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Scheduling Optimization of Underground Material Transport …

In order to effectively deal with the problems such as high transportation cost and difficult timeliness in the current material transportation system of coal mining enterprises, a vehicle scheduling model is proposed. ... Lin D, Jianghong W, Yulong Q (2022) Transportation system of opencast coal mine based on semi-continuous process and ...

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Online coal dust suppression system for opencast coal mines

Coal is the major source of power in India and world over. Coal mining is an essential industry which has a major role in the economic development of the country. Most major mining activities contribute directly or indirectly to air pollution. Coal dust is a major air pollutant which affects the personal working in the mines and also people residing in …

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Influence of material composition on post-failure behavior …

Failure of in-pit overburden dumps in open-pit coal mines causes debris to flow toward the active working face, threatening the safety of people and equipment. The evaluation of the potential mobility of failing mass will aid in hazard mitigation associated with unwarranted dump failure. The potential mobility is shown by mobility ratio (ratio of …

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Conditions For Deep-Hole Blasting In Opencast Coal Mine

Conditions For Deep-Hole Blasting In Opencast Coal Mine (See Regulation 194 of the Coal Mines Regulations 2017) GENERAL 1.0 The owner and agent of an opencast mine shall ensure that a prior scientific study is conducted in designing deep hole drilling and blasting system for the mine taking into consideration all mining parameters …

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Out of 20.22 LCuM stowing material used in underground mines during April to Dec, 2019, contribution of Processed overburden, Bottom ash and River sand was 6 %, 45 % and 49 % respectively. Highwall mining is in operation in a mine of SCCL to extract the coal left in the final high wall of deep opencast mine. Railway Infrastructure Project:

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Design of Haul Roads in Open Cast Mines in India—A

About 80% of total mining in India is carried out in coal sector through open cast mines where heavy dumpers are plying on the haul roads. Mine haul roads have witnessed an enormous increase in traffic density as well as hauling payloads in the recent past due to increase in coal mining activities. In the Indian scenario, the majority of …

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Opencast coal mining and rural livelihoods: a study of

The demand of coal has led to expand the mining activities nationwide, which helps to improve the economic growth of the national capital. At the same time, it is the source of inevitable social and environmental consequences. In the developing countries, especially rural areas are often affected by this complex nature of mining. …

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Coal mining

Coal mining - Underground, Surface, & Drilling: The various methods of mining a coal seam can be classified under two headings, surface mining and underground mining. Surface and underground coal mining are broad activities that incorporate numerous variations in equipment and methods, and the choice of which method to use in …

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blasting in an opencast mining operation; (p) "designer" means an individual, association of individuals, company or institution who designs a coal mining system, method of coal mining, machinery, plant, equipment, appliance or substances for use in coal mines;

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An open database on global coal and metal mine production

The global mining sector has undergone rapid growth in the past two decades, with global production of mineral fuels, metal ores and industrial minerals amounting to 17.3 billion tonnes in 2020 ...

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Environmental impact of mining-associated carbon …

Study area. Shuozhou, located northwest of Shanxi Province, is a typical mining city in China. Pingshuo, one of the largest opencast coal mines in China, is located north of Shanxi Province, and east of the Loess Plateau (112°10–113°30′ E, 39° 23′–39° 37′ N; Fig. 2).This area has a fragile ecology and exhibits an arid to semi-arid …

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Draft Technology Roadmap for Coal Sector

opencast mines with flatter gradients. In pit crushing of coal is generally found to be economical in high-capacity opencast mines where reasonable lead distance and lifts are involved. Depending on individual parameters, it can achieve full or partial replacement of trucks for material transport within and out of a mine.

