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SPE "Back to Basics" Bond Log Theory and Interpretation

• Bond log Sept shows areas of lower quality cement prior to a cement squeeze intervention on a SCVF repair. • Bond log January done after cement squeeze showing placed cement (312.5-320m). • The comparison of 3' amplitudes indicate the previous cement did degrade from before squeeze to after in other areas of the well.

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Bond Work Index

Comminution. Barry A. Wills, James A. Finch FRSC, FCIM, P.Eng., in Wills' Mineral Processing Technology (Eighth Edition), 2016 Bond Tests. The most widely used parameter to measure ore hardness is the Bond work index Wi.Calculations involving Bond's work index are generally divided into steps with a different Wi determination for …

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Bond in Reinforced Concrete: Behavior and Design Criteria

Date: 1/1/1986. Abstract: The primary objective of a long-term research program at West ia University was developing design criteria for bond in reinforced concrete for …

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1 Gal. Concrete Bonding Adhesive

Quikrete 1 Gal. Concrete Bonding Adhesive has very strong adhesive characteristics that eliminate the need to roughen up the surface of the existing substrate before applying new material. Highlights. Used to bond together new and existing concrete, stucco and plaster;

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The Cement Bond Tool | SPWLA Annual Logging …

ABSTRACT. The present Cement Bond Log (CBL) provides a measurement of the compressive strength of the cement layer between the casing and the borehole walls. It also gives a qualitative estimate of the cement to formation bond. The Cement Bond Tool (CBT) has been developed specifically to evaluate cemented casings while eliminating …

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A Comprehensive Review on the Factors Affecting Bond …

The interaction of reinforcement bars with concrete determines the structural behavior and bond performance (bond strength) in reinforced cement …

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A Practical Approach to the Interpretation of Cement Bond …

Bigelow, E.L., SPE, Gulf Oil E and P Co.Summary. The cement bond log has been controversial since its inception. Despite its potential, it is possibly the most maligned logging service available to the industry. Effective zone isolation between permeable intervals in a well requires a cement sheath over an appreciable vertical interval. It is …

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Modelling the interface bond strength of corroded reinforced concrete

1. Introduction. In reinforced concrete buildings, the very foundation of the reinforcement and concrete working in harmony and bearing loads collectively depends on the bond performance between them, which facilitates the transfer of stresses between reinforcement and concrete through adhesion, and synchronizes the deformation …

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A meaningful expression between bond work index, …

The relationship between friability value (S 20) and Bond work index (W i) also has a high correlation of 0.97 and this relationship is given in Eq. (3). (3) W i = 61. …

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Near-to-surface properties affecting bond strength in concrete …

A good quality bond between an overlay and concrete substrate is an important requirement for assuring efficiency of repair [1].According to Silfwerbrand (see Fig. 1), the creation and the durability of the bond depends on several factors, each acting with different degrees of influence [2] and can be divided into three main groups …

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Bond Index Numbers of Prestressed Concrete Reinforcement …

The purpose of this research is to establish mathematical models that predicts the bond strength of a reinforcement wire in prestressed concrete members, …

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Cement bond logging tools

Provides the same measurements as the SSLT (cement bond amplitude and Variable Density log) for evaluation of the cement bond quality of a cemented casing string in HPHT environments. Slim Cement Mapping Tool (SCMT) Optimizes through-tubing cement evaluation when combined with the PS Platform production logging service for well …

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Bond Strength in Multilayer Casting of Self …

Bond strength between two concrete materials can be investigated using a number of test methods that can subject bond surfaces to direct or indirect shear, tension, or flex-ural stress.10,12-17 These tests can also be used to evaluate bond strength across boundary zones in multilayer cast-ings. In most cases, the bond surface for a direct shear ...

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Aggregate in Concrete

Quality Counts. Make sure that your concrete producer purchases good-quality aggregate as verified by regular aggregate test results in compliance with ASTM C 33, "Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates." A history of good performance of a local aggregate also provides an indication of how well the material performs in service.

