Country: Nigeria Project Number: P-NG-FB0-001 Division: ONEC 1 1. INTRODUCTION This report is a non-technical summary of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the mining of coal at the Okobo Mine that will supply coal to the Zuma Coal-Fired Power Plant (ZCFPP) in Nigeria.

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