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Hazard identification and risk assessment of opencast transportation

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    Opencast Mining

    WEBDuring opencast mining, material overlying the mined minerals, called overburden, is excavated and deposited in a heap. ... Transportation is done by various capacity …

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    stage. Mines are designed to work the coal seams either through opencast or through underground methods depending on the technical feasibility and economic viability. Mechanized opencast (OC) mining is presently the commonly adopted technology for extraction of thick seams at shallow depth. This is also important

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    Energy performance of loading and hauling operations …

    and Fig 1b. From the Fig. 1a, dump trucks consume about 56% of total diesel consumed in opencast mine. Dumper 56% Dozer 24% Drill 3% Hyd. Backhoe 8% Water Tanker 5% Grader 2% Cranes & TH 0.47% Misc.(Light vehicles) 1% Dumper Dozer Drill Hyd. Backhoe Water Tanker Fig 1a Diesel consumption profile in opencast mine of SECL Fig 1b …

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    The present Indian annual demand of 120 Mt is expected to go up to 310 Mt by the end of this century. Although the major share of this is expected to come from opencast mines, underground coal ...

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    Life cycle assessment of opencast coal mine production: a

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    A review on existing opencast coal mining methods within Australia

    The principal black coal producing basins in Australia are the Bowen (Queensland) and Sydney (New South Wales) Basins, and the majority of mines in these areas are open cut (Scott et al. 2010).

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    Coal mining

    Opencast coal mining recovers a greater proportion of the coal deposit than underground methods, as more of the coal seams in the strata may be exploited. This equipment can include the following: Draglines which operate by removing the overburden, power shovels, large trucks in which transport overburden and coal, bucket wheel …

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    Influence of material composition on post-failure …

    Keywords Mine dump failure · Slope stability · Runout distance · Mine hazard · Open-pit mining · Post-failure study 1 nI troduction The open cast (OC) mining method involves the excava-tion/removal of overlying strata to extract the coal seam. Due to economic and technical constraints, the excavated

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    Analysis of Mine Haul Road Performance Using Artificial

    The haul road shown in Fig. 1 is designed to transport few hundred tonnes of material, and the construction material is locally available. Therefore, performance monitoring of these haul roads is a vital research area. ... The present study is carried out in two mega opencast mines—Block-II opencast coal project at Dhanbad, Jharkhand, …

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    Dump Slope Stability Rating and Risk Assessment in Opencast Coal Mines

    In Indian scenario, majority of large opencast coal mines are facing overburden dump stability problems (dump slide) as it results in loss of production, extra stripping cost to remove land slide material, reforming overburden dump benches, diversion of haul roads, production delays and sometimes loss of human lives and heavy earth …

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    HAUL ROAD STANDARDS IN OPENCAST COAL MINES(1) All roads for trucks, tippers, dumpers or other mobile machinery shall be constructed to suit their load capacity and maintained in good condition. No vehicle other than HEMM shall be used on haul roads except between designated points and when permitted in writing by the manager. (2) …

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    Ministry of Coal, Government of India

    In mining, overburden (also called waste or spoil) is the material that lies above an area that lends itself to economical exploitation, such as the rock, soil, and ecosystem that lies above a coal seam or ore body. In many mineral industries, like coal industry, in open cast mines, coal can be extracted only after removing layers of soil, stone etc.

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    The operating cost of mechanized opencast mines has escalated with an increase in prices of essential inputs, like materials, spares, haul-road maintenance, spiraling wages, and improved welfare ...

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    How to optimize dust pollution control in opencast coal mines …

    Introduction. Coal is the key energy source for industrial development. For a long time, China's economic and social development has had a strong demand for coal, and the coal industry has developed rapidly [1, 2]pared with other types of mines, opencast mines have higher safety levels, higher coal recovery rates, larger production …

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    The operating cost of mechanized opencast mines has escalated with an increase in prices of essential inputs, like materials, spares, haul-road maintenance, spiraling wages, and improved welfare ...

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    Hazard identification and risk assessment of opencast …

    This paper concentrates on the of the risk assessment process of transportation in opencast coal mines. Following conclusions has been drawn from …

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    Opencast Mining (Quarrying): Methods, Advantages

    Opencast mining or quarrying of minerals is easier than mining by underground methods. During quarrying the alluvium and rocks below which the minerals lie, are removed and …

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    Changes of solute transport characteristics in soil profile …

    Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Changes of solute transport characteristics in soil profile after mining at an opencast coal mine site on the Loess Plateau, China." ... has garnered attention, the intrinsic mechanism of how CGCS, a glassy material, works to amend physicochemical properties in the soil is … Expand. 1 Excerpt;

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