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Producer Price Index by Industry: Ready-Mix …

Graph and download economic data for Producer Price Index by Industry: Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing (PCU327320327320) from Jan 1965 to Aug 2024 about cement, …

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Bonding strength of stainless steel rebars in concretes …

The Bond index is used to compare reinforced concrete bond strength; the higher the index, the higher the theoretical bond strength. Thus, the average strength values of the Bond index for each reinforcement allow us to assume that the Bond index of the stainless-steel rebars are far lower than those of the carbon steel B500SD rebars.

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Bond SP01

The uniaxial material model Bond_SP01 is developed for steel fibers in the zero-length section elements. Note on Material Model for Concrete Fibers Similar to the model proposed for the steel fibers, a material model describing the monotonic response and hysteretic rules is also required for the concrete fibers.

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Bond strength and confinement in reinforced concrete

In the formulations of the ACI 318, the bond strength is directly proportional to the following confinement term: (5) a + K t r ⌀ ≤ 2. 5 where a is the axis distance to the nearest concrete surface (or half the bar spacing, whichever is less) and K t r is the transverse reinforcement index, similar to the stirrup index of confinement.

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CPH | Cement Integrity Logs

By-products of cement integrity logs are the compressive strength of the cement, the bond index, and in some cases, the quality of the casing string itself. Both poor bond and poor fill-up problems can also allow fluids to flow to other reservoirs behind casing. This can cause serious loss of potential oil and gas reserves, or in the worst case ...

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Bond Strength of Reinforcement in High-Strength Concrete

Abstract. The use of high-strength concrete is becoming popular around the world. The american code, ACI 318–95 is used in many countries to calculate the development …

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A new approach to the calculation of bond work index

Smith and Lee (1968) compared the data obtained by the standard Bond test and the data from the open grinding cycle, i.e. the first grinding cycle of the standard …

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ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability, Second edition: …

bond strength, 163–164 Boras Method, 261 bridges. 547 Index cathodic protection, 437 collapse of the Morandi Bridge, 8–9 ... Index concrete control on site compaction, 203, 203–205 cover, 219–220 curing and protection, 213–217 field …

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Cement Bond Evaluation with a Logging-While-Drilling Sonic Tool

ABSTRACT. A cement bond log (CBL) plays an important role when evaluating the quality of cement behind casing and determining well integrity, which in turn helps to ensure zonal isolation and wellbore protection. Logging-while-drilling (LWD) sonic tools provide an economical solution for locating the top of cement and determining the …

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Understanding acoustic methods for cement bond logging

Cement bond logging (CBL) derives the attenuation factor from the first arrival amplitude only, whereas variable density logging (VDL) uses the amplitude of the full waveform. There are two industry standard measurements of the CBL/VDL tool, with a 3-ft spacing for recording the casing wave and a 5-ft spacing for the full wave, respectively. ...

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S&P 500 Bond Index

The S&P 500® Bond Index is designed to be a corporate-bond counterpart to the S&P 500, which is widely regarded as the best single gauge of large-cap U.S. equities. Market value-weighted, the index seeks to measure the performance of U.S. corporate debt issued by constituents in the iconic S&P 500.

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Cement Bond Logging

Cement bond logging (CBL) is an important part of a well-completion program and is also recommended for most workover programs. Most of the cementing-related problems encountered can be diagnosed by use of the CBL. ... Experience shows that if the bond index is at least 0.8 a seal can be expected, provided the poorly bonded …

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A cement bond log (CBL) plays an important role when evaluating the quality of cement behind casing and determining well integrity, which in turn helps to ensure zonal isolation and wellbore protection. Logging-while-drilling (LWD) sonic tools provide an economical solution for locating the top of cement and determining the cement bond index ...

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Relationship between compressive strength and …

Therefore, compressive strength of concrete wedge between the ribs of bar has great impact on the bond strength and is the most determining factor on bond strength (Garcia-Taengua et al., 2016).

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Variability Study of Bond Work Index and Grindability Index …

It is a well-known fact that the value of the Bond work index (wi) for a given ore varies along with the grinding size. In this study, a variability bysis is carried out with the Bond standard grindability tests on different critical metal ores (W, Ta), ranging from coarse grinding (rod mills) to fine grinding (ball mills). The relationship between wi and grinding …

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